TEF Could have been good; so close

Kiwizoom's picture
Many of you don't remember me, I joined about may-ish of this year. I played for about 3 months, until more than 20 people were signed on and my computer could no longer handle it. Anyways, Tef had potential. Tef is a game where you can become a voiceless regretless animal in a peaceful wilderness : ) I only believe that the makers of Tef made one large error: They created this forum. What's the point of the artist beauty of the game if its filled with lolcat deer? So many wrongs arise out of the social aspect of the game. For example, heirarchies begin to arise among a few popular people and the non popular have nothing. It starts when people group together around a few people and disregard the rest. Then people start naming their deer, giving them personalities, and forcing themselves to keep their pelt combinations. It may not sound too bad to you, but what has changed? What has made Tef different now from the real world? You have your favorite personalities, people to ignore, forced identities, arsepat fanart... I just believe in the original idea of the game: A place where the sun shines your fur, enjoying the strange deer that may sit by you, and being liked for you just existing. No identities or names, just constant, continuous freedom of choice.

I wish this won't go unread : ) But I may have a hard time because my username is no-name
Fenqua's picture

I think what you wish for

I think what you wish for TEF to be is nothing but an utopia. Please don't get me wrong, but whoever we play, whatever our disguise is, we're all human. We can't deny the fact we're human beings and we all know how those can behave. Sure, just like deer, we're social animals. But we're also curious animals, wishing to see the person behind the deer. Atleast, I did. There will always be a difference between popular and unpopular people. It's not like I want this way, so I'm trying to focus on everyone on this community but that's a mission impossible; there are so many people here!

About giving personalities to your deer, I don't see anything wrong with it. Playing different characters is fun and also something you can learn from. I, for example, study Social Work at school, so playing and getting to know different personalities interests me.
Personally I don't think anyone forces himself to keep spell combinations; it's always a CHOICE. You can change whenever you like, but something just don't feel like it. So what? It's not like it bothers anyone, so that's just a detail too small to pay negative attention too.

'No identities or names, just constant, continuous freedom of choice.'

Quoting this from your post, that's exactly why the community came to be. We weren't forced into it and some people stay out of it, because it's a choice we make. We choose to join the community or not. Even though some people might be afraid to feel left out if they DON'T join, that's another aspect that could be discussed.

So I actually disagree with you, although I can understand where you come from. I also wish we were more of a community and everyone was equally popular, but I guess that's impossible.

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Kiwizoom's picture

Thank you for reading : )

Thank you for reading : )

It is the way of people, it just irritates me that this is one of the few games that sought to step outside of that, but it ended up stepping right back in. Not that I was trying to personally overthrow this place, but I wanted to write my opinion on it : ) When I mean forcing and things like that, I'm referring to social pressures, because the site enabled a society to form. I do agree that people would like to meet each other and such, but I figure what was best for this game was to leave everything unnamable. I think it was made to be that way ^^
Fenqua's picture

I believe what you say that

I believe what you say that creating the community sort of ruined the purpose of the game itself?
I'm doubting if that's true, but I think what happens in the community has way too much influence on the game. They can't be seen as two different things and that's a shame.
And what kind of social pressures do you mean? People forcing each other to follow them? Or like I mentioned, people being afraid of feeling left out if they didn't join the community? Or something else? XD

I agree on the fact the purpose of the game may have gone a bit lost, but I'm sure there are still enough people that play the game like it's original meant to be. And don't forget, everyone is different, which means the game has a different meaning for us all :3

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
IoRez's picture

I'll go one step further. I

I'll go one step further. I honestly think if not for the forums TEF would be largely a ghost town. New deer would arrive, interact, lose interest and leave - not that this doesn't happen plenty even with the forums. There simply is not enough social interaction within the game, IMHO, to garner this sort of popularity. Think about it: would WoW be so staggeringly popular if your social interaction was limited to waving, nodding and giving querulous looks? I doubt it.

Secondly, this "nobody" syndrome is not unique to you. ALL new deer go through this phase, which you would know had you read some of the old forums. Yes, people who socialize on the forums coordinate meetings in game and hang out with one another regularly. This is precisely the point of the forums - to further connect us, not to cut us up into cliques. No one is "forced" to write a personality profile for their deer. No one is forced to keep their set (though after a 2 hour spell-spamming session trying to get an ideal set, you can understand why some are keen to keep them). No one is forced to RP (Lord knows I certainly don't). This forum, like the Forest, is an artificial construct, existing nowhere but inside of a tiny server somewhere in Belgium. Utopia isn't real - there's a old man behind the curtain pulling knobs an twisting dials.

That doesn't change the truth of what you already know about TEF, and it shouldn't! The ONLY reasons I go into the Forest are exactly the reasons you describe - sitting alone in the sun, listening to the frogs and crickets on the wind, greeting fawns and nameless deer and playing with them amongst the trees - none of this has anything to do with a single line posted here on the forums! The bottom line is that if reading the words posted here and looking at the artwork produced by our little community was in any way a detraction from TEF, I wouldn't participate. I'd still go to the Forest, I just wouldn't log in here. To the contrary, I find the forums have much enriched my time the Forest, and have helped me to understand not only the individual deer I call friends but also the community at large.

I felt exactly like you do at first - like an outsider looking in. There was so much happening, so many stories already written, so many circles seemingly closed to newbs. It seemed like no one would ever know the name Yorres, that he would have no story, that no one would draw his picture or become his friend. And I openly griped about this, much as you are now. I called TEF a "technocracy", with the games elite enjoying near magical powers while punks like me sat around eating pinecones and mooing. Long story short - I was wrong. The community was quite welcoming to me, and as I too became a more regular player of the game and contributor to the forums, more people recognized my picto in game (and vice versa) and my experience was vastly improved. Many of the regulars want nothing more than to help you, welcome you and show you the ropes. They want more regular players! Look at CelticMystress' Lightbringers, an entire organization dedicated to seeking out TEFs newest players in order to make them feel more welcome and at ease both in forest and on the forums.

I ask you to give us all a second chance, and if you really give us the opportunity you will see that very few of those who post here wish to exclude anyone. We want to play with you and enrich your experience! If that is still too much to ask, you could consider ignoring the forums entirely and just play the game. To my mind, the forest has not changed as much as your perception of it has. If the forums are really ruining your TEF experience, no one can force you to log into endlessforest.org and read what is posted here.

Whew! That was a long one. Hang in there, Kiwi. I can tell you have a sensitive and caring nature, and we really need more people like you in the Endless Forest!

"Mystery within mystery, the gateway of manifold secrets..." Yorres, Lightcreator
Lyeekha's picture

I see what you're saying

I see what you're saying Kiwi: However, I think that the community and the forest are exclusive. A completely different experience. I go to the forum to find friends; others like me that have been drawn to this game. For, I think that: this game attracts a certain type of person, that may otherwise feel isolated, as they are more and more rare in this ever-changing world. Artistical world-viewers, beauty noticers, those who don't automatically fit into stereotype. You may find it hard to fit in socially. You may have none of the above, but still. You were attracted to this world. A world with equality. A world of subtle beauty. Of no discrimination. Of No. Words. Even if you are fine in "real life", you are still a rare and unique person.
The forum, I think, was genius. Nomatter what drama has come of it, many of us have found we are not alone. And it is beautiful.

...man. I didn't mean to write all that. :')
Fenqua's picture

Thanks Liëka and Io Rez,

Thanks Liëka and Io Rez, even though this topic wasn't created by me, you sure opened my eyes a little more. ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Her's picture

Why does this topic always

Why does this topic always come back up? |D We can't go back, guys. lol the forest never lost its artistry--it's a completely different world from the community. If you don't put the two together, you get a beautiful game of silence and peace and another place of fun and entertainment, which is this site here. I love how it is now! :C I don't see why anyone else can't ROFLWAFFLE just...yeah. -falls over- I've made too many friends here to actually care about attempting to repeat history anymore.

EDIT: (after reading all the other posts) ...WHAT THEY SAID. -EXACTLY- what they said. 8D I love you guys all so much jfkdslg. Honestly. I'd die for any of youuu~ You too, Kiwi! I remember you! c: Everyone here is special in their own way, just like in real life. You are one of few who see TEF as a beautiful place and simply want other people to enjoy it like you do, walking slow into the lake, drinking, then running to the Gods statues to pray and enjoy the sound effects and the virtual painting that the forest really is. I envy and thank you for that; even though we can never go back, you are still welcome, in my eyes, to come back and remind us as we sometimes do need that the forest and this site are seperate. That the forest is beautiful, that we surrender our anger there instead of go there to start deerfights to attempt to get over things. It's like yoga, actually. -hugs- Please don't leave or something just because you had a few loose nails that needed some supportive twisting from us. D: I hope we've somewhat changed your mind because I would hate to leave you, BFFJILL or not...
Kiwizoom's picture

Thank you Avani, Io Rez,

Thank you Avani, Io Rez, Lieka, and Her : )

To be honest I thought I was going to be greeted with haters ^^' Thank you for responding so kindly Smiling Sadly though, my internet is too slow to connect most of the time. I'll give it a few more shots, but I may be confined from further playing. Still, I'm in love with the intent of the game, and will play it regardless and try to forget about the things that will make me hate it. I was surprised someone remembered me ^^' well, maybe I am on the outside looking in.
PsychedelicWow's picture

I think that even if the

I think that even if the creators hadn't supplied us with the forums and community site, some other independent community site would have formed on its own. There are already several other third-party forums, but the official one is more popular because it is easier to find. If there were no official community site, any changes you say have come about from this site would have inevitably come about from the most popular unofficial one. People are verbal, and generally crave more than body language in social interaction.

An important thing to consider is if the behavior of the people in the actual game has changed since the creation of this site. Personally, I haven't noticed much, but that's just my experience.

Additionally, the TEF community has been one of the most chill places I've ever been to, especially considering that it's based on an MMO.