Two truths and a lie

BluedeerLegend18's picture
Write three lines about yourself.

Make one of them a lie.

And the one below will try to guess your lie.

Okay here are mine:

1. I love Family Guy
2. I love Okami
3. One of the sentences above is a lie

You love family guy <

You love family guy < lie?

WonderfullySarcastic's picture

You don't like Family

You don't like Family Guy?

1. My initials were originally going to be BMW.
2. I have hazel eyes that like to change colors.
3. My cat's name is Yoda.

i love family guy, i think

i love family guy, i think its a lie.

1 i have an 11 year old rabbit named beebabs.
2 i love to be out-doors.
3 im scared of all dogs, what ever the size.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

(btw you have to think what

(btw you have to think what the lie is above)

No, the third sentence was a lie.

WS: ...3?
NNN: 2?

1. I have a lip piercing
2. I have a scar under my eye
3. I own a fat collie.

I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.

nope 3 is a lie, i love dogs

nope 3 is a lie, i love dogs (i want one xD)

blue: im gonna say that 2 is a lie?
wonder: 1?

1 i've owned 27 pets in my 12 year old life.
2 i've broken my arm twice.
3 i love reading so mutch that i often start and finish a three inch thick book a night.
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

I actually have blue eyes, so

I actually have blue eyes, so 2. was the lie :>

no-name: 2. is the lie?

1. I have a horse named Captain.
2. I like to volunteer at the local library.
3. I hope to become a veterinary technician.
BluedeerLegend18's picture

Nope, 1 is the lie. Um...

Nope, 1 is the lie.

Um... 2?

1. As much as I love Family Guy, I hate American Dad.
2. I own a Blue Merle Aussie
3. My Ipod has a cover that makes it smell like cheesecake.
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.