Chased from the Pack
They attacked me, nipped away at my body...
An Alpha attacked by her pack?
They all betrayed me, but the ones who did this...
Chased me from my homelands...
Nng... Running so long...
So weak...
this place?
"The Final Howling" - Prose
- The Story Leading Up to the Image
- If you would like to RP privately you may Contact me
- Follow up After this: "Show Me Your World"
Hmmmmmmmmm Yummeh, Yummeh Carnage for the Wolf Alpha... link above directs you to the lovely story of which leads up to this particular image and ending.
Anyone is free to interact with her here, or on the story page itself. If you see the image, please view the story as well because it will help to understand things she might say (Namely about two particular names, Ranath and Tompael)
I would like to Apologize in Advance to those that wish to meet her IN forest... I don't get much time on the computer (my mothers that is) and when I do get online it's rather late in the evening (10pm CST for me), it is likely easier for you to meet her in Roleplaying Situations.
-licks at her jaw
lol jk but seriously B| -tracking for now-
FleuraLune [wolf-deer hybrid]
XD I LOVE this picture!
Ryuu wandered around the
He "whiskered" the bleeding alpha cautiously.
(got some muse xD)
(I'm going to add a quick
Blood. The scent infiltrated her very being, causing her eyes to roll back briefly, very much like those of some seduced shark. She licked her chops before attempting to shake herself free of the thoughts that came to mind. She did not like this. She did not like being like this, but what choice did a turned deer like herself have?
...There was no harm in a quick investigation, though, right?
One foot in front of the other, she made quick work of the distance between herself and the fallen one. Her feet were curious, hooves split four ways like misshapen paws. It wasn't long before she found herself stepping in similar prints. Her pace slowed. Her yellow eyes widened.
"What is this?"
@Okami: Something had touched
Something had touched her frame... having been laying for awhile... the she-wolf brought open those golden eyes and went to find had touched her... not much in general terms of strength to get to her feet... and with the limited vision due to the high grass it was hard to find what it was. Her tail flicked some as she growled some... slightly in a manner to defend herself... or scare whatever it was off, the fear of whatever it was that poked her being a predator or scavenger running in her head. Though it didn't seem this was as such... and after a few moments the she-wolf willed her head up to see the strange thing... before she slumped it back down again, huffing out a heavy breath and sound.
Her form hadn't moved since she had collapsed... eyes closed... resting... heavy fur rising with each slow breath. Amadalia was resting... regaining strength lost from her attack and from the running previously done. Nothing was familiar in this place, scents... nothing... and it was a bit startling to be in a new territory that she had no idea about. One of those large ears swiveled towards the sounds... towards the voice when it spoke and golden eyes cracked open and that weak head came up and looked at the other creature before it slumped back down to the ground with a huff... a thin groan coming out of the Alpha as she stayed where she was... not making any motions to speak yet... even though she likely could.
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Manako paused as that heavy
"You aren't a deer... You're more like him. More like me."
Did that make her any less of a meal? Perhaps it did, for Manako took a seat instead of a bite.
"Can you speak?"
Those ears carefully shifted
Her ears flicked some more before laying back softly against her head... shifting the Alpha growled again before shifting "More like you?"
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
"You're not a deer, and
"Why would I try and look
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Perhaps Manako had forgotten
She fumbled with the second question for a moment. It had caught her off guard like some hare that had gotten a head start. "Not exactly... I'm what you'd consider prey turned predator." She paused, looking the other over once more. "It would probably be in your best interest to rest, so the tables don't turn for you."
"Now that I know that you can speak, do you have a name?"
"And you would try and eat
"Since you are... so kind... Amadalia Banesblood... Alpha... of my pack..." Or at least she hoped so... the way they attacked her... tore into her... she doubted she was the 'Alpha' of anything now. But still, she held that title with pride and wasn't going to easily throw it away.
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Ryuu flinched back his
"Need some help, Alpha?"
His tone was rather plain, but sincere in interest.
(I apologize for the delay. I
"Let's say that my original intentions have since then changed. I try my best to stray from cannibalism... Easier said than done, I suppose," she mused aloud. She no longer fit into any clean category.
"An alpha? Then where is your pack?"
Fffffffff Delays all around!
Those golden eyes shifted to him for a moment, looking the... strange male over as she sighed deeply again... she was, technically, at his mercy "Where am I? And who or what are you..."
@Scythe: "Your guess is as good as mine..." The she-wolf wasn't going to truly say she'd been run out... that pride wouldn't allow for it. Then again, what use did she have keeping anything hidden, this... female... could likely know she wasn't saying everything. Closing those golden eyes, she gently crossed her paws over each other... a wince coming when the injured one was slipped to the top "I was run out... something or someone within turned them against me... likely Tomrael... we were moving from our lands due to the herds moving."
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Instead of answering
He nodded when she had finished. "Yes, I could help with those wounds, if you want. Looks like you've lost a lot of blood already. And as to where you are, this place is usually referred to as the Endless Forest. My name's Ryuu."
He chuckled a bit before adding, "I suppose you haven't seen a dragon before? Though I'm not all dragon, I suppose..."
He smiled gently, despite the obvious underlying vibe of anxiety the Alpha was exuding.
Those ears swirled around,
Shaking her head some... the canine winced... and sighed, she supposed... it would be nice to have the wounds tended to. Her back and throat mainly. The little things wouldn't set her back too far and they would heal within a few days "And why would you heal something like me?"
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
"So they overthrew you." It
A casual shrug, "Let's just
Though he hadn't seen much other than the visions of her being driven out of her pack, Ryuu knew he was the type to go out on a limb, despite outward appearances. Maybe the fact she had been driven out would make him think maybe she wasn't to be trusted, but Ryuu knew this was more often than not just a part of the natural order of creatures like this Alpha.
If worse came to worse, he could handle himself.
@Scythe: A snort was the
@Okami: "You certainly are not like me..." The canine let out with a soft chuckle and a sigh, rude to leave her injured and sulking in her own wounds and misery? That was an amusing thought to be honest... an interesting one at that. She didn't seem the type to warrant any kindness or help, yet this strange creature was offering it to her. Amadalia mused some to herself and sighed again "If you are debating whether you can trust me or not... I was betrayed by my pack... which is the reason for my being here..."
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
"Then... If I may? I can
As if to answer her questioning of his trust, he sat down next to her, looking into her eyes. Any distrust would only come when she was physically fit, anyway. When it came to most others, he would heal without spoken consent, but something about this wolf told him she would probably appreciate being asked for permission. She had been an alpha, after all.
"The... more serious ones you
Such a thing was rare with strange beasts who knew nothing of her or anything else about things such as herself. Sometimes she didn't mind having business poked into, though she hated the mischief certain things from her home territory caused. A gentle sound came from her before she laid her head back down on her paws "Most would just cause mischief and trouble... you're different..."
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
He nodded at her permission,
A green fire was slowly pouring out of his mouth and nostrils as he worked, not stopping when he spoke. It moved over and covered what he thought were the "more serious" wounds. He could understand if she didn't want to be healed as much as possible. One could say it's like cheating nature.
A gentle sound came from the
"I wish you'd have been around to tell the Fauns that when they decide to play around with my pack... nasty little devils..." Amadalia snorted, maybe that was a bonus to being away from her homelands... she didn't have to deal with those pesky creatures anymore. But... she was likely to have to still deal with such things here either way... no place was without it's mischief makers.
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
He simply made an amused hum
"There, that should do it. If you like like me to heal up anything else, feel free to ask."
He shifted into a more relaxed position, leaning on his side, strangely cat-like as he crossed his front hooves together, letting his back legs stretch out behind him.
"I s'pose it goes without saying I can show you around this place, or at least give you verbally an idea of where things are. I'm sure you're thirsty." He nodded towards something in the distance, "Not sure if you can see the statues over there, but from those you can see the pond." A slight chuckle, "I don't exactly recommend the magic fountain right over here unless you want to end turning into up a crow and seeing magical rainbows and floating goldfish."
It was just something of how
Those golden eyes would follow his speech, her tail lazily flipping up behind her as she watched him. A puzzled look came on her face at the last thing he mentioned "Magical Rainbows and Floating Goldfish? Are you sure whoever goes there doesn't just get drunk from whatever they drink?" She let out, really... she only heard of such things when someone was completely plastered from a heavy drinking binge.
"It would be nice just to have a walk around... if I can walk and get a feel I'll be more... happy."
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
"Being overthrown and being
Hmmm, I'm tempted to RP with
Also, the picture is simply wonderful, your lineart is as stunning as always! >w<
@Scythe: "Hmmmm yes, but if
At the mention of things, Amadalia chuckled some at her tone when it was taken with the feline... she was amused by it. Dogs and cats rarely ever got along, but within her pack she had two cats and they didn't seem to bother anyone "Establishment here wouldn't be bad... though I don't want to make an impact if I am not to stay..." Another muse to her words before she carefully propped her feet under herself and got up to those legs sighing some looking at the injured paw "I suppose I'll be fine... just have a limp for a bit..."
@CW: Feel free to interact if you want ^^ I'm actually getting around to coloring this (Along with the majority of my Amadalia art) XD
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Ooohhh, tempting, tempting
Ryuu shrugged. "Perhaps. But
He chuckled a little bit, then stretched one more time before heaving himself up to stand. He looked down at the Alpha, but in a way that conveyed his neutrality and respect. "Yeah, I bet you're restless. I can accompany you, if you want. I would understand if you'd rather be alone though."
Edit: Finally lol too bad it's short and lame xD
OOC: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh your fine
"Company is better than being alone... I'm a pack animal after all."
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"