The World Spilled into the Forest

For the longest time, the forest gave a way to escape the breaking of relationships encountered in realms outside its lovely trees, wind, and waters. Fawns played and deer played and no one thought anything of changing deer groups. Sometimes a group would form and stay tightly knit for an extended period of time but others would come in and out and play. Always there were the pairings. Most respected that and left them be to whatever they chose at that moment. Most of the time any pain anyone experienced came from outside the forest and was brought in. Most tried to soothe it not ever asking what caused it or if the deer/fawn had caused it to self. The forest became the place to examine the pain, put it aside for a bit, and pick it back up when leaving. Deer would gather around a wounded one and give support and in the blogs would mention that which needed to be done. Never knowing what caused it but as in teaching so and so to fly. Include so and so in the next dance. Graveyard would let us know how bad it truly was and we would watch for that. The gravestone with the flies truly made the point. At some point, it is learned the gravestones truly were attached to early deer that went to the other endless forest in another realm that only has one gate which never lets you return. Once in a while, a new gravestone would appear. One has to ponder will the graveyard be much larger now or will we ever know. Some like to think the light that beams sometimes around one comes from the other endless forest or from those that do not return for what ever reason.

Very well put, as always.

Very well put, as always.
Urschanabi's picture

Thank you, it's a fine piece

Thank you, it's a fine piece of writing and a good reminder.

Signature © Draak

Just paying back what was

Just paying back what was done for me... a place to play and be accepted...hope it holds true for all and if not for many

Hope all is well and if not

Hope all is well and if not hope it is survivable... there were groups of ancient deer that did that and others followed... at times large groups would do that or drop out of trees....