Siggies Help

SilverBells's picture
How would I make an image in my siggy a link? This is the sketchy thing I wanted to be a link. And also I can't seem to make it small enough. :C

Aranyani's picture

[url= *link* ] [img] *image*

[url= *link* ] [img] *image* [/img] [/url]

Oh and dunno how to help with your second problem. :<
-formerly Silensia-
SilverBells's picture

I tried and it keeps turning

I tried and it keeps turning out looking like this. Sad Was I supposed to keep the * marks in? I din't think I was so I took them out?

When I make it smaller it loses transparencey. lol *fail*'

EDIT- Wait! Never mind I fixed it!! xD bahahaha Now all I have to do is figure out why the transparency is going away. :C *tramps off to solve deh problems*

Thank you! |D

you can resize the image by

you can resize the image by writing [*IMG=withxheight] instead, without the *
That way you can keep the transparency from the larger image :3
SilverBells's picture

Yaaaaay! xD Thank you both

Yaaaaay! xD Thank you both for the help!

The sketch seems a bit too bright to me though. :\ I'll fix that.