Random facts about yourself.

z.m123's picture
Simply post some stuff about yourself.
You may post several times, and you may discuss.
I'll delete this if someone starts arguing.

- I have DSPS.
- I need to go to the toilet before I go to bed.
- I love animals & absolutely hate animal cruelty.
- I think humans as a race, are evil.
- I think I'm adicted to the internet.
- I only need 5-8 hours sleep. I'm tired if I've slept between 9-10 hours. I'm good over and under that, usually.
- I eat between 1 & 3 times a day.
- I hate being taller than males.
- I love my pets to death.
- I get bored quickly without electronic devises or books.
- I wish I could draw.
- I love music.
- I bite my finger-nails.
- I am a nervous person.
- I have a very pessimistic and negative point of view.
- I cuss alot.
- I'm violent.

Thats enough for now, might post more later.

Now you go. ♥
Mr.Sanguine's picture

Came back because I'm

Came back because I'm selfish.

.I could apply more 'sins' to myself than 'virtues' even if I don't find either less or more good or evil than the other.

.Due to my genetic problems I never want to have a genetic child. I'm unsure of whether I want children at all, I dislike babies, save for my baby brother.

.If my hands get sticky it drives me insane, I probably inherited my dad's OCD but I've never bothered to get it checked.

.I could spend all day designing characters, many get dumped in the trash because I don't want to have 'too many'

.I have an obsession with Stars

.I have a blister on my finger from drawing so much, it doesn't callous because it gets renewed so much

.I love dainty, fragile, sleepy Things/Creatures/Characters/People

.I'm extremely possessive, of people, not in the way TEF makes it out to be, there's no cutesy 'tee hee how cute he's being protective!' it's an extremely bad habit, it means I get jealous of people I 'love' {see my first post for details on that} it's ruined one of my relationships before because I didn't like how much time someone I love/d was spending talking to a guy that I didn't like. I'm working on breaking this habit, and I'm usually okay at keeping it in check

.I'm a cuddler, if you will let me sit in your lap and cuddle against you and doze off? You will be my best friend. If I sleep in the same bed as someone, I will cling to them

.I have trouble sleeping alone because of the above thing

.If someone offered to let me try human, I'd go for it

.I'll eat anything at least once. I've had Reindeer, bear, elk, cow brain, habanero pepper, and two scorpions.

.My fursona isn't the most masculine male ever. Neither am I.

.I like my girls masculine and my boys feminine, the more blurred the gender lines the better

.I love when people ask questions about me, but I feel awkward asking questions of others. So I tend to turn their own questions back on them hoping I don't seem lazy, I'm not, just shy

.I'm shy around people I want to know, people I don't care about are easy for me to speak to, but it's very restrained speaking, the way someone at an office would speak to a customer

.Along with cooking, I'm good at cleaning, I don't 'like' cleaning, but I'm good at it

.Because of the above cooking and cleaning, my girlfriend refers to me as 'the perfect househusband'

.I drink, champagne especially, tequila'll do in a pinch

.I used to get in a lot of fist fights, I love a good fight, terrible as that sounds

.Once when I was young, I was frying chicken, the pan spilled, and I now have a large scar on the right side of my chest and on my arm, they're fading now though

.Lots of scars, I'm proud of them even if mom always tries to get me to take super paranoia care of every little thing, I usually leave it, I don't care if it scars

.I read all of the things posted here

.I stole page 2
quadraptor's picture

- My first favorite animals

- My first favorite animals were cats, but now I am a dog person
- I sing my favorite songs when noone is around to hear me
- Zodiac is capricorn, Chinese zodiac is the ox
- My favorite color is red
- I enjoy trying exotic food
- I study Buddhism and Zen philosophy
- Favorite authors include Thich Nhat Hanh and Pema Chodron
- My first favorite band was Asia
- I sometimes dream about living a simple life
- I am learning how to use a katana and how to throw shurikens and kunai
- I like both samurai and ninja
- Favorite sports team is the Alabama Crimson Tide. Roll Tide Roll!
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Dead tired, but I want to see

Dead tired, but I want to see what I can come up with..

.I think I'm depressed.
.I stress out very easily, especially around my dad.
.I get embarrassed very easily, blush even easier, cry almost the same amount as I blush.
.I don't like my body.
.I've done harm to myself before because I couldn't think of another way to let my emotions out. I still have the scar on my left shoulder, though it's fading.
.I'm super self-conscious of what I do and how it is perceived in others' eyes.
.I make myself feel bad- cry- to make myself feel better. (It just makes sense to me...)
.I complain about guys being taller than me, though I much prefer it.
.I look at kids still in school and think "They don't look old enough to be almost graduating."
.I keep my hair long so I can hide more of me, of my face.
.I adore my Converse, but don't want to wear my new pair because they're so nice and clean.
.Country music. All the way.
.I don't like having complete control of anything. Let me think I have a little and I'll be ok.
.I'm submissive by nature.
.I'm a virgin, but only because I'm scared and don't trust others with this body I hate.
.I can draw well, but I have no imagination. I have to draw from a photograph.
.But I prefer to sketch. I like my sketches and once I try to draw it for real, I'll just mess up the sketch.
.I have a natural blonde streak in my hair.
.I adore ballroom gowns. And "hooker heels."
.I have one of the worst diets on the planet. Picky picky picky.
.I feel like a slut because I flirt so much, for no particular reason.
.I cannot write essays.
.College terrifies me for the above reason.
.My grandmother also terrifies me, for the above two reasons.
.I have major mood swings. And because of that, I've lost count of how many times my parents have asked if I was pregnant.
.I have struggled with acne ever since puberty.
.I try to distance myself from friends and family so they won't have to put up with my emotional breakdowns. It usually doesn't work.
.I love horseback riding, but have only done so six times.
.I have a calico-gray tabby named Yoda. She's my baby <3
.I swear enough to make a sailor feel clean.
.I curse even more when playing cards, not so much playing pool.
.I love hanging out with guys; not so much with girls.
.I can't play videgames to save my life, but I like to watch my guys play.
.I have tried alcohol. Whiskey is disgusting.
.I'm a hard worker and if I respect you, you can get me to do almost any kind of physical work. Be it loading and unloading the band equipment, cleaning up your house, or any type of yardwork.
.I'm going to have a 'Cuda. A black one. Or dark blue. Not sure of the year yet.
.I miss my friends somethin' fierce.
.I get one heck of a Southern accent when I'm pissed.
.I've never hit-to-harm anyone, but I can name a few girls I would have liked to have smashed their faces into a wall or two.
.I've been told that I have a contagious giggle. Also been told I laugh like a guy.
.I sleep walk and talk. I've punched my then-boyfriend in the nose in my sleep for kissing my cheek. I've carried on whole conversations with my mom when asleep. My sister let me eat a few leaves off a houseplant when I was sleeping. And I snore.
.I like to edit my posts and it bugs when someone who isn't replying to what's in my post hits Reply on it. I can't edit if you do that!
.Pepsi and RC Cola are my favorite sodas.
.I can't sing, dance, or whistle. But I would like to learn to do all of them.

.I think writing all of this has made me feel a little better, but now I feel kinda bad that it turned out so long... Sorry ;;
.I like the Marx Brothers.
.I miss playing volleyball.
.I love the Harry Potter movies, but haven't read the books yet.
.I more-than-like-but-don't-love the Twilight Saga books, but the movies are absolutely horrible in every way.
.I could probably work in any library in the country with all the volun-told hours I've logged at my library.
.I think wolves and horses are my favorite animals. Bears, raccoons, cats, owls and frogs are also some favorites.
.I have to hold and drink from my beverage in my left hand.
.Whenever I go out to eat, a plain French Dip is usually what I order.
.I will probably think of more, but I'll refrain from editing again until a later time~
Fincayra's picture

- Devoted Christian. -

- Devoted Christian.
- Recently felt myself to be bisexual. Rough time, that.
- Sometimes when I start to sing when I'm alone, my eyes water.. and then I sneeze. |:
- I walk up my basement stairs sideways, because I don't like my back turned to the dark.
- On that note, I'm afraid of the dark and one of my greatest fears is being scared to death.
- I am compassionate to the point where I stop caring about myself.
- I want nothing more than to help out, and when I can't, it hurts.
- I'm a good listener, but I don't often share my own problems.
- I am also selfish, needy, overprotective, and jealous.
- Very very gullible.
- When I get angry, I cry. Hate it so much.
- I am possessive over the remote control when it comes to tv time. I control the volume and no one can do my job any better. -hiss-
- Always long fingernails. They're my claws.
- Anything funky with eyeballs, and I cringe. Just.. don't touch it, don't do anything weird to it. Seriously.
- Survived a brain tumor. Extremely poor balance from it, though.
- Very forgiving, and sometimes unforgiving.
- I get such a kick out of drama and I love getting involved in it, even if it's better if I didn't. I find it fun. Unless the tables are turned and I'm the target. But I never back down; in a way, it's still entertaining to fight back. I don't like to stop until I've come out the victor or the issue's been settled maturely.
- I've never been able to show my family my love for them. I don't hug, I never touch willingly, almost never say "I love you." In fact, I don't think I ever have. It's always "Love you, too," and that's rare. I know my younger siblings have been hurt many times by how cold I am to physical affection. The only thing I can do to show them I care is by buying them gifts.
- I can imagine myself being cuddly with certain people, though.
- Monarch butterflies have become very sacred to me over time.
- I chew on my lips and the insides of my cheeks, and I pick at the skin around my fingernails.
- Scabs and wounds are subjected to pokes and pickings.
- Despite TEF and how close I am to my characters, deer are not my favorite animal. I don't even like them that much.
- I have a toy brachiosaurus on my shelf that is very significant to my young years fighting the brain tumor. It's actually a neat story.
- I growl and snarl at my dogs to correct their behavior. They listen to me.
- It's absolutely awful if I watch a horror movie in the summertime and have to sleep under my piles of blankets, but I have to. They're my security and there's no way them monsters/ghosts/demons are getting me while I'm under them. B| It's just.. really really hot.
- If you didn't know already, I have to have at least four - five blankets to sleep under regardless of the season.
- Also if you didn't know already, I don't like horror movies at all. Sometimes I get the rare urge to defy my fear and watch one, but then I regret it for a week after. I made the worst mistake of watching Marble Hornets one night. Took me a month to get over it, at least.
- Idon'tlikeslenderman.
- I have an emotional breakdown over something once every few months or so.
- People fascinate me. I love to watch them interact, but I don't like joining in myself. My old friends used to get so frustrated with me because I would never play any of their games. They never understood that I enjoyed watching them play instead. I've been pushed and dragged by my arms a couple times in their effort to get me to join.
- Loud places make me nervous. I don't like crowds, either.
- I've never broken any bones, but odd things happen to me instead. A flake of paint caught in my eye, an inch-long thorn shoved through my foot on the 4th of July, an ER visit after a bad reaction to an antibiotic. Could've sworn there was something else, but I can't remember.
- I don't like certain kinds of attention on me. Like popularity. I don't want to be popular even if some days I long for it.
- My life was completely changed by one man. One man, a song, and a movie.
- Each of my family's animals have two names or more, and a voice we speak to them in that's unique to them. Examples: One cat is named "Piggy", "Pweeky", "Gallina" (which is Spanish for chicken asjkhl), and "Get your 'foofy'" (That's my name for her). Another cat is named "Mister" and "Golden toad." Another one is named "Fluffy", "Squemcat", "Cat-uh", and "Banshee." And then we have the dirtier names, like tee tee, poo poo, doo doo. Our old dog was nicknamed "Boobie." 8D
- I like scarves.
- I also like curious knick-knacks like keys. Also, cute animal dolls things that are handmade.
- I collect movie tickets and tickets from other kinds of events.
- My leg is constantly shaking when I'm sitting down. Some people find it very annoying.
- I don't do well in cold climates. My teeth always chatter loudly when I'm cold.
- I was almost invited to the event that killed my best friend. I could have seen the accident happen.
- I love the ocean. I'm determined to be near it one day.
- I used to be overweight for a couple years. Now I'm at a healthy weight. Could be less curvy, though.
- I'm not very healthy when it comes to food. Wish I could change that.

Okay, I can't think of any more goodnightttt. -scuttle-
GuardianGhost's picture

- Usually I don't like

- Usually I don't like talking too much about myself, I feel uneasy when I'm the center of the other's attention.
- I have a lot of quite stupid disturbs, like claustrophobia, arachnophobia, seasickness ... And I'm afraid of heights.
- I'm a very sarcastic person, it's somekind of defence and way to minimize happenings.
- I swear like a sailor. Especially when I feel uneasy, just to make situations more awkward.
- I search for the sublime, everywhere.
- I am actually a jealous person, and I hate it. I try to do my best to fight against this.
- I consider myself a romantic (meaning the artistic movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries) in the more passionate and self-destructive senses of the term.
- I have to keep my nails really short, I can't handle long nails.
- I have a relation of love and hate with my country.
- I can do nothing but trying to help the others when they seems to be in need of something.

siggy by Pegasicorn

Redoing because I was in a

Redoing because I was in a grumphy mood when I wrote this. Sheesh e_e

- I once had a boyfriend when I was 10 or something, but I broke up with him in shock the day after he kissed me on my cheek.
- I hate when things aren't done perfectly. If I write an essay and finds out the top should have been more like that, but there's no space because of the rest of the text, I will erase everything and restart.
- I am never able to cut down my text. -.-'
- Appearantly, I curse and swear a lot. I don't really notice anymore, though... Except if I write it down and notices what I actually wrote.
- For the past week I've been imagining how I would have been if I was a boy. If there's a next life, I want to try being male.
- Deep within, I don't give a fuck about Justin Bieber. Though I often call him gay, but since I don't mind gays... e. < Meh.
- I hit and slap. Trying not to so often anymore, but it slips sometimes.... Wheps.
- I do things, then I feel bad and returns to apologize. I hate my conscience, it's a traitor when I want to be a bitch.
- If everythings around me looks the same, I feel somehow trapped. I love redecorate and move around some things, it's refreshing. Though I sometimes doesn't finish what I starts.
- People call my neutral face scary.
- I cannot take crying attention-seekers.
- When people kiss in public, a real hot romantic one, I always think I'm gonna barf.

- I’m afraid of ghosts and

- I’m afraid of ghosts and other paranormal things. I can’t watch horror movies, play horror games or read horror stories even if I someway wanted to.
- I even had to go to talk with a psychologist because of my fear of ghosts; when this fear was in its strongest phase I was afraid in my own home even if my parents were there with me.
- I’m a loner and I’m not active to make new friends. I’m afraid to start talking to anybody because I’m afraid that I’m seen as super annoying, childish and stupid. I might actually believe that people see me like that...
- I hate that I have to use glasses to see – I would like to get rid of them but I’m too lazy to use contacts every day and I’m afraid of laser surgery.
- Currently I don’t feel like that I have any close friends.
- I have never dated and it stresses me; I have created this thought that I must get children because I’m my grandparents’ only grandchild and my dad’s only child and I feel like that I must continue our kin.
- I would like to date but I find it absurd that anyone would find my attractive anyway.
- I have no clue if I like just boys or boys and girls.
- I’m related to J. V. Snellman.
- I’m agnostic and I haven’t been baptised and therefore I haven’t ever been part of any church.
- Very roughly translated my first names could mean something like “a rock in the sea of bitterness”
- I have no idea how I should pronounce my own surname. None of our family has even a clue where our surname comes from, it’s not a normal Finnish surname.
- I want a cat, I have never had any pet.
- I have been suffering from sleeping problems for about a month now; at the beginning of December I maybe had a panic attack in middle of night and I have been worrying if I get another one since.
- I someway want to believe in that there’s kindness in every person…
- I totally fail with English articles and prepositions, forgive me. B|
wocio's picture

Tracking to post something

Tracking to post something later <.<
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Kept thinking of more when I

Kept thinking of more when I tried to go to sleep ;;

.I get laugh-attacks and giggle-fits randomly.
.I believe in ghosts. Heard, seen, and have felt the touch of ghosts, all through out the second floor of my house, namely my bedroom and the bathroom. Freakin' ghost hotel!
.I do not like loud noises, be it a loud toilet, the vacuum, or my cat having a nightmare in the middle of the night.
.Rapunzel is my new favorite Disney princess; it had been Belle.
.I don't handle rejection, of any kind, well.
.I almost kissed my very straight best friend. In the middle of the band hall. Full of other band kids. Glad I didn't do it, but I'm curious what she would have done...
.I can't stand rooms without windows.
.I've had dark circles under my eyes for the past five years, no matter how much sleep I get, they don't go away.
.My eyes can get to be really pretty and dark blue if I'm crying or go outside in the sunshine after hours of being inside.
.My sister said my hair looks like "it needs be dyed again. It changes color half way down!" It's natural ;;
.I'm 50% Polish, my dad's side is completely Polish. I know nothing of that side of my family's history.
.I don't trust anyone's but my mom's driving.
.I'm agnostic. I entertain thoughts of Heaven, an afterlife, reincarnation, but honestly... :/
.I have prophetic dreams and many have come true, but they're nothing substantial. I'm expecting to be somehow receiving a... bauble of sort that I will think about turning into a necklace.
.If someone's yelling, even in the other room, doesn't have to be to or about me, I will start crying.
.I don't like change. I never wanted to grow up. Peter Pan, where the flying ship are you?! :|
.I am all for for the death penalty. But I'd rather not use those expensive injections. Use a f****** guillotine for crying out loud!!
.I firmly believe an IQ test should be made, to see if you're smart enough to raise a kid properly before you're allowed to have said kid. Always thought that those who fail should be 'fixed'. *shrug*
.I constantly wear a pair of shades on my head, even at night and in the rain. My then-boyfriend had given them to me 3 years ago. They're so scratched up now that they're only good for holding my hair back.
.Do not touch your eye in front of me. Don't ever try or pretend to try to touch my eye! Don't put your contacts in in front of me. Don't even show me pictures of eyes being touched.
.I am insanely ticklish. My friends discovered this in middle school and went to having a good ol' time making me jump and squeak when I get my sides poked. I've earned the loving nickname Squeaks (:
.If I suddenly get scared or spooked, I will either squeak or yelp. It will sound like a dog being hit by a car.
.I can't swim.
.I don't like to draw on lineless white paper. School desks and tables, cardboard, windows, myself and the underside of my top bunk are all acceptable options.
.In daycare, I once brought my yellow Furby to class. It ended up terrifying me because I thought it was possessed because it wouldn't shut up! They're supposed to stop talking in the dark. Nope, not mine! It's lived in my closet with no batteries for the last 11 years.
.I'm a horrible liar. I can tell small lies to people I don't know well.
.I like to watch fish, any fish. But I will never own one.
.I hate when people smoke around me. Unfortunately, I think I like the smell of both pipe smoke and the brand of cigarettes my mom used to smoke... I might become a smoker if I don't watch it.
.I'm a pervert.
.I'm afraid of falling. I'm fine with heights as long as I feel secure.
.I get nervous in crowds.
.I think I have a fear of cockroaches and wasps.
.I can't sit normal. I either have to have my legs crossed, up on the table, on another chair, or something like that.
.I hate jeans with pre-made holes in them. Earn 'em, dammit!
.Virgo. Rooster. Brown Bear.
.No matter what happened, who did it or why, I will laugh if I see or hear of someone getting kicked/punched/whatever in the nuts.
.I will hug, hold hands with, cuddle, cling to, and kiss you, if you let me.
.I like realistic animal figurines.
.Every pet I've ever owned was a stray, from a pound, or on their way to a pound.
.I like bandanas, plaid scarves, and colorful socks, though I hardly wear any of them.
."Self-appointed scapegoat" as my ex- told me.

Hopefully I won't think of any more! :'D
wocio's picture

-I like to eat. But I don't

-I like to eat.
But I don't really like to eat sweet things. Ice cream, cake, chocolates...they just don't tempt me, and I get tired of the flavor quickly.
-I don't like adorable/cute/fluffy things. -Big Bunny is an exception- ^^
-I don't like children nor babies.
-I don't know how to dance and I don't care Laughing out loud
-I hate thinking of anyone watching me while I sleep, or worse, taking a photo of me sleeping >:[ I need to sleep alone, or cover my face with the blankets. Sticking out tongue
-I don't like to take naps.
-When I want to sleep, I WANT to sleep and get grumpy if I can't do it right away (for example, if there's a lot of things crowding my bed)

-I like to keep my things organized.
-I don't like sharing my clothes.
-I tend to hide my feelings a lot.
-I'm afraid to make mistakes.
-I don't like to be pranked, or to be object of jokes. I feel like people is making fun of me, even if I know they're not intended to be mean.
-I often have trouble expressing what I want to say. If it's something very important to me, and don't know how/when to say it I feel like crying and feel stupid xD
-I hate when people don't trust me.
-I wish no harm to anyone.
-I observe others a lot and sometimes I feel like a stalker @_@
-I hate injustice.
-I hate when someone is in a bad mood and vent on others.

-I need a long time to feel integrated into a group.
-I don't like to attract attention.
-Mental illness scare me.
-Seeing my blood, or sometimes just thinking about my blood being out of my body makes me feel sick. Even if it's just because of a tiny cut in a finger. I just freak out.
^I've fainted twice because of this >_<
-Still, my favorite color is red Laughing out loud

-I love animals (but sloths and apes are scary) Puzzled
-I love snakes. I want one, already know the species and color Evil
-I want a doberman SO BADLY ;^;
-I have my own little garden.
-I'm becoming addicted to anime.
-I've read all the Harry Potter books (only liked the first three movies), the Narnia books (don't really like the movies either), LOTR (I like the movies better than the books) and Eragon (the movie stinks ._.)
-My deer, Fangorn, is not exactly a character, but I don't think of him as my OOC deer... he has similar traits with me.

woah this was long
Mr.Sanguine's picture

a few more? a few more. .I

a few more? a few more.

.I have little pity and even less mercy

.I have three gerbils; Tango, Salsa, and 'The Mephistopheles Waltz' or just Mephistopheles/Waltz

.I also have a cat, her name is Kiara {Kee-ah-rah}

.I want a dog, a medium-large or large one, I'd prefer a mutt, male.

.If I did have a dog, I'd probably name him either after one of the seven deadly sins, or 'Gray' regardless of colour

.Stupid people annoy me, especially when they think they're smart

.I have trouble with emotions, I run on logic most of the time

.I like making people angry, it's hilarious to watch them get all huffy, it's also a 'respect test' if I mess with someone and they keep calm? I'll apologize and give them a great amount of respect. If they take the bait? Well, I apologize...then laugh behind their ignorant backs.

.I'm a sleepy, day dreamer person, often dozing off, often lost in thought

.I love blood, especially well drawn blood, it's my favorite thing ever, the colour...

.Take something, and twist it until it gives nigtmares, then twist it a little more, these are the things I love

.On TEF I try and keep things pretty unoffensive, I spend as much time on 4chan as I do TEF however, and I'm terribly hypocritical there with what I find funny and what I post myself

.I'm against the government interfering in pretty much everything

.I think people who think the government should be allowed to restrain the people in too powerful a way {I.E making abortion illegal, making gay marriage illegal, interfering in the right to have children or as many children as they want} throughout the whole country {If the states vote on a law in their state? Good on them, that's that state's business} are foolish, most of the time I don't get along with people who think such things, I find them...lacking, in the intelligence department.

.Even if I don't like something, so long as I feel it's protected under the constitution I would defend to the death anyone's right to do whatever they wanted.

.Hello, my name is America, I really like politics.

.Was Victoria Renea Brown, changed my name legally to 'America Freedom Jones'

.I will probably post in this thread a lot, I like to ramble

Salome's picture

- I am never satisfied. No

- I am never satisfied. No matter what I wrote/ what character I created. I want to toss them all away but others tell me that I shouldn't.
- I am extremly jealous.
- I often leave groups in tef because I think I bother people.
- I try to act confident but I am not.
- I love to tell people when they did something well. I love to encourage others. Though I try to keep it at a minimum. I don't want others to think I kiss ass.
- I am really afraid of burglars. My home is my castle.
- I don't need much social contact. I don't enjoy going dancing or to go away to get drunk.
- I am too picky to have a boyfriend.
- I love to do the unexpected.
- I think clichés are funny. I love how some people can surprise you.
- I hate the rhythm of life. Birth->Education->Work->Death
->Therefor I would love to believe in Vampires, Werewolfs, Unicorns, Dragons, etc. It would make the world less boring
- I am afraid of the dark
- I barely trust other people but I think I have a good sense for good/reliable people.
- My biggest fear is to drown.
- I love to talk about my older brother. I am so proud of him. Though it's often the other way around that I help him and he asks me for advice.
- I barely forgive. If someone loses my trust once he/she will never gain it again.
- I judge people by their behaviour.
- I don't like people who only want to hang out with "the popular ones".
- If I could choose death or life, I would choose death.
- I wish I could draw better.
- I am proud to study archeology.
- I take many things personal but I don't show it.
- I can kill all plants. None will survive in my room. Not even a cactus. D:
- I enjoy to sleep.
- I love when people talk with me on msn.

/that's enough it's way too much anyway
GingerNut's picture

M'bored again -I don't eat

M'bored again

-I don't eat much at all. When I'm at school, sometimes I won't eat anything for a few days at a time.
-Internet drama amuses me a lot, but I keep my nose out of it.
-I'm really non-confrontational, likewise a total pacifist. Actual RL fighting makes me sick /sissy
-I was in a lot of the musicals at my last school, and in every one I would always play the waiter. It was kind of like an inside joke.
-My favorite pokemon has and will always be furret, even if it is totally useless
-I once sat in front of a Best Buy for five hours to get a Wii when they first came out.
-I really hate my full name. Hopefully I can change it later on...
-While it would be nice to be a good drawer, I really don't like drawing itself.
-I don't like kids, but I tolerate them.
-I love playing chess, but I'm not that good at it
-I used to have a N64, but my family had hit a bit of rough patch at the time and I only ever had one game for it, Pokemon Stadium .3.
-I really hate the smell of Jergens lotion. It's so gross
I love backpacking, not that sissy RV picnicking stuff

Quote:- I walk up my basement

- I walk up my basement stairs sideways, because I don't like my back turned to the dark.

When I turn off the lights in my bed room I always run to my bed because I always think someone's behind me.
And I sleep in the basement.
ThunderMint's picture

Quote:When I turn off the

When I turn off the lights in my bed room I always run to my bed because I always think someone's behind me.
And I sleep in the basement.

I can't stand on my own back portch at night or I feel like I'm going to be kidnapped.
I have an over active imagination that gets the better of me whenever I'm alone or it's dark.
But I don't fear the dark itself.
BrokkenSaint's picture

Well just a few more + I

Well just a few more

+ I don't like sharing my food or drink. It drives me crazy when someone random asks if they can have a drink of my soda or a bite of my sandwich.

+ I get embarrassed looking at pictures of people I don't know, I feel like a stalker.

+I have extremely small writing, to the point a lot of people have trouble reading it.

+ I believe in the paranormal.

+ I have a weird sense of humor.

+ I'm pretty self conscious.

+ I hate being hyper

+ Left handed ftw

Fincayra's picture

@Annabanana Sad. ;; As soon


Sad. ;;
As soon as my light goes off for the night I always glance out my door (I leave it cracked open for cats) to be sure nothing's staring into my room. Sometimes if I'm nervous, I'll growl at the dark.. as if that helps. |:
Kumiko's picture

I... * Cannot sleep unless I


* Cannot sleep unless I go for a walk, often resulting with me wandering the neighborhood at 3am or 4am
* Am approximately 47.5% German: We were sheep farmers in Western Germany
* Am approximately 47.5% British: My great-grandfather kept documentations of our British bloodline, showing my family's relation to John Adams and John Quincy Adams in the process
* Am approximately 2.5% Native American: Cherokee
* Am approximately 2.5% Irish: No idea where it came from other than Ireland, of course!
* Have a black dot located on my left iris
* Crack my neck and knuckles...A lot
* Always twist the tab on a soda can to the side, to indicate to others that it's mine
* Have OCD
Zyzzy's picture

Adding on xD - I'm a mutt.

Adding on xD

- I'm a mutt. Mostly Scottish with French, Swedish and Native American(Ojibwe) thrown in.
- As a result of the Native side not showing up at all physically, I am the whitest person on earth.
- I am an occasional smoker. I use tobacco in sacred and social settings, and have for years, but have never been 'hooked.' I can take it or leave it completely.
- I've had chronic insomnia for a few years. The antisocial part of me likes being awake when no one else is. The parts of me that don't want to die at 50 aren't so happy. Its also maddening to be incapable of sleeping, even when you desperately want/need to.
- I have lesbian doves. They shared a cage with other males and females, but chose each other, and they had to go together(I originally intended on getting one, but I picked one of a pair, so 2 it was). I don't know why I like this fact as much as I do. xD
- My taste in music is all over the place. People who look at my playlists must think I'm nuts. Classical next to techno next to country next to metal and everything in between. Currently I can see Bob Dylan will be on after System of a Down. xD
- Very... short. 5' even. :|
- I was vegetarian for close to 5 years. That changed when I examined the reasons why, and realized my reasonings had changed and/or were futile. Also I started working in a Syrian restaurant and COULD NOT RESIST THE LAMB. Good God.
- I still don't eat much meat though. I'm now more of a meat minimalist Sticking out tongue
- I like bananas, but can't stand anything banana-flavored. The taste is horrid.
- I have an incredible amount of self-hatred.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

adds: -I often say or type


-I often say or type things I dont mean then regret everything
-My zodac sign is Capricorn
-I have see a politgist haunting (which was terrifing)
-I belive in ghosts and have seen some
-I hate making mistakes and do anything to fix them
-I collect Britains 1950's modles and hope to have a hole room dedicated to them one day.
-I have over 70 Disney films
-I was one headbutted in the head by a pygmy goat and boy did it hurt!
- I never judge people as people change all the time.
- I love banna, peanutbutter,nuttlea,honey, blueberryjam wraps hot of the grill.
1Antidote's picture

-I'm fascinated by gore and

-I'm fascinated by gore and blood.
-My self-esteem is at zero. Always.
-I never back down from a fight that has already stared.
-I recently developed an urge to stab someone with my own hands. I really want to feel how it feels to kill someone... ._.'
-I'm never happy or satisfied with anything I do(writing, drawing, etc.). I don't care what others say, even if it's a compliment, I don't like it.
-I don't care about myself. I don't really care about anything, unless its really important.
-I can't take serious stuff seriously. Though I try.
-If someone tries to force me to do something, I won't do it.
-I have a social phobia. And I'm literally scared of people.
-I hate society.
-I despise human race for their cruelty and remorselessness.
-I'm very paranoid about other people. Even my best friend.
-I keep things to myself and never talk about my problems, even if I want to. I'm certain that nobody gives a shit about it.
-I always talk with myself when I'm alone. It helps me to calm down.
-I never know the right words when it comes to comforting someone dear to me.
-I hate betrayal. I would gut the person who'd betray me.
-I'm often rude and I tend to curse a lot..
-I hate not getting respect in return from those who I show respect to. I feel like I'm giving something to them, they take it, spit on my face and leave. Though then I do the same to them twice as bad.
-How I will treat others depend on how they will treat me. Everything is up to them.
-I'm scared of the dark.
-I don't like talking. I'd rather just simply listen. Mostly because I can't express my thoughts properly and I don't really have anything much to say.
-I'm extremely jealous.
-I hate homophobia, racism and discrimination.
-I love music.
-I tend to forget a lot of things very quickly.
-I never feel welcome. Especially here, in TEFc and The Forest itself.
-I never take anything from others when offered.
-I have a fascination for dinosaurs(mostly carnivores), birds, wolves and horses. I love all other animals as much.
-If I'd counted, I'd have more enemies than friends.

More > > - I talk to my

More > >

- I talk to my friends about my TEF characters, and they yell at me when I let Talla get hurt, especially.

- I like getting along with people, and am always touched when they rant at me, or spill emotions to me.

- I don't mind being spammed, especially by those close to me. I kind of enjoy the attention.

- I adore it when someone writes a bit in reply to something I say. Makes me feel like I'm worth the time.

- Used to dislike humans as a species a lot. Now I dislike what they do more than I dislike the species.

- I enjoy animal documentaries a lot.

- But I really want more dinosaur documentaries, I find those very fascinating.

- One year left in high school.

- Don't know what I want to do afterward.

- Cry easily.

- Some have said I have the patience of a saint. I doubt this is really true.

- When I play with my puppy, I often go down on all fours and mimic the sounds she makes and use them actively.

- I growl.

- I've broken my left wrist from a horse riding fall. It's healed fine and I still go. Lost my balance before jumping and upon landing, the horse took off into a canter. Couldn't right myself.

- The paramedics joked that they'd have to charge me for the loose gravel I covered the ambulance in.
- Fell off twice in the same lesson two lessons ago.

- I'm starting to find ways to blame myself for these falls, surprisingly in a slightly positive way.

- I've fallen off nearly every horse I've ridden there. Only been hurt seriously once.

- I grow my nails but don't shape them. So they're uneven. I couldn't care less.

- I don't shave my legs. I really don't care.

- Actually, I'd really love to work with horses.

- Virgo. Year of the pig, too, I think.

- I have an Ezio Auditore figurine, for Brotherhood.

- Skyrim and Assassin's Creed eue.

- I actually quite adore this community and how it generally handles itself.

- Somehow I manage to avoid/miss most drama 8'D

- After I thought of Greitai last year, I decided on her size and gender to go against some of the stereotypes surrounding predatory characters at the time.

- Only my female characters seem to stick, even though Grei' is usually described as a masculine female.

- I've probably repeated some stuff.

- Disney and the music in their films. I only consider their animated films, including The Princess and the Frog.

- One of my cats really doesn't like me.

- I tend to like colours slightly de-saturated at least. Just a preference that doesn't always hold.

- I don't like to read things when the colours don't really compliment one another, hurts my eyes.

- Speaking of my eyes, the started out blue. Then yellow appeared in them as they turned green-ish. This turned to orange eventually, not sure how. They're now sort of teal and the orange has faded quite a bit, but still noticeable.

- Pretty long eyelashes. I measure them against the quick on my fingers, and often they reach the quick at least.
ThunderMint's picture

Meh, a few more won't hurt?

Meh, a few more won't hurt? XP

--I trust people on sites like this, Warrior Cats, etc, more than I do with people in real life
--I scare my parents because I've told them of the perfect murder (but I know I would never actually do that) Stabbing someone in the chest with an icicle, the evidence melts and gets absorbed by the blood/body
--I am the animal encyclopedia for my town and I know a lot about random species
--All my knowledge of animals came from Jeff Corwin and Steve Irwin, or the Animal Planet in general
--I once saw Jeff Corwin in person when I went to his speech when he was in Illinois, and I own his book, 100 Heartbeats
--I'm Aries the Ram, and no new constillation is going to change that.
--I'm a virgin and I plan on staying that way for a long time.
--I have sworn to never drink or smoke due to bad family expeariences with those
--I don't plan on getting married or having kids, seeing as I hate romance and can't stand elementary aged kids and younger
--I have a natural expression on my face at all times that makes it look like I'm pissed
--I think school is pointless as I will never use 90% of what I learned in the real world
--I've wished more than once I could eliminate the idiots of the world
--I'm probably part of 5-10% of my school who hasn't drank, done drugs, or had sex
--I despise every guy in my grade (I'm a Junior) except for 4 because they are my guy friends
--I never know what emotion I'm expeariencing unless it is very strong, the rest of the time I'm just confused on what I'm feeling.

--I love you people XD *hands out cookies*
Nayu's picture

Quote:-I recently developed

-I recently developed an urge to stab someone with my own hands. I really want to feel how it feels to kill someone... ._.'

Hum, you're serious?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Unplugged's picture

What the fuck is up with

What the fuck is up with virginity being something so shameful to have it blackened out?

[e]: sorry for the language. The amount of sex you have or don't have should not diminish anybody's human worth.
Nayu's picture

^I blame massive

^I blame massive mediatization all the way!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Zyzzy's picture

I was thinking the same thing

I was thinking the same thing on the virginity issue. But lately it seems to be considered almost something bad to still have by a certain point by the majority of people- teenage/college age anyway. I actually get teased- good naturedly, mind, but nonetheless- for being a 21 year old virgin by a handful of my friends. Our ideas about sex and virginity as a species have always been very weird, and we don't seem to be making a lot of progress xD Just switching arguments every now and then. Ugh.
Keepiru's picture

- Still a student, jobless,

- Still a student, jobless, 23.
- Procrastinator.
- Left handed.
- Almost born hanged, ombilical cord wrapped twice around the neck.
- I have naturally some white hair.
- I still do not have driver's licence, prefer travel by city bus.
- I enjoy to live alone but can not support true solitude.
- I am not, and probably never, looking for a mate.
- I have a very rational and scientific mind.
- I am deeply hypnotized by the height.
- I really dislike hot days.
- I can not dance or sing.
- Myopic.
- I am passive and I dislike that.
- I cannot look people in the eyes for more than 5 sec.
- I love reading for hours during day or night.
- I dislike when people kill spiders just because.
- Female, not feminine.
- I have long and very sharp canine teeth.
- I do not wear any kind of jewelry except a watch.
- I can lie easily.
- I lost contact with all my friends after high school except one.
- I seriously hate politics.
- Agnostic.
- The World is not fair, yeah.
/enough for now.

Here we go.. -I AM A VIRGIN.

Here we go..
-I AM A VIRGIN. And incredibly proud of it.
-My favorite color is red
~~In regards to my best friend.
-I am in love with him.
-I cannot tell him because he's admitted to me that He'll reject all feeling he has for me, because he needs me as a friend.
-I cannot function as a human being without him telling me to look for God.
-I, unfortunately, see God as a very cruel being.
-I'd rather ruin our friendship and tell him how I feel...
-....but I won't, because I adore him.
-My middle name is Channis. Really.
-I suffer from Generalized and Social Anxiety Disorders.
-I hallucinate constantly.
-I sleep between 1 and 3 hours a night, on average.
-I cannot watch scary movies or tv shows.
- this song helps me through the day.
-I am(was) a professional ballerina
-The bone structure in my knees has deteriorated. I will be going in for surgical re-shaping of my patella's in 6 weeks.
-Then maybe I'll dance again.
-I cannot speak in public to someone I have not known for a very long time.
-I only talk to my family, and about three other people.
-I have been in an abusive relationship.
-I saved myself. I am proud of this.
-I have almost no political views.
-I am a 2nd generation immigrant from Luxembourg.
-I love to cuddle. LOVE.
-Here are some picture of my life:

I think that's enough for now,
Snowsauria's picture

- I'm left handed. - My eyes

- I'm left handed.
- My eyes are quite big and rather dark. They can seem blue, green or gray, depending on the light or what I wear.
- I wanted to work with horses when I was young. Then I realized I wanted it to be just a hobby, not work.
- Does not own a horse at the moment, but I know I will buy one one day.
- I love chocolate.
- I have educated to become a kindergarten assistant. All I have left is the exam, which is in May.
- I have a scar the size of my palm on my right leg after a vacation in Turkey in 2010. One of the workers at the hotel where we stayed asked me if I wanted to go horseback riding with him, and of course I said yes. But I didn't have any long trousers with me, so I had to use a pair of pirate pants, which left my legs rubbing against the stirrup leather, and the skin on one of my legs was rubbed away. I didn't notice it before we got back to the hotel, but taking a shower afterwards was painful!
- Nightwish was the first band I began to like, and it still is my favorite.
- I still don't have the drivers license, driving still scares me. >.<
- I'm incapable of having arguments/ fights with others. It leaves a heavy, unpleasant feeling in my stomach until things are fixed between us again.
- Skull faced creatures fascinates me.
- I'm afraid of heights, and spiders. Especially Daddy longlegs.
- I kinda like that Illrose is big and bulky, not slender and elegant as females tend to be on TEF. ( My other does is rather slender, so I'm not trying to bash anyone. ^^' )
- I'm also proud of her design being strictly TEF - deer/ moose related despite her original species being something quite different. I mean, I could have made her twice her current size, added scales, sharp teeth, claws, wings, the ability to breath fire etc.
- I'm not afraid of the dark.
- I love horror / supernatural/ fantasy movies.
- In my eyes, Buffy / Angel is how a true love-story between a human and a vampire should be. Not Bella/ Edward.
- I never really minded blood and gore until I came across a video that left a scar in me. Just thinking about it makes me nauseated.
- I have difficulties trusting others enough to fall in love. Once a relationship gets 'serious', I back out of it.
- There is nothing I hate more than animal cruelty. Nothing!
- I hope nature and animals can get the Earth back one day, when humans are gone.
- I like Norse mythology, and I love how trolls is an important part of the Norwegian culture, at least around where I live.
- I can watch The Troll Hunter again and again without getting tired of it.
- I always seem to come up with new ideas for characters, luckily I'm mostly able to toss them away before they get to develop too much.
- Right now I have two character ideas nagging in my head. A white young buck I haven't figured out much about yet, and a pitch black doe. She speaks to the stars even during day and has a rotting squirrel as a pet.
- I was terrified of The Groke when I was little, and I admit she still gives me chills.

Be prepared for a looong list

Be prepared for a looong list of crap. e_e

- I always takes both sides of an argument into consideration, regardless of what opinion I hold myself.
- I love to wander, to roam. Since I live in the countryside I will often go for a walk through the fields, but I don't go too far since I'm too paranoid. I'm not talking a set path through big open green fields either, I mean smaller ones bordered in hedges, trees and briars. I spend most of my time ducking through barbed wire fences and trying to figure out the best ways to cross wet patches, heh.
- I love meat. I don't eat vegetables regularly unless you count potatoes and baked beans. I don't eat them simply because I don't like how they taste. Strangely, I usually like vegetable soup, but I couldn't eat a salad without gagging. I've tried, it's like chewing on grass only it doesn't taste the same.
- I'm a hypocrite when it suits me.
- On any site I have friends on, I will often 'ignore' them for long periods of time simply because I'm not in the mood for socialising. I don't do it to be hateful, I just... I dunno. I'd do it in real life all the time if I could, I just don't feel like being social most of the time. I can't hold a conversation.
- Aquarius.
- I often wonder how intelligent people can be so damn intelligent. I'd love to be able to learn things more easily.
- I can be sarcastic? I usually fail.
- I've always been fond of animals, my favourites being cats. Specifically, mutt cats.
- I can have questionable morals.
- I don't worry about death. It doesn't bother me, I've never felt like it's 'the end' or whatever. I do fear having a painful death.
- I'm not a morning person. At all.
- I fear what I can't see in the dark.
- I'm not a particularly emotional person. It takes a lot to get a strong reaction from me.
- I rarely cry, it gives me a headache. Doesn't mean I don't feel like it.
- I'm an observant person (or I like to think I am, at least). I'm always taking in my surroundings, and I simply can't use earphones in public or have a hairstyle that hinders my vision.
- I swear every other word in real life, honestly.
- It annoys me when people jump to conclusions, especially if they haven't taken it upon themselves to find unbiased facts about what they are judging.
- I often read over things I have typed and realise it gives off a completely different meaning from what I originally intended. Or at least, to me it does.
- Blood, gore, death etc don't really bother me. That doesn't mean I enjoy seeing it however. There is nothing 'edgy' about wounds or blood.
- 'I don't know' has to be one of my most used phrases.
- It annoys me when people think hunting is the same thing as poaching. It isn't.
- I've never fully lost my temper. I've never hit anyone out of anger either. I don't see a point in it unless I'm being seriously threatened and there is nothing else I can do. If I had to fight in a situation like this it's likely I would be extremely underhand, but who knows, thankfully I haven't lol.
- I tend to overuse smileys and 'lol'. Quite a bit, actually.
- When I'm scared I don't freeze, my mind clears and I react quickly. How I discovered this is actually pretty amusing, I wasn't even in a dangerous situation in the first place but it was reasonable of me to think I was. Better safe than sorry?
- I'm not fond of children.
- I've raised two clutches of chicken eggs using an incubator. I have to say, if you ever get that chance to hatch an egg of any sort, take it. It's a very interesting experience.
- I know this is kind of a bad thing to say, but I don't really like the opinion that wild animals should never ever ever ever interact with people, or be raised by people/non-professionals. I obviously know the reasons for this opinion and they are valid, wild animals are wild animals after all. I think it's just knowing that some people would rage at me if they knew I raised three pigeon chicks until they were big enough to fly away. It's not my fault I got stuck with them, it's not like I went raiding pigeon nests or something. I just don't like it when people push their opinion too much.
- I live on chocolate.
- I'm a bit paranoid posting this since I know how much it could influence someone's opinion of me, the lurker who never really posts. Or at least, that's what I think.
- I don't have the best grammar in the world, but I'd like to think I'm not too bad.
- I love running and jumping.
- I'll listen to anything I like the sound of, I don't stick to particular artists or bands.
- I play the mandolin.
- I would love to be able to play the piano.
- I like to draw, but that doesn't mean I'm particularly good at it.
- I'm lazy.
- I love working with wire.
- I've been told I'm creative.
- Brown hair, green-blue eyes.
- I don't have much confidence, in fact I wonder if I have any at all. The 'confidence' I do show is usually a façade. I'm not happy with myself. Getting me to say any of this in real life would be like asking for a miracle, which is sad.
- I like to click my neck, my fingers, my toes, my back, my legs...
- I don't know what I'm going to do in life.
- I can never take any of my characters seriously.
- I always feel like my ideas are stupid, although most of them probably are.
- I would never open up this much in real life. I guess this is just one of those things about the internet.

I really went for it, hurr. XD;;
I apologise for anything that might annoy/offend you. It's why I usually keep things like this to myself.
HB's picture

- My real name is Elina. -

- My real name is Elina.
- I'll turn eighteen in April 6th.
- I'm very very jealous person.
- I don't easily get along with many people, but I try though.
- I'm deadly afraid of spiders.
- I've been underweight for as long as I can remember.
- I got my first tattoo when I was fourteen, first piercing when I was thirteen.
- I swear a LOT.
- I always have long fingernails, love them.
- I smoke, I drink.
- I always need to listen to music, no matter where I am.
- I doubt people really much and I don't trust easily. I often think my friends are lying to me, and I hate it but can't help it.
- Really I am quite melancholy or grumpy all the time, still I do my best to be nice.
- I've been thinking for 5 years now that I'd rather be a boy than a girl.
- I never wear dresses or skirts.
cicadia's picture

Mmph... -I'm 19; Seem to


-I'm 19; Seem to forget this often, this number just doesn't feel right.
-Didn't consider myself an artist until I was hired for my first art related job at 15.
-Prefer darker colors; Sensitive eyes.
-Dark burgundy is my favorite. It's what I dye my hair.
-Hates alcohol and drug use, as I strive to keep my body in good condition; I've been sick enough. Nevertheless, the taste and feel of cigarettes is good.
-Post traumatic stress, retrograde memory loss, panic attacks. Getting over them by myself.
-Physically very hypersensitive
-Went around for two years with a failed, dead gallbladder and damaged liver and stomach. Didn't feel much of the pain it caused. Question my perception of pain because of it.
-Prone to 'inspiration highs'; So much inspiration and drive to make something awesome, that I become dizzy and useless.
-Admittedly an elitist. Have a big problem with ignorance and the lack of will to learn.
-Wary of male company; However, most of my characters are male.
-Love, love, love india ink. Texture, deepness, feel...
-Can't go without drawing, character design, or RPing. Can't imagine life without it, actually go through withdrawal when going without.
-Love to learn and improve. Anything to get better.
-When I talk with you, you have my undivided attention.

wocio's picture

@Alone: - On any site I have

- On any site I have friends on, I will often 'ignore' them for long periods of time simply because I'm not in the mood for socialising. I don't do it to be hateful, I just... I dunno. I'd do it in real life all the time if I could, I just don't feel like being social most of the time. I can't hold a conversation.
- I'm an observant person (or I like to think I am, at least). I'm always taking in my surroundings, and I simply can't use earphones in public or have a hairstyle that hinders my vision.
- I know this is kind of a bad thing to say, but I don't really like the opinion that wild animals should never ever ever ever interact with people, or be raised by people/non-professionals.
- I'll listen to anything I like the sound of, I don't stick to particular artists or bands.
- I would love to be able to play the piano.

sdffdsf I feel so identified *_*


A few more about myself:

-The first thing I do in the mornings is sneeze. A LOT. It's been like that for years, o_O
-I want to be more independent.
-I don't like taking photos.
-I have this habit of peeling the skin off my lips since I can remember.
-I like veggies.
-I like fish, as pets and as food.
-I like pet food. I don't eat it Dx but I like how it looks and smells.
-I like egyptian art. I want a little anubis sculpture.
-I love Don Bluth films -Land Before Time ending scene makes me cry-
-Hayao Miyazaki films <3
-I love videogames. But I'm a poor person and don't have the money to afford them T_T *sniff sniff*
-I find it funny that I am a Gemini and have a twin sister.
-My older sister is exactly one year older than us, born the same day.
-I'm not really good at teamwork. I like things done in my own way.
-I consider myself a visual learner.
-I don't like to speak loud. If, for example someone in the next room screams asking me something that needs an answer longer than "yes" or "no", I prefer to go to where they are and answer them properly.

Her's picture

:: I have major depressive

:: I have major depressive disorder and dermatillomania. They are both eating me alive despite therapy and medicine having somewhat helped, albeit slowly.
:: Coinciding with that, I hate how I look, and I also bite the inside of my mouth/lips constantly. I always need chapstick on hand...
:: My OCD with derma came about after I was forced to stop cutting and unconsciously needed another outlet.
:: My favorite food always has been and will be ramen.
:: I wonder what human tastes like and I want to try a lot of claimed "bizarre" foods. I also love the taste of blood and tears (which I suppose sounds morbid but probably just goes hand-in-hand with me loving salt).
:: Gore and horror fan. (Seriously, Antichrist and A Serbian Film um...)
:: I have been so down on myself that I've made my best friend, girlfriend, and mom cry, alongside worrying half my family. My girlfriend also once answered my mom's call and mentioned I might need to go to a mental hospital, as well as forwarded a text where I hinted at wanting someone to crash into me while driving (where my blunt humor obviously went unseen). My mother is at her limits as to how to help me anymore and it just makes me sicker knowing I hurt everyone too close to me because of me.
:: I dream of moving to Iceland. I just want to get away.
:: Won't go to a college unless they offer study abroad programs in Japan (I'm a high school senior).
:: I hate my height.
:: I hate my art but ironically want it to be my major or minor.
:: My memory is horrendous because I'm too go-with-the-flow to take anything in and digest it.
:: If I could choose how to die, I'd want to drown.
:: Pisces; year of the wooden dog. Both are extremely accurate.
:: People find my music playlist odd because 80% of it is foreign (and most likely pop).
:: Hetalia and growing Homestuck fan.
:: Cosplayer and con-goer.
:: American in the most boring state.

idk bluh ;;

- When I play with my puppy,

- When I play with my puppy, I often go down on all fours and mimic the sounds she makes and use them actively.

- I growl

- I've broken my left wrist from a horse riding fall.

Wow, did the animal stuff, too, in the past. And the horse-wrist thing... Exactly same hand. Lol. |D

Decided to add a little

Decided to add a little more.

- I've been called a perfectionist by pretty much everyone that's known me for a while (parents, my best friend, some teachers)
- I haven't broken a single bone in my body (watch, now I'll get up and fall down the stairs and break both my legs)
- I've never had a nosebleed either (hng guess I'm starting to jinx it)
- I'm most likely addicted to caffiene (as in, coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, idec)
- Most spiders scare the hell out of me, but I don't mind daddy long legs or tarantulas
- I have spheksophobia (fear of wasps), apiphobia (fear of bees), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces) and I think very slight batophobia (fear of heights/being next to high buildings) - yes, that last one makes me weird, but I freak out if I'm next to some kind of really tall structure |:

Hm, that's all I can think of for now.
jnts732's picture

OK here I go...DON DON

OK here I go...DON DON DOOOON!!...XD

- I'm a total computer geek though people mistake me for being the athletic type.
- I'm an Illustrator working from home.
- I'm 5'8.
- I'm 21 on March 9th.
- I have a pure white Manx cat name Frosty.
- I have two Betta fish and two gold fish.
- My budgie barks.
- I'm an artist.
- I'm a horse lover.
- I do dressage, show jumping, barrel racing and reining.
- I've actually got a wild horse under saddle and rider in less then an hour without using whips ropes or any training tack.
- Dragons are my favorite fantasy creature.
- My hair is straight, black and long enough to put in a ponytail ( I really need to cut it O_o)
- My favorite colors are purple, red, black and silver.
- I am NOT gay...(though I do understand why anyone would think that O_o)
- My front door froze shut yesterday...took 7 hours to thaw...8/
- I despise crowds.
- I'm very quiet in person.
- I'm slightly lazy except when coconut candy is involved.
- I'm blind to the obvious most of the time.
- and finally...have no idea why I'm filling this out, but I am...
eyestrain's picture

-my fingers are crooked (from

-my fingers are crooked (from the middle joint), "spoon" (curve up when I hold my hand open), and the tips of my fingers are unusually 'puffy', like the toes of a frog. Because of this, my ability to draw hands suffered for years, as I tried to use my own as reference. My character's hands were often criticized as 'incorrect' in critique.

-I bite my fingernails to the quick. They have never been longer than my finger tip.

- I dislike when people write in extremely small text online. It is hard to see and if it was worth posting, I think it is worth reading.

- The only times I cry are when watching certain movies, or late at night before I sleep. I don't know how to cry in a way that makes sound.

- I have fallen into romantic love four times in my life. In three of the four instances, a relationship would be impossible (though I pursued two for four or more years). The fourth was bad timing and nothing has come of it.

- The idea of all the characters in the forest looking exactly the same was hugely appealing for me. Learning of the possibility of a unique appearance was a disappointment, and customized designs repel me, even if they are very good.

-My expectation of a person's closeness and understanding of me is inversely proportionate to the amount of time we have known each other. On first meeting I expect a profound connection. After months, I am surprised to hear people express a profound closeness to me. In some ways I am hurt they did not feel it when I did, for I have grown tired of waiting and given up on that wish. This may contribute to my weak endurance for maintaining relationships.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.

More because I'm

More because I'm procrastinating! Cool

x if I liked something once upon a time, I generally will not like it now.
x if I walk behind you instead of beside you then that often means that I trust you.
x when I was little my favorite movie was All Dogs go to Heaven and because of that, my parents and a few friends call me Squeaker.
x YES, I'm ticklish and I make funny noises when I'm tickled.
x NO, you may NOT tickle me!
x I have a thing against gender roles <|)
x people can call me a "hipster" but I just call it "doing stuff I like." I happen to enjoy guady things, ugly sweaters, funny glasses, and skinny jeans.
x I think cross processing is annoying and I wish it would die 8'D
x gotta have tea at least once a day.
x I forgive but do not forget.
x I'd rather watch a bad movie than a good movie.
x Potatoes.

..and that's where I go to sleep!

I'll just tag along now that

I'll just tag along now that it has been bumped again 83

- Can't live without love or as a single. Been like this since all the "I want to love someone" occured as a youngster.
-As a child I was very outgoing and liked everyone around me. This turned upside down in the age of 12 or something and then I just started to keep away from anyone I don't know.
-Diagnosed with depression and other issues in the age of 13, later told that I've already been having depression from the age of 6. Makes me pissed that there has been only 6 years of "happiness" in my life.
-Things got so bad in some point that I was hospitalized twice for over a month. I also lost most of my memory from those years and can't recall much.
-I consider myself a very mellow person and I never get angry. It's very hard to piss me off so bad I'd really start to show I'm pissed. If I do somehow get too irritated, then you'll propably see it right away. My style of being angry includes total silence and throwing stuff.
-Music, games and drawing keeps me together. If I am getting anxious the best way to make things more mild for myself is playing games.
-My favorite food is sushi. If I'd have to choose something that I would have to eat for the rest of my life it would be it. omnomnom...
-Social phobia and Cynophobia (Fear of dogs) I have never liked dogs at all but when I got bit by one it made me be scared of them, even if I know in my head that there's usually no need to be scared. When I'm walking with someone and a dog walker is going to go past, I change sides to hide behind the one I'm walking with. I don't pet dogs almost at all, only quick pats for the ones I know are very friendly.
-Cursing is sometimes a problem when I don't notice I'm doing it. I'd like to get used to children someday, or try at least... but I'm scared that too many cursewords would slip, as I want to keep children innocent and that they won't hear those words as long as it's possible.
-Which reminds me that i have never held a child in my lap, or pretty much done anything with them. I feel very anxious and nervous around them, even if sometimes I just wish I could play with them because I'd really want to play ;_;
-I can forgive, but never forget. Do something that hurts me deeply and you'll have my daggers in your back forever.
-My life is mostly about Pokémon, dinosaurs, dragons, cats and CHOCOLATE. I can't go a day without chocolate, it is my fuel.
-I have yet to discover something that would make me feel nausea or just "the feeling you can't stand." I've watched so many gory and morally inacceptable things and none have made me feel sick or anything. I think my brain has gone numb for anything like that.
-I observe. All the time. I can't understand how I'm with someone and I see or hear something funny or odd, and laugh about it or ask if the one with me noticed it and they go "huh? Wut?" I mean, doesn't anyone else but me hear everything people talk in busses or when they walk down the streets? o.O I feel like I notice every little word people say or do, every little piece of trash that flies across the ground, every shop and their texts and window items... It just makes me sad sometimes that nobody seems to be as interested in the world around them as I seem to be.
-Let's continue with this. I am a realist. I think about anything like they would realisticly be and don't leave room for optimism that could just ruin everything, and leave out the pessimism too, because it's not needed imo.
-I don't smoke, drink, use violence on people/animals etc. (I only hit Tuoho when he's hitting me first :3) I just don't get the fun in any of those. And the first two are a waste of money which I happily choose to go waste on manga and chocolate.
-I get overly emotional when a stranger praises me or suddenly comes to hug me with pure thought of showing affection. I'd never want to let go of someone like that ;u; Even when I've got "*hugs*" comments here on the community it makes me feel so good <3
-I don't have friends irl because I'm so damn picky on them. I appreciate politeness, kindness, humour, respect, loyalty etc. The worst things to like or do is using alcohol often, not coming to some place when agreed to do so and asking to bring a friend with them who I don't know. Ugh...
-Scorpio. And I think I have all the traits that Scorpio's are said to have. Durrr...
-My right hand's pinkie's bone has become curved because I hold the pencil in a funny way.
- I'm being joked about my shortness a lot. Doesn't bother me that much though even when I have to climb on the counter tops to get something from the cupboards.

....I've written too much. I'll stop now :I



Tracking this so I can

Tracking this so I can compile everything into one!

Just gonna do another one

Just gonna do another one because I feel like things may have changed, and I probably have more in general. Plus, despite the personal intrusion of it, I like these things.

- 18. I feel superior to others, I won't lie, perhaps due to my intelligence. In grade 8 I was classified with a second year university student's mind.
- Despite this, I prefer being an ass and fooling around with friends online and in real life, as humour is a huge part of my existence. Without laughter, I start to fade.
- Constantly, constantly seek compliments and flattery. I disgust myself with this, but it's probably because of my exponential insecurity of all things. Art, myself, opinions, etc.
- I hold grudges. Terribly, terribly long.
- Difficult to change my opinion.
- I try to think before I speak; I can be rather blunt, though, too.
- I care deeply for the select few I call my friends. Even when they're long gone, I will refer to them as such until they give me reason not to.
- Betrayal is a rift it takes effort to patch up. You break our relationship, have fun fixing it. I want no part.
- I love chocolate.
- I am grossed out with my appearance. But I'm too disinterested at the same time to try to fix it.
- My worst of the seven deadly sins are Pride and Envy; thus I am a walking contradiction.
- Because I am too proud to admit my envies, but am jealous of what everyone else has, and am not proud of myself.
- Pandora is the embodiment of the worst of my sins.
- I adore blood and gore, all things macabre.
- I want a pet vampire bat, a pet tiger, a python and lynx.
- Some people think I'm rude or selfish. I agree with them.
- Do not hurt my friends. I'm always looking for something cute and fluffy to kill.
- Love contrast, in art or stories. Dark and light, the two extremes. You'd notice most of my characters show this- namely, Pandora and Crimsongale, black on white.
- I dislike when stories have happy endings.
- I love when main characters die.
-I adore possessive, painful, vicious relationships. Though I can tolerate lovey-dovey romance too.
- I believe in reincarnation.
- I think I was a wolf in my past life, an omega. Because I struggle to hold eye contact, worried I'll offend someone.
- I could eat 4837582lbs of shepherds pie.
- I am a philosopher.
- I adore roleplaying and art. I would not survive without the two.
- Music draws emotions from me. I can listen to a depressing song, and be unable to stop listening to it because of its connection to me, even though it affects my health.
- I have a heart disease, stress disorders and consistent iron deficiency.
- I was supposed to end up in a wheelchair but fuck dat shit yo.
- Seriously, I had surgery on my legs and it fixed the threat. No wheelchair for me.
- I am obsessed with anime/manga. Nuff said.
- I hate how short I am. Maybe that's why 80% of my characters are skyscrapers.
- My back is killing me.
- I have a lipring, and plan on a bellybutton ring as well.
- I will get a tattoo (self-drawn reference) of a wolf paw on my right hip.
- On the other hand, I am terrified of needles. Hoboy -__-
- Creative, but not inventive. I can draw any freaky creature you put me to, but I cannot so much as touch a solid object that needs to be formed into something. Paper mache, carpentry, pottery, all that stuff just scares me.
- I nearly severed two of my fingers on my left hand on a glass window.
- You can tell I'm agitated or upset when I give short responses. I don't like saying outright 'leave me alone'.
- I also don't like crying for help. But when I do, and no one responds, it throws me down even harder.
- Way too sensitive for my health.
- Way too insensitive when it comes to others.
- I can be elitist. I dislike explaining things to what I've come to call 'stupid people'.
- I could run the government way better than the bastards doing so now. I'm just too lazy to understand politics.
- Math failure, english stellar.

I`ll stop spamming, sorry.
Pfft lol.

-black eyes (one looks

-black eyes (one looks white/blue-grey..)
-black hair
-I had always wanted to be actor when young
-will try any food
-favorite fruit is apple
-I like to cook weird food
-scared of crows
-scared of dogs
-both parents Italian
-love classical music
-favorite artist is andrea bocelli and inspiration
-have personally met him multiple time
-I speak English Ok and no other secondary languages
-many family members
-favorite color is white
-I love to smile
-I am blind in the left eye
-expected to lose full eye sight soon
-graduated high school two year ago
-died once and came back
-scared of death
-have pet rabbit that is also fully blind
-she is my best friend
-coat color is silver
-she will be 3 years old this year
-her name is Venera
-I always get opposite gendered pet than myself
-feel close to my parents
-I look at things positively at all the time
-lived in the same house for over 7 years
-I live now around the Val d'Orcia
-member of this place since 2005
-my previous acount I have forgoten
-I love to read and will miss it
-never attended carnival/festival
-find roller-coasters rides unpleasant
-I cant swim
quadraptor's picture

- I shamelessly wear thrift

- I shamelessly wear thrift store clothes
- I'm not picky when it comes to name brands, I'd much rather wear comfortable clothes than wear clothes just for the label.
- Favorite name brand of clothing is Columbia Sportswear
- Favorite name brand of shoes is New Balance
- Quad's Spring/Summer Fashion = Hawaiian shirt (buttoned), shorts (khaki, blue jean, camo, ect), and either tennis shoes or sandals. Blue Jean pants on occasion
- Quad's Fall/Winter Fashion = Plaid shirt (unbuttoned), T-shirt underneath, blue jeans, tennis shoes. Jacket, scarf, and bomber hat/crocheted beanie optional depending on how cold it gets.
- I often wear a necklace, most recent is an aquitaine sundial ring I received as a gift from my aunt.
Freyja's picture

- I'm a scorpio, year of the

- I'm a scorpio, year of the fire rat or something like that
- I love my cat
- I think I have a very good life
- I often feel strange because of this. The only problems I have are physical problems....I find most of my online friends are depressed, or have a lot more issues then that.
- I think I have a phobia of needles....I fear them enough that I cry at school when we have them, in front of my grade
- I think i'm too bitter and prejudiced towards strangers, or just in general. I mean for things like piercings...if I see someone with a piercing, i'll immediately assume they're some bad stereotype. I'm trying to get over this
- I think my thoughts conflict a lot. When i'm alone, I think a lot more of myself then I do when i'm with friends, in terms of appearence and intelligence
- I'm an athiest, i'm also very anti-religious
- I enjoy arguing, but I get frustrated very easily when I do so. I often start little fights with my friends over religion without meaning to
- Very pessimistic
- Getting worse with my schoolwork....it's been in decline for quite a while, no matter how hard I try.
- I'm a virgin and I think i'm gonna stay one for quite a while. Don't really care either way though, I think people need to stop focusing on it.
- I think i'm an attention-seeker
- Online communities often make me feel lonely because of this
- I really wish I had some experience relationship-wise.
- I love reading, and mythology. I know everyone says that but yeah lol
- I wish I drew more, or was more experimental with my art. I wish I could draw the magpies that come to my house in the afternoon

maybe more later
wingeddeer's picture

Looks like it's been awhile

Looks like it's been awhile since anyone replied to this,so i'll bump with my own facts.^^

-I hate it when a stranger comes to my usual tight knit group of friends,call it extreme jelously.But if they keep visiting I usually warm up to them.
-I adore the color blue,it calms me.
-I have a passion for the old American west.I want a mural painted in my room depicting a scene like it.
-Devoted to my religion.
-I suffer from one day breakdowns every month,even when everything in my life is perfect.It goes away though the next day,thank goodness.
-I tolorate swearing,but I could never say one.
-Despite everyone telling me to get a job in art...I'm intrested in looking into wild land management,so I can get an excuse to have a job that allows me to go hiking and go places.
-As stated above,I love hiking in alpine areas.
-People deem me as way to shy,antisocial,and unhappy.When i'm actually quite a happy person,for some reason I just don't show it.
-I own a tarantula,but I fear smaller spiders.
-I'm uncomfortable with the recent,rapid growth of my former small town.I've lived there for 11 years and still remember when there was only one neighborhood and no stores.
-I live next to one of the worlds largest open pitt copper mines.But i'm so used to seeing it it's not really an eyesore to me.
-Every close friend i've managed to have ALWAYS moved away two years later.It's happened four times,and still affects me for some odd reason.
-I love skulls and bones.
-Favortie animals are deer,gemsbok,and humpback whales.
-I love alpine and scrubland biomes.

..And thats it.8D

Kaoori's picture

random fact: I'm a girl, and

random fact:

I'm a girl, and I'm totally not afraid to fart or talk about farting.


VIVA LA FART >8D *same way


*same way