Tales From The Creeper

Tsudo's picture
I dunno if any of this is censor worthy... but just in case. It's about my character, The Creeper, and this is him thinking his thoughts as he looks at the forest as a whole, and gets ready to do his dirty work.

I think of this song when I think about The Creeper, because at first it sounds kind of sweet and appealing, but then ... it becomes creepy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Sxm6zx4e8&feature=PlayList&p=412D60AA87CF4F46&playnext_from=PL&playnext=15

I am a lost soul that had so much anger and hatred. I died long ago, full of jealousy and rage when I caught her with someone else. You should have seen her face when she saw me. Her sweet face filled with shock. Haha. It makes me laugh, now... All those disgusting, putrid feelings. She wont be feeling anything ever again.

Anyway, I guess when you die, you take on a form of the last feelings you felt. My soul was nasty, and that made me a perfect candidate to the demons that lurk in the shadows. Have you ever thought you saw something from the corner of your eye, but when you go to look nothing is there? Yeah. Thats them. They can only take on the form of a shadow, unless they find a lost soul with a strong enough feeling, lurking about the world. That demon is then merged with the soul... memories and all.

Well, here I am. I am here to collect my debt of souls. I'm a trickster, lurker, stalker, vile, beastly demon. I can take on any form. I can look like a doe, or a stag, even a friendly fawn. I will wear any spells, and I'll even welcome others casting spells on me. If I look like someone more pleasing to you, then it only makes the soul extraction much easier on me. Soul extraction from one being can take between 1 day to 1 year. I'm patient. But you will give me your soul. I can be your lover, your best friend, a friendly stranger, anything that gets me a soul. It wont hurt, but you will feel empty inside, have the worst case of depression, and slowly you'll fall ill. You might even die if you can't get over the depression of me leaving you after it's over with.

You can make everything even easier and offer your soul to me willingly, and skip out on all the empty inside, depression crap. You'll just turn into a demon soldier, that will protect me. You'll still have control over yourself, but with the great need to serve me.

I've had some ask me "How can I get my poor pathetic soul back from you," maybe not those words exactly. But the way this works is, you'll have to make me a deal. I need souls and giving one back isn't exactly my ideal thoughts on the matter. You will get your soul back if you offer me the souls of at least 2 others. We'll have to talk about it, there really is no set soul amount for everyone. Certain souls are more "expensive."

Mothers hide your children, because they have the most expensive souls out there. No soul is more pure than the little uncorrupted ones. They are easier to get as well. It hardly takes any coaxing to get them to travel with me to a secluded area where I lie about anything to get them to stare in awe, and trust my every word. I almost feel sorry for them. PFFT Haha.....

This is my newest character that I've been calling "The Creeper." His concept art I made for him can be found here: http://endlessforest.org/community/creeper

Anywho this is him thinking his thoughts as he looks at the forest as a whole, and gets ready to do his dirty work. For now, I'm leaving him picto-less and unknown, because so far it's more fun for me that way. I like that no one knows who he is. That way he can be more of a trickster and no one can just waddle up to him and act all "TEE HEE IT IZ TEH CREIPARZ LOLZ DANCES AROUND," or something xD?

He will not just run up to people and attack. He's kind of like a con artist, only for souls. He takes into thought all the outcomes and makes a plan for any disaster that might happen. He's intelligent and cunning.

Also, I am not in charge of if he gets someones soul or not. I will eventually get around to showing his picto, and when I do.... if he comes into contact with you and your deer it's up to you if he took your characters soul or not. If you agree to him taking your soul, but later on want it back... you have to give him whatever amount of souls you agree on to him before getting it back. The way this happens is .... You can either give me that set amount of your OWN characters souls, OR, have your friends or who ever to agree that they will trade their characters souls for your characters soul.

It's confusing I guess, but I'll keep tabs on it all, and go into further details later.
ocean's picture

Hm, how curious. o: I'll

Hm, how curious. o:
I'll watch for more on him. :3
Tsudo's picture

Thanks n.n He's probably

Thanks n.n

He's probably going to be my most developed character, because I feel a strange connection to him as a character. My others are more like myself just different parts of me, but this one ... I dunno.