You know how much I like to ask for your opinions, and many of other members do the same thing as well.
We are like a family after all, aren't we?
So please, let me explain you what is the problem and what this post post all about.
I am suffering of one of the most common fears world wide:
(If you have it too, you are free to leave this page.)
I am not just talking about the appearance. Spiders are rather 'attracting' to me. But I am scared of its legs and fangs/small horns on the side of their heads. I know that spiders can hurt, and that is the main reason why they freak me out so much.
Every single sight of them, even fictional, like in pictures, movies and (even worse) in real-life, makes me paranoid. I see one spider (even if my parents get rid of it), and I start looking everywhere around me with my eyes. I don't even dare touch any part of the house or of my room that has been left untouched for too long.
And it's a very big problem for me. Why?
For several reasons:
1// I like spiders. They are really interesting, and some species like mygale spiders (or tarantulas) can be pretty and fascinating to look at in my opinion.
2// Last year, I had to go through a nightmarish period during which bugs and spiders were procreating the most (and there had been floodings in the city that went inside the cellars), and found my home occupied many times by them.
This caused me to become paranoiac, even asking my parents to check the toilets for I had the horrible surprise once to be face-to-face with one climbing down its string directly into it, with me noticing it only
after I closed the door behind me...
Anyway, I kept asking my parents to check the toilets, the bathroom (because of the vent and it is next to my room) and even spray some insecticide in case of.
3// I love nature and I just wish I could get rid of this fear along with my entomophobia...
This fear is ruining my life, just like my fear of bugs!
Therefore, during my nap of earlier, I came up with the idea of a therapeutic character.
You read very well.
A therapeutic character.
I have seen a few spider-related characters, and I thought that maybe this concept could help get me into this arachnid world and learn more about them so I won't have any reason to be scared of them anymore. I don't know, maybe learning how to live like a spider or playing a spider-like character? Just being what you fear?
It may not work, but I want to give it a try nonetheless.
The problem is, despite my 'fascination' for them, my imagination cannot come up with any color, patterns, or features. I have no idea how to create this character and I fear to search it through google because of all the pictures of them that can make me paranoid again.
The only idea I could think about was that they could be a deer with extra spider-like legs but any other ideas are accepted... including any other species than deer.
So yeah, it's more like creating a character altogether.
So, let me reword and ask this in one simple sentence: may you please help me invent this character and finally get rid of my arachnophobia?
If you have anything else that could help me overcome this fear, please let me know. I want to try everything. But keep in mind that facing it (including going to natural places) has never worked for me (not even for my entomophobia).
Also I live in France. I know that species depend on countries and regions, as I have heard.
Just putting notes here and all ideas:
# Read and learn about spiders.
# Have a pet spider...maybe?
# Put some features that can trigger my phobia.
# Put some features or aspects that I find more appealing in spiders.
# Read books involving spiders.
# Wolf spiders carry their babies on their back.
# Peacock spiders have bright colors and a nice dance.
# Trapdoor spiders hide underground.
Concept art so far:
# # by Evern
# by W0lfclaw
# # by Archangelus
Archangelus' kind of draws me more.
Just the black color is not really something I like, scary black spiders. ;.;
Does even orange and brown spiders exist by the way? Too scared to go through google... Tried to see how is
spider anatomy and it's kind of funny where the common organs are placed, haha.
And a little cute bonus by Vessan to cheer me up when my paranoia/phobia is on
Thank you to all of the people who helped/are helping me.
I hope this will be a good experience...
Maybe the peacock spider
Story time, but making it
I once had bad arachnophobia as a child.
How did I get over it?
I was given a spider (house spider to be specific), as a pet. After seeing it flip over on it's back to drink from water laden straw, I fell in love. Ever since then, I have loved spiders.
Speaking of peacock jumping spiders, I have one on my personal blog ^^
Perhaps something like that can inspire you to get over your fear?
This seemed like an
Linking incase you feel your phobia when you see this.
Is it too spider-y, or not spider-y enough? I can make changes.
@FishBiscuit: Thank you, that
@SoliloquyChryseis: Thank you. Maybe taking care of an actual spider could help me.
To be honest, when I was younger, I wanted to have a mygale spider/tarantula after my stepfather showed me pictures of them and told me they were not deadly. Of course, it was just a sudden impulse at the time. But a pet spider might be the solution.
Also, yes. I remember now seeing it when I went through your personal blog once. I just did not know what species it was. X3
@Evern: Oh, thank you! I like it but, it's not really the kind of spider I have in mind (though I am not sure about the colors yet). Maybe the body a thiner with five eyes similar to Muffet from Undertale and with the fangs downward instead of forward? Also with a tail?
My phobia does not kick in for now, probably because I am currently forcing myself to avoid imagining this spider being in my home. .w.
Edited the thinness and eyes,
Glad you like! Feel free to ask for any changes.
Also it's a very rough sketch and all mistakes would be fixed in the lineart, and anatomy much better in the lineart too.
For the eyes, I was more
I think the body could be a bit thiner. I think it would be more spider-ish that way.
Also, I am not sure about the colors. Hmmm...
Although you could just give me an uncolored lineart so I could color it myself using SAI?
And yes, I meant normal deer tail. Yeah, spider tail would be weird, even if it does not exist. XD
Okay then. c:
Sure thing, I can do those
I can definitely give you the lineart. Going to bed rn but I can finish this up tomorrow! Wish you luck with recovering for now.
I can empathize with you. My
I don't have design input per se, but maybe you could try finding features you like about spiders, and playing those features up so things like fangs/legs etc are less anxiety inducing. Or find species with behaviours you think are cute. For instance, wolf spiders will carry their babies on their backs, peacock spiders do really interesting mating dances, and there are many spiders like trapdoor spiders that like to burrow and hide underground. A lot of spiders are also pretty shy and reclusive, and don't display aggression unless intruded upon.
Also, the book Charlotte's Web might offer some character inspiration if you haven't read it, since it has a very sympathetic portrayal of a spider character. So if it's too overwhelming to go through a bunch of spider pics, try checking out written media and see what positive aspects about spiders interest you the most.
I had and got over my
I'm not a fan of spiders
But I made a try based on Evern's design. I hope you two don't mind. Beware, because I've drawn wings/barbs/fangs/feelers/etc.. You might not wanna see that!
I really like it, and I don't
Feels relateable, I am so so
I really get spooked by certain shaped spiders but there are some that are just kind of on the adorable side of spiders.
Jumping spiders.
So i drop down a jumping spider puppy, balancing a water droplet on it's head.
(W: chubby 'chelicera', white, orange, black ringed. legs)
@Evern: Thank you. I had an
I was thinking about a very long and large flat tail that looks like a peacock feather with the peacock spider color patterns on it and with some fur on the side, like on this. Do you think it could fit with the rest of the design?
Also, we could make 2 pairs of fore legs and 2 pairs of hind legs instead of 3 of fore legs and 1 of hind.
@WhenDeerAttack: Haha, you know, he is right, that's how tarantulas look like, especially when you look at their small face with their cute rounded eyes.
Thank you for these informations. I am curious about the wolf spiders. Probably beacuse it's called "wolf spider" and that I love wolves. X3
Although the act of carrying their babies on their back is interesting. I will probably want them to have children (since I will make this character female...or at least feminine.)
I have not read the book, but I have seen the movie adaptation. I really liked it as a kid though, her appearance did not scare me. I found her cute and pretty. But that was some years ago...
Maybe, if there are other books like Charlotte's Web.
@TreeDancer: I should try that. but like my mother told me yesterday, I should go easy on it at the beginning. And she is right. This night, when I woke up, my phobia kicked in and I could not stop but to look around me and to imagine them coming from my door. But none did, so it's good. I eventually forgot about it after listening to some music. I should not think too much about it for now.
@W0lfclaw: Oh, something for my entomophobia, thank you! It's really realistic too!
I don't think I would keep everything though. It looks too flying-bug-ish. Flying bugs are the less I am scared of. It's more the earth bugs. You might call me ridiculous but...I started to develop some fear around ants after I saw them appearing in my nightmares three times. I don't have problems putting them on a paper to put them on the ground when they climb onto my bed (probably because I accidentally dropped some foods or crumbs on it). But I always throw the paper on the floor instead of putting it nicely because I always fear that the ant would have the time to climb on my hand. So my entomophobia is less 'intense' than my arachnophobia, but it still stresses me when I am in a natural place...
The fangs look nice. The eyes are good but I prefer having just the five eyes, same size as the two deer eyes though. I like the way you drew the wings, but maybe something that I could bear better. Like bee wings? or wasp wings! I fear bees and wasps but they look so beautiful... Maybe butterfly antennae too?
The whole piece in itself is amazing! You did a wonderful job with it!
The only thing that really disturbs me is the body shape. I just...don't like it? It does not really give me a positive feeling when I see it. It would have been better thinner and with the six legs closer to the last pair because I think they are too far from each other.
And finally, for the legs... I prefer keeping them spider-ish like on Evern's sketch, along with the body shape (though like I said, thinner would be better).
Thank you for this though. c:
@Vessan: Wow, this is so cute, it's unlikely this adorable thing could trigger my phobia. *^* ♥
Reminds me a bit of sea lions, with that bubble.
Wow, so many people helping me... Thank you everybody!!
It warms my heart to see this, you are all so kind. ♥
And you all have so many good ideas. c:
Haha, glad you like it and
c: Bump...
I'm unable to come up with
hope this helps anyone who's in need of ideas!!
OH yes definitely go easy on
Not really into replying
I tried to make a sketch of what I imagine but...It's not perfect and I am not sure the design is really that nice. It was just a quick sketch though...
Will eventually upload it later on.
I've been following this
I based it on Evern's design and took some of Muffet's colours as I've always found that character really cute
The tail is not perfect, I'm sorry
Not bad, not bad! Thank you
Not sure about the head shape though but I think it would be more appealing to me with orange and brown colors like the Monarch Butterfly pelt, and antennae. I do not really care about the patterns/markings so I let your imagination go wild with it. ^-^
You can also try some other colors than orange and brown...but please, no complete black. Black spiders are the scariest to me...
For the tail, I was more thinking about a long feather-shaped one. But this one looks really great too.
Such a perfectionnist I am...forgive me... ;w;
@archangelus I love the
Awww, cheery puppyspida will
On the other hand, if you find tarantulas nice to look at. I know some people used to own some cute lady tarantulas, and when they held them in their hand they'll allways find the warmest spot and snuggle there x3 their hair is known to be iffy but they're pretty harmless if they think that you won't hurt them c:
@Kamaya Alright, I'll try to
@WhenDeerAttack I didn't know what that was but you're right, it does look like that!
@Vessan: Really? I am going
@Archangelus: Thank you for that. I truly appreciate that you want to help me as well. ♥
If you're looking for
Just throwing ideas at you, hope this helps some and best of luck to you, friend. ♥
Ok, so this may not help at
more feets
tiny peets
two feets
They have those two little claws and it's just super adorable to me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I'mactuallyimplementingthemintooneofmycharactersdesignsbecauseofthis>v>
Another cute spider thing, is this adorable spider plush by this person I follow on FA, bluewoldcheetah.
@pullthetriger: I like the
And thank you, yes. I know their cobwebs are the most solid to make clothes with. And I think they can also help to stop bleedings.
@hadoukin: Wow, those feet are indeed really cute! ;w; ♥
Oh, and your link displays a page with "403 Forbidden" by the way.
Op, here you go then this
Okay, I went in a different
*Screams again* I think I am
I think I am in love with it! It looks so perfect!! Thank you so much, Archangelus!
Okay, now that we have the design, what about their name?
I was thinking about "Arachnoïa". But maybe anybody has other ideas?
Also I think I found the best picto:
What do you think? Thought I could call it "CrawlingMeal" because it looks like a four-legged ant on a wall.
I see the name fit with the
But if you find another name more fitting, you could also try 'spider' in different languages like... 'Payek.' 'Pauk' 'Spinner' etc. or derivations from them.
What about "cilanti"
It means "spider" in malayalam.
Also, Vessan. Do you mind if I put your chubbypuppyspiddy on their future bio? :3
I like cilanti a lot ^^
Then it shall be her first
Also, does anyone know the growth duration from a spiderling to an adult? Does it depend on their lifespan or do they grow faster?
Because I think some living beings grow faster than they should. or maybe it just the feeling it gives me?
Sure you can, though I can
And my that name sure has a lovely ring to it
The one you did was cute, but
The one you did was cute, but feel free to draw it again if you want. ^-^
And thank you. c:
There we go
a 100% more aww
Okay, I know I should be more
But now, I have a question and I need an answer because I cannot find anything about it.
There is a samll spider I saw crawling on the wall above my desk, so I moved my computer to my bed and stayed away from it. But I know how fast a spider can be and that they can go from one place to another easily.
So here's my question: will this spider crawl on me? Is there any reason for it to do so? And is there a way to avoid that happening rather than just going to another room or ask my stepfather to kill it (we cannot really put it outside sadly)?
This spider is probably harmless, but just the thought of having a small creature crawling on me freaks me out. It happened to me actually. A black spider while I was at someone's home, near their pool outside, and a I had a small brown spider(ling?) crawling on my thumb while I was playing on my DS one day.
And I am not talking about crawling on a sleeping person, I heard this myth was false.
I heard spiders will not
I often gave spiders in my bedroom and they always stay on the roof .
They are only crawling from one point to another point from time to time .
I never saw one crawling on me , so don't be afraid .
@Kamaya} Even though I'm
Thank you both for the
Never saw that spider again.
Though one little spiderling in the toilets scared me because its body color matched the floor so it was in front of me and I did not see it until it suddenly moved, lmao.
I think my arachnophobia is slowly getting cured though.