Thoughts Worth Shedding.

Apoidea's picture
*Feel free to track, I don't know what this will turn into.

The First Fallen Tine

He carries a heavy sword he will never wield.

He is just as guilty as the murderer he watches.


What good is a stag with antlers he will not even use?

The Second

Metamorphoses are beautiful.

So are Butterflies.

But I've stolen their flowers in a vain attempt to guild these tines.

How I wish they were just as useless as I feel.

Third Tine Breaking.

In this world I see trees.

Trees here are odd.

If I can stumble through them as I do, though, am I there at all?

Why do I have to feel so insubstantial?



It's an odd thing to admit, but being under the water made things so much clearer.

We never had to fight, as the roar of the current in our ears




We never needed to talk.

Shedding Like Leaves

Motion conveys emotion well enough.

Words, they just complicate things.

My pelt, it is also complicated.

It makes my motion difficult to understand.

My thoughts are just so jumbled.

Tines Run Out.

Sometimes I am thankful for the Forest's magic.

It is cleansing.



I can do this.

I can be invisible for awhile.

My face... even my pictogram... deceiving.

I feel like a bird freed from a cage...

The freed bird, though, does not know a wild life.

Stealing From Butterflies

I've strayed.

Even in the same place I feel so far away.

Is this new me worth keeping?

It feels so wrong to say that it is.

With all of those that love me saying I'm gone.

I'm just...


The Twins

We've been watching you.

Our child is trying to grow up too fast.

Or, Awel, do you try to assimilate?

You still retain those last bits of your own world.

We'll help.








Now, what will you do when you've lost your color?

I'll play, just like those with no magic do.


These are viewed just as uselessly and lonely as I am, aren't they.

The issue is: Their minds vary... but are all simple.

I don't find enjoyment in this.

Reason To Be

Is my reason here all along?

I've gathered my colors only to see that those without should deserve them more.

I am not proud of my decision.

I am not proud of my exploration.

I am not proud of my morals.

I am proud to know that I can be there for those who need me most.

A shoulder.

A playmate.

A teacher.

A friend.

Maybe, one day in my distant future here....

Maybe a lover.

I can be all of these things, but I don't need to be

a fighter

or a soldier

a rutter

nor do I need to be driven by anger.

Just knowing that the nameless are treated the way they are gives me new hope for my purpose here.

I want to help.

thelittleraven's picture



i'm curious

i'm curious
Clare's picture

hnn.. ♥

hnn.. ♥
Seed's picture

Oh my. This feels like a

Oh my. This feels like a dangerous thing.
Apoidea's picture

None of this is quite

None of this is quite planned...

It's a way of exploring him. And all of my wants for him.
thelittleraven's picture

Darling Awel. I hope he's

Darling Awel. I hope he's alright.

I don't think Ryff could handle losing him, hah.
Apoidea's picture

I think this is done. He has

I think this is done. He has a reason to be here. I just worried it wasn't enough for him.


Seed's picture

If Moss/Awel wants help in

If Moss/Awel wants help in his helping the nameless, Seed is all-in for that. They can go rolling as helpers and introducers together, if they ever get the chance/arangement to meet up.
Anyway, I'm glad he's come to some resolve.

