Yeah, I decided to do this deer meme thingie, too, for my two deer Cata and his daughter Paya! I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, but I'm bored so... enjoy if you have enough patient to read it all. ^^ EDIT: Added Pi'yu now!
-----Who are you?-----
The old leader of the Shawnee herd, Catahecassa. But you can call me Cata.
Cata's daughter Paya! My full name is Payakootha, but that's much too long to always say to me, so just Paya, please.
P-U or better, Pi'yu.
-----Do you have any brothers or sisters?-----
Two younger sisters, how much I miss them. I hope they're alright in my old herd with another leader...
*lowers her head* ------ I once had a sister... Pena... she... *voice stops*
I don't know... I really don't know.
-----Do you have a mate?-----
I once had my dear Pesh. Now I have good friends, but no mate.
No. I am too young yet in my opinion. EVEN TOUGH there are cute guys aroung there. ^^
No... I don't think a doe would be interested in such a weird person like me.
-----Do you have any kids?-----
My little Paya. *nuzzles* And... Pena once.............
OMG NOO and I hope I never will, this must be so much stress! xD
-----What is your favorite food?-----
Pine cones. :>
--- MUSHROOMS *nomnomnom*
Huh... everything since it's tasty!
-----Have you killed anyone?-----
There were many fights in the Shawnee's country to do for a leader, they were always a matter of life and death. It was my function as a leader to fight them. I'm not sorry for the lifes I erased, I never did it for fun and I never started such a fight for myself. I'm not a worse character because of that, believe me. :>
Whaddya think?! Of course not.
I... I don't think so!
-----Do you hate anyone?-----
Psaiwiwuhkernekah Ptweowa. *grumbles* He hunted me and Paya away from our Shawnee herd when I was too weak for a fight because of these wolves. It wasn't fair, but I had to choice, I had to flee, otherwise I and Paya would have had to follow my dears Pesh and Pena into the empire of the death. For me this would have been OK, I was so sad... but Paya had still a full life to live, and I wanted it to be a happy one. So I fleed and I hate Ptweowa for that.
But otherwise... I would have never come to The Endless Forest then...
HEADACHES. I do hate headaches. xD
Whoof... Not really, no. Only people with Vlack in their aura.
-----Do you love anyone?-----
My family, dead or not.
My daddy, and my dead sister and mother even if I don't really remember them. But another stag... ugh, I'm not really sure. *blushes* D:
Love is so far from me.
-----What is your status in the forest?-----
I have no idea. xD
Ummmmmm... the daughter of the Shawnee deer? ^^
What do you mean with "status"? (:>
-----What do you do to relax?-----
...a party with friends!
Taking a dip in The Pond! Or sit down and watch tree auras.
-----There is a deer teasing you; what do you do?-----
I will fight him, there's still anything of a leader inside of me...
I'll try to become his/her friend. Maybe he/she's just bored. ^^
I'd flee. I can't stand darkened auras.
-----Do you have any special talents?-----
Errr... I don't think so... does fighting wolves and then loose half of your family and your full herd count? *sighs*
Many people call my aura seeing as a special talent. It's why I'm blind, but I can see everyone's aura.
-----How did he or she come to live in the forest?-----
I found it on my way fleeing from the new leader of my herd...
I was with my daddy. ^^
I followed Catahecassa and went through the deermuda abyss after my big journey on which I was trying to find Cata's and Paya's tracks.
-----What is his or her favorite animal?-----
Doves, nice little peace birds...
SQUIRRELS, they rock
Huh... every animal is very nice. :>
-----What is his or her idea of a perfect day?-----
Resting at The Crying Idol, then finding some old friend and having some fun and close the day with some close-ups at Twin Gods Hill and go to sleep between the Twin Gods.
A nighttime party with a small group some old and new friends. =D
Finding some nice deer, resting with them in not too big groups, seeing some interesting new auras.
-----What is his or her biggest secret?-----
Haha, secret? Okay: my wife Pesh used to call me "my leetle pineconehottie". Satisfied? x'D
If I would tell you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it? ^^
...I guess you've found out.
-----Who was your first crush?-----
I loved Peshewa at first sight and she was the only one I ever loved. *sighs*
Beautiful auras... *sighs*
-----If you had to die for someone, who would it be?-----
Pesh, but I failed at it. *sighs* So, Paya now.
Let me think... Every deer that is in trouble, I guess.
For my leader Catahecassa and his family.
-----Your sleeping location?-----
Between the Twin Gods. It was always my favourite sleeping spot. -lulz-
The Playground. :>
This... place near by The Ruin where many flowers are growing.
-----Your first friend [in TEF]?-----
VALA. ^^ She guided him a little when he was a fawn here and they had some fun, but actually he shouldn't have been here as a fawn, you know, so don't think about the ... illogicalness x'D
This fawn which picto looked A LOT similar too mine... but we didn't really become friends and where just very short together, so Darcy, I think. ^^
...who would consider me as a friend? Nobody, I guess.
-----Your first fight?-----
There were many... I don't remember my first, or do the practicing fights with my old, dear dad count?
O.O I never had one and I wish I never will have to fight.
I avoid fights. It's hard to fight without eyes and just with aura-seeing, even if I would probably even have an advantage because of it and because of my good ears and my good nose. But I'm really not the strongest one.
-----Your most commonly used saying?-----
"I wish you were here, Pesh, we have a peaceful life now..." AAAH... did I say this aloud? OMGDARNIT kay, pretend you heard nothing, yeah?
"Hey, wanna be my friend?" :>
...I hardly speak to anyone, so...
-----Your first memorable moment?-----
I don't know which of all my memories of my old life is the oldest.
I remember a bit how daddy quickly took me when we had to flee from the Shawnee country and our awful journey after that. *shudders*
I imagine every point of my life as if everything happened just yesterday. But only since Catahecassa's father (he was the leader then) and his herd found me as a fawn. I can't remember where I have lived before and who my family is.
-----If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?-----
My dears Pesh and Pena would be still alive, nothing else counts.
I so wish that my mummy and my sister are still alive, daddy is still the leader of the Shawnee herd and we all live in The Endless Forest a peaceful life!
I would change my aura-seeing into normal eyes.
-----The deer you hang out with most in the forest?-----
...Poltergeist. :> And Sunfyra...
ERR. I hang out with so many, I have no idea x'D
Nobody hangs out with me so long.
-----A deer you'd like to meet?-----
Pesh again. *sighs*
UMMMMM. I have no idea, apart from my dead sister Pena, umm... ANY NICE DEER. ^^
More nice deer with interesting auras.
-----Other than your current mate/crush, whom would you kiss?-----
I have no idea...
*blushes* *whispers something* *blushes more* ...WHAT?!
Itdoesn'tmatterreally... :">
What current mate/crush?
-----A deer that is most like you in appearance?-----
IHAVENOIDEA. I think I'm special with wearing no mask, and my set is not the most liked one so I guess nobody. ^^
I dunno, too. But it would be fun meeting somebody, we must have the same liking if we already chose the same sets!
I've never seen an aura like mine which changes so fast and so often to every possible color.
-----Use one to three words to describe you.-----
...sad for loosing my family and herd, apart from Paya? Whoops, that were more than three words. *hides*
Curious, happy, friendly! TAHAHAHA! <- stolen from her bio, harrharr xD x'D
I can't really describe myself!
-----If your name had a different meaning, what would it be?-----
Catahecassa means "Black Hoof", but a different meaning would perhaps be "The Bad-Luck-Bressed"
UMMM... ERRRR... UMMMERRR... I know Payakootha means "Passing Clouds". This still doesn't mean something for me; and another meaning? NOSRYIDK.
Okay, let's be philosophical... "The Aura Mystic"?
-----Your favorite movement?-----
The taunt one. I wish I've had enough courage to show this to Ptweowa once...
Dancing. x'DDD And ROFL'ing!
My MOST USED movement is listening and sniffing. Because of my blindness.
-----Your favorite mask?-----
GAH! I hate masks. Okay, they're beautiful, but you CAN'T BREATH WITH THEM.
The dragon one I love to wear. :>
The whistling one (Golden Butterfly). I like its sound. It's not too loud. But I don't like to wear masks for myself...
-----Your favorite antlers?-----
...any feathers... :> For examples Paya's... Or the indian antlers... The peacocks are darn beautiful, too.
Hahaha, the big expressive antlers of my daddy.
I have no idea how they all look like. I am blind, I can't see them.
-----Your favorite pelt?-----
Simple ones.
UHNOPE I can't decide... D:
It's the same like with the antlers.
-----Your favorite main location?-----
...The Crying Idol... or Twin Gods Hill. Or, near by Twin Gods Hill, the little place with plants where the sunlight always shines on.
Thee Playground & The Pond.
The place near by The Ruin where many flowers I growing. Haven't I already told you?
-----What would you do if you were tackleglomped?-----
I would feel honoured and glomp back, but I don't think anyone would do this with me...
Probably glomp back, if he or she has a nice aura.
-----Do you have another set? If so, what?-----
I sometimes wear a mask, but only very small ones which doesn't annoy me when I try to breathe or to shout.
I always change between the silver and the orange pelt.
Not really, nope.
-----Worst fear?-----
...loosing even Paya. ):>
All my friends would turn around and nobody would like to do anything with me... D:
I fear many things. Most of all I fear that my aura-seeing would be kind of "over" sometimes and my world would be colorless forever.
-----What do you look for in a doe/stag?-----
A true heart. Only with a true hearted one you know if you can be happy forever or not.
Nice, good and beautiful auras? =)
-----Out of each other, which deer is your best friend?-----
I won't say, because I don't want anyone to be sad because I mention someone else than him/her even if we met a lot or something like that.
AHAHAH everyone :DD
I don't have any specific friends yet...
-----Your least favorite experience so far?-----
Ah. What do you ask? When I lost my family and my herd, of course. :C
LOOSING HALF OF MY FAMILY *cries* But... here... *sobs*... in TEF... mhh... When I was a fawn and everybody ignored me. *sighs*
Being hunted away by the new Shawnee leader.
You're done! Congratz xD <33
Thanks for reading, I'd love to read some feedbacks to what you think about it. ^^
I'll help!
How noble.
It's true! Maybe I can't do a lot but I can be a good friend to both, right? *TACKLEGLOMPS CATA* Sure someone wants to! 8D *Tackleglomps Paya after* HI THERE we should meet!
Happy doe D8 *Hands Cata a pinecone, and Paya a mushroom 8D
--Stays a lonely Seele
WHEEEE! ANd you survived? D:
And, Poltergeist - you're so cute! 8D Aww...
Oh, Polty, I'm very grateful! You're a great friend, I'm so happy to have ya! *TACKLEGLOMPS BACK* Just like herself said, I'm happy to be here, in a peaceful forest, without fights, without wolves, even without herds...
AND PINECONE YAAAY thaaaaaaaanks! *nomnomnomnomnomnomnom's* xD
AND A MUSHROOM FOR MEEE *nomnom--and-so-on--'s, too* ^^
Deli - nom - cious! - nom - thanks, Misako - nom - and Polter - nom - geist, we really - NOM, GULP - aaaahhh - thanks, it was really yummy! *rofl* ---- should meet! You seem to be such a sweetface! *TACKLEGLOMPS BACK, TOO* x'DD
What's your favourite food? I WANNA GIVE SOMETHIN IN RETURN. Yaay, I hope to see you sometimes. =D
Catahecassa & Payakootha
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
lol x) would nobody like to
i had to do this with my deer too^^ *nuzzles*<3
+*Sunfyra's Biography*+
Yeeeees! *licks*
My answers are still missing on this thing there!
Pi'yu, you will have the chance to answer soon! =)
Anyway, thanks for the comment, Sunfyra! I have to warn you: it takes a long time, and I even have (or now, I had ^^) only two deer. Dx But it's quite interesting, so just try! *nuzzles back* <33
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
I skipped the last part but
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Thanks for reading the first
I guess you're right. For some reason I always have such drama deer. x'DD I guess he'll get some friends when I play him more often in the Forest. You know, I just have him for a short while now. ;D
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu
Cata & Paya & Pi'yu