throw me your OC's (Akantha done!)

Bayleen's picture
/cuz I gotta practice yo'

some quick examples of what I can do: 1 2
also my dA has a lot of TEF art.

I think these will be full-bodied & fully colored pictures. Not sketches as I usually do. All traditional. That being said they might take a bit longer to do vs sketches because I am a full-time college student but ofc I'll do my best to do all of these. But no backgrounds b/c ain't nobody got time for dat.
I prefer OC's that are predominantly deer anatomy since I do want *deer* practice, and chars with simple designs, BUT HEY I'm not picky.
Not first come first serve, I usually draw whoever I think I can draw successfully/accurately but I'll try to do as many as I can soooo GO

-JoeClark DONTJUDGE I fekking love them and must pay HOMAGE to JC #newreligionJoeClark

And hey if you have any music suggestions, feel free to send me those too as I draw your chars ^^ I have a wide range of music taste.

(finished drawings under the cut)

[center](told you these would be slow xD)

voila Akantha. omgsomanyerasemarksfff

Among my dozens of colored pencils I couldn't find a suitable color for her pelt, so I had to blend multiple colors so if the color is wonky I'm sorry; I'll be honest I'm not 100% happy with how this turned out b/c I don't think it does the character justice, so I will probably give her another go sometime ^^ Regardless, she was so fun to draw and I hope you enjoy it Flora :>
kiwara's picture

This bug? Or this one?

This bug? Or this one?
Avatar © Squeegie & Siggy © Caiir + other

Oohh yes! I love your art.

Oohh yes! I love your art. I'd be honored to see one of my characters in your style!

the thorn bush, the Fusion or perhaps the Nameless totally-not-a-mammoth baby?
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>..< maybe not deery enought

>..< maybe not deery enought though. A moose, a thing and dogy dear. -shrugs.-
Exerus the Dog-bat-Deer thing.
Music - ? Feel free to pick?
Kileah the Kelpie moose (his profile is a huge mess atm, this is just the facts so to speak. Ref pictures at the end of the post.)
Music - in the hall of the mountain king - any version you like x.) or other odd folklore mystic music.
or I See Fire <3
Orri the experiment (another bio that needs upgrading, but pictures are still how she looks.)
Music - Deathmetal, Cyber metal, electronic etc.

Music are just suggestions so not a must.
Ebony3's picture

Ird? Some music for the

Ird? Some music for the bugger: X


Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.
tigerart27's picture

ah! practice makes perfect,

ah! practice makes perfect, id be glad to help. My lil Tig is mostly deer if you would like fawn practice. As for music, do you mean relating to the character? In that case i'd recommend stuff by OwlCity or Mumford and Sons. if its just general music, ive heard lots of delightful stuff from Caravan Palace.
good luck! i hope i could help
Bayleen's picture

AHH thank you all!! I'll get

AHH thank you all!! I'll get started on these ^^
Bayleen's picture


Ebony3's picture

Wow that came out nice! The

Wow that came out nice! The color blending in her pelt is beautiful, so soft looking. Really like the flow to her pose too!
Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.

Ohh my gosh Akantha looks

Ohh my gosh Akantha looks sooo adorable! I adore how the colors were mixed. This looks so awesome! I am so grateful that you drew her, and I am honored you want to draw her again XD

Thank you so much for this. Keep up the awesome work!

And her expression! Hnnngh she looks so happy! I love it! <3
Bayleen's picture

@Ebony3- hnngg thank you so

@Ebony3- hnngg thank you so much ;;
@Flora- Yay, omgrly Im soooo glad you like it!!

aaahh adorable, good

aaahh adorable, good pen-men-ship Laughing out loud

aaahh adorable, good

aaahh adorable, good pen-men-ship Laughing out loud
tigerart27's picture

Oh gosh that drawing is

Oh gosh that drawing is lovely, those gradients for the pelt are spot on.