Diary Entry

cradlingbaby's picture

Kasih Archives

Spiderling Archives

Sonali's picture

-:- Sonali Archives -:-

Elisi Archives

Haruka - Archives

this will be haruka archives

Aine Archives

Aine Archives, nothing special!

Avery's diary thing

well i guess this is happening

hi!! new player here, decided to come back to the game and community after making an account way back in the past and only lurking around. i still have a fawn but im interested in the thought of little tidbits of roleplaying here and there in spare time i have in life, but i hope i can become more experienced and do well in the community!

newb here!

hello, i've been lurking around on this site for a few days now, and have finally worked up the courage to make a post. i still have a fawn currently but i'm thinking about what kind of character to make once they become a full fledged deer, haha. i'm not sure if i'll get really into rping because i'm very shy when it comes to that sort of thing, but i hope i enjoy my time in this community regardless!
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