
Word Finder is an official popular word finder application

Word Finder is an official popular word finder application that can be used to help you create words from the letters you have on word games. You get stuck in a game of Scrabble, Words With Friends, or any other letter game based on blank tiles and word lists. You want to quickly find results that are one step ahead of the competition, that's why this Word Finder was born.
Using Dictionary in Word Finder, you will generate words based on the letters you have in the game. At the same time, it also helps you calculate the highest score in the two famous games Scrabble and Words With Friends.
The way these application works is very simple. You enter any letter you have been given in the Scrabble or Words With Friends game you are playing, our computer-generated word finder will generate Scrabble/Words With Friends words from the boxes.
Using the word finder in Word Finder is like an entire database of word lists by your side. You'll never have to struggle to find words in a game of Scrabble or Words With Friends or be left with gaps.
Word Finder is for everyone, people who play word games, who want to find words according to their needs. There are many combinations of characters and cheats that can help you become the best player at the tournament. This is a great tool for people new to these types of games to use, as it can help expand your vocabulary so you'll start to see a pattern in the game that will allow you to come up with your own strategies to win. People all over the world, including contest winners, tournament players, or simple, friendly opponents playing word games with each other, have had success using word finder.
There are so many words that you can generate in the game Scrabble, and sometimes this becomes overwhelming, especially when you are dealing with bonus squares, wildcards and more.

The World Spilled into the Forest

For the longest time, the forest gave a way to escape the breaking of relationships encountered in realms outside its lovely trees, wind, and waters. Fawns played and deer played and no one thought anything of changing deer groups. Sometimes a group would form and stay tightly knit for an extended period of time but others would come in and out and play. Always there were the pairings. Most respected that and left them be to whatever they chose at that moment. Most of the time any pain anyone experienced came from outside the forest and was brought in. Most tried to soothe it not ever asking what caused it or if the deer/fawn had caused it to self. The forest became the place to examine the pain, put it aside for a bit, and pick it back up when leaving. Deer would gather around a wounded one and give support and in the blogs would mention that which needed to be done. Never knowing what caused it but as in teaching so and so to fly. Include so and so in the next dance. Graveyard would let us know how bad it truly was and we would watch for that. The gravestone with the flies truly made the point. At some point, it is learned the gravestones truly were attached to early deer that went to the other endless forest in another realm that only has one gate which never lets you return. Once in a while, a new gravestone would appear. One has to ponder will the graveyard be much larger now or will we ever know. Some like to think the light that beams sometimes around one comes from the other endless forest or from those that do not return for what ever reason.
HeartClock's picture

[Open RP] The Pond Has Eyes

I know I've been busy lately, but I feel like roleplaying right now, and I seriously need to get some interaction for my characters. Besides, it makes good writing exercises.
I don't know if anyone else misses forum roleplays too. But if you're interested, feel free to join, even if someone else already did. I'm fine wih more than one player.

This pretty much goes without saying, but in my time being part of this community, I've seen some people being insecure about their writing. So I'm gonna say it anyway, just in case of:
Don't be shy. As long as I understand what you mean, there's nothing to be worried about. We're not writing a novel, after all. We're just having fun!
That said, if you prefer starting an RP on Discord instead, feel free to poke me there. I may not be in the mood for chat at the moment, but I'll reply to RPs. My Discord is HeartClock#6888.


the boohoo cloud

Deer was not proud
Deer was not loud
Deer was playing
Deer was saying
Who spewed the boo hoo cloud?
Who decided there would be no loud?
Here it is
Take it back

Not allowed

Less than perfection

Using the ears more than the eyes results in deer imagination running into the most wild ecstasy-filled romance ever. Laying on a mossy bed of green with new-fallen not quite brown leaves gathered by the winds of the forest lulled one into a sense of comfort. The quiet rustling of crinkling leaves has a distinct rhythm to it. The hushed whispers of other animals nearby checking to see if one is enemy, friend or worth mating makes one relax. So dozing on and off on early dawn a young deer approached as an emissary. I in my mother mode just watched the tiny little hooves pass without a thought. Seconds later in my mind entered the Alpha male in full glorious rutting mode. Standing up baying fully unable to move from my self made bed the sudden neck caresses overwhelmed any thoughts of running away. Legs shivering prevent escape as all Alpha male deer know. Breathing hard while the rutting brainstorm went on suddenly this Alpha male switched to a new move as he slid down my neck, and did not stop. A sudden ninety degree caress along my side from thorax to backside caused an intake of breath and a seizure of pure delight. Taking that as permission the Alpha positioned himself behind my quarters and starting from my hocks upward he took his hooves and cusped the side of leg to the very realm of my heavens. A tale ran through my mind of the koala deer. Slow, methodical, gentle and totally attentive to every sensation resulted in teh age old rhythm of how water kisses the shore endlessly. At some point became taken for a nine day rut that had not beginning and no real end but caused an experienced that overwhelmed all instincts except that one. Blurred into one entity insight into the blendings of the blue and green world filled in all sensory inputs with where and when just occurring. Though physically the Alpha male left his essence left a presence that protects and guards assuring comfort and pleasant excursions.
Animallover300's picture

is 10 years 1st gen?

Polar Vortex Deer Finds Shelter

Running through the forest theano noticed snowballs the size of her spots as a fawn. Pelting her coat she ran to and fro as if that would help abate the intense sting of half-ice half snowballs hitting her back. A few times theano reared her head up and head-butted the snowball into a tree. Looking at the Oak tree hollow told her a pile of bodies had cuddled to remain warm and to avoid the snowballs.

In that moment she remembered that the playground rock had a slanted piece for a covered open area and then the stone itself allowed entrance. So, she quickened her pace as she veered to the playground but as she did her back hooves slid and swerved. ICE in the forest.

Theano quickly shifted her weight the other way and balanced the unusual move. Dipping down the momentum forward made a sensual curve that lifted into an undulation that missed a fall and instead created a new dance move she could try during the group dances that were sure to come after the forest warmed.

Slowing the pace she sauntered to the playground where the small Stonehenge Wuan Mawn made by Merlin deer rose up to welcome one to the hidden labyrinth under the playground. Ancient deer had hinted many times that a prior tribe existed before them. The forest rose up out of their desire to have free place to play rather than the accidental hell they had created with too many rules.

Past her favorite sinkhole among the Stonehenge original that mimicked the peaty moorland she ducked under the slanted rock with its blue etchings. Then into the dark labyrinth underneath hidden in stone. She began the dance her parents had taught to move up her healing powers and with the stone nearby she fully expected it to amplify across the forest for any and all.

For what ever reason inside the playground stone it was warm and within hours she nestled down to sleep.

Royal Deer the Ultimate Slaves

Changing out the mask or the coat lets a deer make choices as to the mood or friend they are with that day. Royal deer come from the very cells their body happens to be made of so some parents deer love making session created a fawn who from the day of birth choice has been taken from. Within those realms limited choice becomes accepted in exchange for wealth of the forest. Within that herd a hierarchy established by ancient deer who knew how to create rule systems that last long after an ancient deer 's death maintains territory. As good as that all becomes for some the lack of choice and over generations not being the center of such a group has a high toll and price which often involves the taking of life of a fawn. Constraints do make creativity as royal deer know but mostly of the wicked type done with a gleeful play, friendly tug and if circumstances merit a removal, cut or entanglement to maintain the system. In the forest freely frolicking from group to group leaving some things unknown creates opportunities with few consequences. Adding a royal layer to mold deer to a purpose not of their own making enhances a type of creating that results in vast changes to relationships and a threat to royal power. Enslaved deer either submit or they elevate to a game. There can be only one in those games...


The smell of deep and old darkness fills the air. It crackles and grinds, surfaces and dives back into the dark, the deep gold sheen of the bark spirals. This friction births warmth, and from that warmth grow antlers. From that warmth grow the deer.

A white, sharp shard cuts into the cream velvet, and as it touches the skin, dissolves. Then come more. It contracts the veins. The ground swallows the white, that's how it transforms itself rigid, cold: The cradle of the fawn. Everyone is born alone.

From the parting eyelids peek out thawed eyes. In the distance, trails of light prance in the dark with hushed noise. Aromatic scents fill the lungs. And silver threads, from which usually stars hang, lift the legs up to raise the tender body. Another inhale and the muscles bloom. Pebble hooves descend to the ground. The legs already know what to do - animated by the spark it was born of, it springs towards the other crown-bearers. The body stretches at the apex of the jump, warm velvet skin stretching across the bone and muscles.
The cold air encases the form. It will remember this shape, among all the others that came before.

The Deer Knew

The leaves had fallen off the trees leaving shadowy grey images in the light before dawn and in the light before dusk. The paths followed well worn, well known, and had served well for play and raising fawns. Gazing from the ancient tree with hollow a deer could see the meanderings of any deer or deer group. The last couple of weeks had been different. The daily pattern had changed. For long periods of time no deer would travel along the wood paths. So, the paths filled with rabbits, squirrels, and squawking crows.

Where had the deer gone? A trot by the lake showed they had gathered there to play. No predators exist physically in the forest. Sometimes vague feelings of unease happen. As if pressure builds in the skull to the point and explosion happens right behind the ear. Often a dip in the lake removes the unease but this time unease had hit the lakeshore.

The deer instinctively knew their ability to frolic disappears with the unease spirit. Underwater excursions and pit playing became a favorite. It is said those that can fly high with a flyby also could shake it off. Most of all a good chortle with a good deer friend can do it too. Grass rolling, leg kicking, butt wriggling, and snorting puts a reducer on the unease. The Deer knew all those antics had a purpose but who would have thought a roll in the grass would do so much good.
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