Please Stop.

Alecsander's picture

We do not want to roleplay with you.
We do not want to fight.
This has been made very clear.
You're being extremely rude and relentless in harassing all of the deer by the pond.
No one has done anything to you and you have repeatedly attacked everyone there.
Please, just stop.

If you want to go attack and be mean to you friends then by all means go ahead. I don't care if you run around trying to crack in the skulls of all of your friend's deer.

I don't, however, appreciate walking down to see my friend and getting chased into the pond/attacked for stepping into the water.

I honestly have no idea whose deer this is or what the player's problem is but I kindly ask them to tone it down or confine it to only players who get a kick out of having an RD after them.

New Edit:
Seriously? If you're not even going to read the comments to find out why this escalated beyond 'hey who is this and why are they being so rude?' then just do a favour and don't post. I mean really, it's beyond the initial issue now due to unexpected response.

Being unable to see the

Being unable to see the pictogram I've no idea who it could be for sure. Sorry Sad
Tally's picture



So it is...*sigh*

So it is...*sigh*
Seed's picture

It's Walter being especially

It's Walter being especially monstrous. Seed doesn't care right now: he is stoically focused on keeping me awake long enough that he can wish his best friend a happy birthday.
Verdalas's picture

In his nicest manner, Walter

In his nicest manner, Walter says "Go *bleep* yourself.".

Apologies. If you don't like him, avoid him.
Alecsander's picture

Verdalas please stop hiding

Verdalas please stop hiding behind your character.
Just tell me to go fuck myself if you want to.
If it had to turn to petty insults then don't half-ass it.

I just wanted to get across that I did not find your in forest behavior to be wanted and politely asked you to stop chasing down my and my friend's deer to try and pick fights/harass them. It is hard to avoid a deer that is in hot pursuit intent on getting in your face.

As I did not know who this was I had no choice put to put it on the community site as a general plea to stop.
Verdalas's picture

Excuse me? I have nothing

Excuse me?

I have nothing against you OOCly. I don't even know who you are. So please don't tell me to "come out" to you because in all honesty, I would rather get to know you than have an instant enemy.

Walter's behaviour has always been like this and you're one of the first in a very long time to actually complain about this. And to be frank, no. I will not stop playing Walter's character how he is. Ignore him, dance on the spot, do as you please. Usually I can figure when someone doesn't want to socialise with him. And if you don't like it, tolerate it. That's a very good motto around here concerning "RDs".

I am...too bias on this

I am...too bias on this subject to really have much comment on the matter. I simply hope that maybe this can deal with civilly? ...maybe?
Verdalas's picture

I'm sorry Tera, I don't mean

I'm sorry Tera, I don't mean for this to turn into an arguement. *Snuggleluff*

Tbh I should have a pre-made speech for everytime one of these threads pops up.

It's alright, I'm not

It's alright, I'm not annoyed. Walter wouldn't be Walter to me if he didn't ruffled some feathers every once in a while...just, try and censor the old fellow a bit more in the future maybe.

Queze was glad he got to check in on him though, make sure he was ok. Smiling
Alecsander's picture

In the politest manner

In the politest manner possible, I refuse.

I do not find it to be appropriate to tell another player to go fuck them-self regardless of whether 'the deer' said it or not.

It is a character that you made and decide how to dictate it's behavior.
Not the other way around.

If you want to be rude in forest then fine. I can ignore your deer now that I know you play them as an RD because they're 'evil' or what have you and it wasn't just a weird freak troll.

When, however, the player chooses to have the 'character' say what they'd like to as to get away free with being crass to another member of the community (see: Human being) it crosses a line.

There is a huge difference between a relentless deer and an inconsiderate player. You could have civilly said "No, I will play him how I want." and left it at that. I would have replied "Oh, I see you play a mean character. I'll avoid him. I thought it was a weird troll attempt and being new I was unfamiliar with Walter."

Except you had to go the extra step to throwing petty insults. I won't take this incident to be the end all be all of your character, but I found in disappointing to say the least.

Does it make me any less responsible if 'my deer' tells a Player that he hopes they have a miscarriage, to go to hell, to go fuck them self, to go die in a fire, etc?

Because I, as the player, dictate his behavior. It is still rude.

I don't give a damn about how you want to play Walter anymore in particular. By all means I am not asking you to change his character or demanding that you do so! I was just rather hurt and confused as to who this weird deer that insisted on trying to harm mine was and whether it was normal for their character or some weird OOC hate thing.

When, however, you use him to lash out at another member of the community because you feel entitled to that privilege being that the older members 'tolerate' it. I'm left a bit..speechless and taken aback frankly.

I honestly can't rationalize how a mature individual could validate saying such a thing to a complete stranger and have it be justified as a polite and acceptable response.

I am just as much as person as you are and expect to be treated with some sort of general courtesy as I attempted to extend in the first place.

Play your deer in forest and RP as you want but I will not be disrespected by a fellow player for asking them out of character to tone it down a bit when it comes to strangers in forest.
Cyaneus's picture

At least it's just a

At least it's just a game?

Someone else's deer making angryfaces at you can never hurt your character, so however the deer's player meant it, you are always free to ignore that deer.

onyxsoulclaw's picture

Come on everyone group hug.

Come on everyone group hug.
Walters a grumpy charater, I felt sad at his ways cause my dear kept on making mistakes with him. then i just realised that's life. Infact! Walter is very useful, cause in real life you meet charaters like that and you have to cope with them. If you don't wish to be attacked or chased keep well clear or if u do bum in to him bow and walk back wards don't fight back, walk away, Walters onterage and doe will rein him in. Air sit and leave the area, Show your deer is a strong charter.
Walter just needs to be respected and watched from a distance, he has good days and bad. That's part of the game. After all it's only a game. And without the mutitude of differnt charaters and attitudes it would be rather dull. Take care now and happy galloping.
Bylah's picture

Hi. It's me. Yea. That

Hi. It's me. Yea. That person.

I do believe the problem here is a communication failure. Alecsander wasn't aware of who this deer was. All that needed to be said was, "This is Walter and he's a bit of a rude fellow."

I have to agree with Alec here; was there really any need for Walter - an IC character - to tell a *player* to "Go *bleep* yourself"?

No. Not only was it in poor form, but it smacks of blending the line between OOC and IC. Your *deer* shouldn't know what was said because he's not real. If you, Verdalas, have nothing against her OOC, and your deer is a character, then this was utterly pointless and more than a little insulting. Very uncalled for.

I respect your wishes to want to play your deer as you please, but when you blur that line, it does look like you, the player, wanted to say it and just hid behind your character. That might not have been your intention(and you say it's not), but from the outside, looking in?

That's how it looks.

KingEnvy's picture

Just poping in here really

Just poping in here really quick, but Alec, Vir said 'sorry' and yet your still trying to pick a fight?
Is this all that the community has turned into? A place to fight with the family of the forest? Its sad really.

Walter is one of the oldest deer I know here, and yes he may be grumpy, but hes always been like that. Your actually one of the first I see to complain about his actions.

Whoa whoa whoa Alec please

Whoa whoa whoa

Alec please just delete this post *hugs*
Fledermaus's picture

I hate the fact that if an

I hate the fact that if an unknown deer were to harass players, there'd be complaints everywhere and everyone would be on a witch hunt to track this person down and "take care of them".
But if it's Walter, it's ok.
onyxsoulclaw's picture

Passes peace cookies round,

Passes peace cookies round,
Try to be friends it may take time but it's all worth it. We are a community as people we should respect each other and know our boundries, many of us write them on the bios, So we just need to understand our deer more and work together.
Hugs all.
Lets chill and enjoy the game. With out the differnt charters and things happening the forest would not exitst.
Take care now.

I don't think it's fair that

I don't think it's fair that a lot of player's are acting as if it's alright to accept Walter's behaviour, and not other deer, whether it's the character's personality or not.
Personally, this sort of thing doesn't really bother me, unless it's constant harassment. A character is a character, they have their own personalities. The thing that bothers me is the way how it seems Walter is the only deer that can behave this way, any other deer would get shot down if they attacked someone else.
I thought everyone was with the whole 'treat everyone equally' thing, meaning no one is higher than the other, but clearly not. D:

I don't usually join in on

I don't usually join in on things like this, but for the love of God, just drop it, people xD;; It's pretty much cleared up.

*edit* ffff ninja'd by Dannii

*edit* ffff ninja'd by Dannii logic
Zeekii's picture

Cheese anyone?

Cheese anyone?
Alecsander's picture

Once again: It's not about

Once again:

It's not about Walter or his personality any more.
It's about the fact that Verdalas used him to tell me (A PLAYER) to go *bleep* myself when I politely requested to please stop randomly harassing everyone down at the pond.

Out of Character.
As in I was address the PLAYER and in response had 'a deer' throw petty insults my way when "Hey that's just how I play my character" could have sufficed.

It was uncalled for and I find it slightly appalling that instead everyone is ganging up on me and making it 'okay' for someone to use a 'character' to say unnecessarily rude things to others in disagreements.

Things like this happen.

Things like this happen. Just...drop it, please. It's unnecessary drama, and I'm not taking sides.

No one at all has said it's

No one at all has said it's okay for a character to insult a player. Because it isn't.

A few just wanted to defend Walter's position as a mean, crazed old deer because he's been around awhile (your initial complaint).
Bylah's picture

I have to disagree. Things

I have to disagree. Things like this DON'T happen, SHOULDN'T happen.

If Walter, as a deer, is rude, so be it. He can be rude in the forest all he wants. That is Verd's prerogative to play him that way and no one is saying she can't.

But when you(royal you, here) bring your deer into the COMMUNITY PAGE, and INSULT A PLAYER?

No, that doesn't happen. And for people to tell Alec to drop it, it's common, it's no big deal? That sounds to me as if you are excusing someone from having their character insult a player.

How would you feel if Bylah told you that you were worthless, couldn't write, couldn't draw, couldn't whatever worth a crap and I tacked on an 'Apologies. That's just the way I play him'?

That's not cool. Period. Because that's not the way I play Bylah. Why?

Because I don't play Bylah on the community page because the community page is OOC.

Defending a characters actions in forest is all well and good. I've done it too, because when Bylah is in forest? I'm RPing. So that's awesome.

But insulting a player is not IC. It's not in character. It might be within Walter's nature to insult deer...but Walter can't write. He can't type. He doesn't have access to the internet and so he should have no idea what was said here.

Attacking other deer is in character.
Insulting/Attacking a player? That's harassment. Period. There's no getting around it and if you want to defend it, then we've got a serious problem on our hands as a community.

I give up. |c

I give up. |c
Shiori's picture

-pats Dannii- You really

-pats Dannii- You really should lol. Some drama NEEDS to happen...I think this has been long overdue
Alecsander's picture

Sunflare, I realize what

I realize what people are attempting to do, but it is so long after the fact it's just irritating at this point. I don't care about Walter. I was informed hes a mean deer quite a bit ago but still told by a few players that they appreciate me putting up the blog. They very well knew whose deer this was and were intimidated to post this because they knew they would get attacked by the community.

The only reason this is even still here is because I want to hear from Verdalas them-self again.
Whether it be to explain their behavior, apologize for being out of line, or to just tell me to go *bleep* myself player to player.

This is between two players and I really can't see why everyone feels the need to rush in with their hands covering their ears screaming "DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY RAH RAH RAH" when the blog had, up until a certain point this morning, maintained a state of civil disagreement. It was not 'drama'.

It was a disagreement between two players that could not be taken anywhere else because I had no means to discover who this player was initially. I also now feel that if I were forced to take the conflict out of the open that it will just result in dismissal and more insults by the other player since they would feel no obligation to save face in front of the community behind closed doors. Which is completely counter-productive.

No, I am sorry, I am not going to sweep this under the rug and forget it. Please, I ask that if you only wish to start unnecessary rabble rousing in an attempt to make me feel obligated to delete the blog then do not post. It is not going to happen. My apologies, it just will not. I do not find it necessary to back down and go "Okay I sowwwyies" for attempting to stand up to a more popular older player by calling them out on their behavior.

I feel doing so would only harm the community worse in the long run.

MoonlitStar stated that "things like this just happen." Which means that it will happen again, most likely to a younger less confident player who cannot handle getting pushed at by all sides. I don't want to just shove my fist in my mouth and see another user getting insulted because I choose to sit aside when it was *Me* getting the third degree.

It would be hypocritical for me to turn the blind eye this time. I could not justify jumping to the aid of a younger player when they say "why is this deer hurting mine? :c" and once again have 'the deer' insulting them if I did not defend myself when I experienced it.

I rarely flip flops on my morals and this is no exception. If this had happened to another player I would still be defending my feelings and beliefs as fervently as I am now. It is just who I am.

Avoiding the conflict does not solve it. It just makes the problem escalate worse the next time the same dispute comes up. I don't wish that anyone else has to be treated this way by the community.
I made the decision to keep this going because I know that I can handle whatever petty backlash or retribution the less mature players can throw my way as I continue in pursuit of an admittance of rude conduct or more passive aggressive responses.

If you want to throw your two cents in on the issue at hand like Bylah has done multiple times then feel free to do so. I will not stop you whether it be "Yeah I agree" or "Alecsander you're a touchy cunt go die in a fire" (provided you as the player say it and not your bloody deer), but I do not find "SSHHHHH!! NO DRAMA HIDE HIDE DELETE DELETE" to be a mature nor acceptable response.

For a fourth time to clairfy:

I am 'calling the player out' on their conduct. Not the deer. Forget the deer. Deer is gone. Goodbye deer. No more deer. See? deer gone. Player conduct. As in, player choosing to use their deer to respond in a rude manner and validating it as "It's cool, that was my deer saying that" to a Player.

Deer can say whatever they wish to each other in In character settings but the community site is a place for players to communicate with each other outside of the forest as I did in the initial post.

As Bylah stated, it is impossible for the 'character' to know what I have said to a player.
Sithrim's picture

I suggest this whole post

I suggest this whole post should be deleted, because if there's something here that needs to be stopped, is this thread. Whether it is justified or not.

MickKreiger's picture

okay here is what i think,

okay here is what i think, and its worth less than two cents.

I know that people have characters that harrass people sometimes, but i mean you should at least make allowances for people you don't know right, like Alec didn't know who it was right, so i don't think you should harrass people you don't know, because then it's like, what the hell andshit and it just creates drama.

But hey mickkreiger's a moron...
onyxsoulclaw's picture

I mean no disrispect but

I mean no disrispect but perhaps it's time to finish this. I have read it on and off all day. let bygones be bygones and drop the subject remeber words mean no harm it's not the end of the world. In life you will face worse. Shake hands make up and live life.

Um what's wrong with people saying "SSHHHHH!! NO DRAMA HIDE HIDE DELETE DELETE" People just don't want this sort of thing to control the community (we have all been doing so well with the happy threads) it's not the greatest thing to read and the more comment people put on it then other peoples stories and pics get buffed down which is not fair on them.
This is my last comment on things. Please condsider others and have a good everning.
Bylah's picture

I don't understand. If the

I don't understand. If the thread is justified, why should it be deleted?

Why is it okay for people to play a rude deer - or a vampire deer, or a whatever deer, in forest, ICly....
Why is it not okay for someone to post their grievances OOCly? Why is it that people are telling Alec to take down her thread, even though she certainly has the right to post her opinion?

If it's okay for us to play our deer however we please, and have the right to tell people, "No, I'll play how I want", then it should also be okay for someone to air out their discontentment.

If it's okay for Walter - or his player, whichever - to tell Alec to go screw herself? Then I think she certainly has the right to defend herself and ask why she was blantantly insulted/attacked in an OOC manner.

If freedom is the key to this community, then we should share that key with everyone.

MickKreiger's picture

oh bylah question whie

oh bylah

question whie you're here

did yu see your fan writing.

because. i have to make sure you saw it.
Sithrim's picture

I say this thread should be

I say this thread should be deleted because not everyone may feel envolved but still feel the negativity of it.
And it should be deleted because this isn't really going to lead us anywhere, people think what they think, afterall.

Not like this isn't the place where you can express yourself. But I think it should stop here.

Naryae's picture

"This is between two players

"This is between two players and I really can't see why everyone feels the need to rush in with their hands covering their ears screaming..."

If that is so, then this shouldn't have been posted as a blog, it should have been handled through a private message on the forum, or through an email. The community site is a public place, and when you make a blog, you give everyone here the right to read it and comment on it. If you really want a reply from Verdalas, perhaps you should take a more private route instead of posting a complaint here.

I'm not going to touch on the actual subject myself, I can't see my opinion helping calm the situation down, but please understand that people are going to put in their two cents here whether you want them to or not.
Reyy's picture

I kind of miss when the drama

I kind of miss when the drama here was just plain fun and when plots were taking place.
Now it's like no one can play their character(s) without being yelled at or someone getting hurt.
I think it's kind of sad.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Like, I know everyone complained about violence before but now it's worse, and it isn't just a plot or story anymore...
Zergarikiaka's picture

I'm with yua Ravynn. *points

I'm with yua Ravynn.
*points to her latest blog*
Alecsander's picture

Sithrim, I am trying to pull

Sithrim, I am trying to pull as much damage control as I can with this.
It is being contained to the best of my ability to ONLY this thread.

I cannot control the actions of the other members of the community but I ask that they behave in a respectable manner and do not over extend this issue by posting Any other threads on this issue.

If a third party user wishes to contact me to turn this into a more respectable 'Let's Discuss...' that addresses the topic at hand (where to draw the line between IC and OOC behavior on the community site) then I would happily delete this blog and go re-post my stance in that one.

I, personally, felt that if I made a new topic on the subject and deleted this one that someone would unnecessarily accuse me of harassing Verdalas by persisting the issue beyond the initial conflict (Meaning, this thread.) Which then would just result in a different thread 'hogging' the recent post first thread. I can't help that it is a popular topic that keeps getting pinged to the top. I can't *stop* replying back when someone misunderstands the content because I failed at clarifying it or they failed to properly read.

This is one thread.
It can be ignored/looked over/what have you.

One thread cannot be responsible for pushing every new story off the page. I can assure you that the problem of 'new content being posted by content that not everyone likes' is a daily occurrence.

If you feel that this is the case then go ahead and continue to bump every new content above this thread whenever it falls off the page. I don't mind, but I can't help that this continues to get posts and have stated that I will not remove it.

I will admit I have not been able to take part in the bumping of new content because since I woke up at 1 pm today (I know lazy and sleeping in) I've been playing damage control on this thread and getting barraged by people on and off site yelling "BACK DOWN GOD DAMN YOU!" "YEAH! YOU TELL THEM!" "STOP CAUSING DRAMA YOU BITCH" "WHY IS EVERYONE BEING STUPID ABOUT THIS? " etc.

I'm going to get started on typing up a new story now and only vaguely watch this thread. If it gets out of control again I will step in to ask people to stop.

If you see someone over-extending this issue than please inform me so I can ask them to stop and tell them to put it here. This will only be done, however, if the topic strictly pertains to the line between OCC and IC behavior. RDs, how violent the forest is lately, mean characters, etc. is it's own subject.
Reyy's picture

Hmm. I don't think this is an

I don't think this is an issue that can actually be solved because people just want to play their character however they want, which to me is fine.

But, as sad as it sounds, there are some people who take advantage of saying they're just playing their character when really they're just being rude.
This isn't directed at anyone, it's just true.
Still, it gives us no right to assume they are.
There are always two ways to view arguments like this, we just need to recognize them and the bigger picture.

I know for a fact that everyone, no matter how much they're just playing IC, has developed a bond with their deer.
People take things personally sometimes when stuff goes down because of this.

I'm sorry this might seem long and boring, but let's see...

I think we forget about the line between in-game and reality, sometimes.
But I can't even talk because I play Ravyn as myself, although I don't take everything in-game personally.

We need to find balance and remind ourselves that there is a line between game and reality. :/

I have no idea if this made sense.
*Scared to post this* :/

In his nicest manner, Walter says "Go *bleep* yourself.".

Apologies. If you don't like him, avoid him.

I think that was a little rude and harsh. Don't be so quick to defend yourself so harshly.
And others shouldn't be so quick to assume.

I believe it has already been

I believe it has already been said...

But why should it be okay for one player to complain/do something rude and get away with it... And not another?
I've been here well over a year, and I've come to find many of us 'Golden Oldies' are beginning to think that just because we are old and famous, we can do things others are not 'priviledged' to do.


I don't want to get involved in what is certainly stemming into a fight (much to Alec's disturbance, because Alec has stated numerous times that this was not what was intended to happen; yet we all ignore it) however, I do feel the need to say that defending someone because they are your best friend or you admire them, even if they are in the wrong, is wrong in itself. Also telling Alec to delete this post is immature and wrong.
This post was necessary, because the player in question was ruining Alec's time in-game whilst they didn't know of Walter, and then OOC Alec was insulted.

This is an issue that must be resolved. And as Alec has said, if this blog is deleted, chances are high that this will be ignored.

That was all I really had to say.

-slips out-
Fincayra's picture

I agree with Naryae - this

I agree with Naryae - this should have been a private message. I understand that you didn't know who the deer was at first, but now that you know it was Walter, then anything after that should have been completely private. But because that didn't happen, everyone is now trying to interfere.

I am not taking sides with anyone, just so you know.
And this is all I will say. :]

-random- YOU! -tackles

-random- YOU! -tackles Fincayra- I was wondering who that nice deer was who was hanging around Lust >83 okay....everyone can commence whatever they were doing -staying out of this one-
Fincayra's picture

Haha, Esll had a wonderful

Haha, Esll had a wonderful time protecting Lust from the Flea! 8D <3

k, back to being serious now. lol.

Esll! Well Lust appreciated

Esll! Well Lust appreciated it even though she/I was in complete ignore mode |D <3
Alecsander's picture

Fincayra, I respect your


I respect your and Naryae's opinion but I already addressed above that I believe it wouldn't do any good to hide this issue behind closed doors. It could end with me getting attacked for defending my position as there are no 'watchful eyes' to pass judgment if more rude remarks get thrown around.

I also have no idea how I would go about contacting Verdalas off site nor have they personally requested the matter or made an attempt to contact me off site to discuss it.

I really want to make an attempt to set a precedent here that firmly says either:

A.) You can do whatever you want with your character. This includes attack other players or deer. Players are not responsible for what they say or do in character on the community site. It is alright to have your deer say what they want to any player and you cannot be punished or looked down upon for it because the deer said it not you.


B.) Replying to an OOC matter with an in character response that is unsavory, rude, or uncalled for is not acceptable. Please limit IC responses to being only between deer unless the character was directly addressed. As in "Furfur, why did your run away from my deer ____?" as it causes unnecessary hurt feelings.

If I had my deer ask Walter why he was acting this way and got the "Go *bleep* yourself response to my deer he would have responded with "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to go do that! I'll go right away now and *bleep* myself!" and it would have been okay.

But..I asked a player to please tone it down and their deer told me to go *bleep* myself while the player dismissed my concerns with a reply with one of my favourite rude phrases:
'my apologies'

I know this phrase well.
I've used it before.
Know what it means? "I acknowledge what you have said but feel no remorse in my actions so I will dismiss it. You do, however, expect me to appear remorseful about it so I'll tack this on the end. Kbai Sticking out tongue "

It appears to be a thought out response to 'get away' with saying something rather rude for no apparent reason. It was uncalled for and I'd rather not see someone else get treated that way because the community wishes to turn a blind eye.

Do I hate Verdalas?
No more than I hate Envy, or Saosin, or anyone else I've had a conflict with in the past. It is a one time thing and I hold faith that Verdalas and everyone else are generally good people who made a faux pas at one time.

I just expect some sort of reply back addressing my concerns of how I felt that comment was uncalled for whether it be "yeah I'm sorry, can we drop this now" or "No I stand by what I said and I'll say it again as the player Go *bleep* yourself." in which case I'll go *bleep* myself, come back to inform everyone I have done so, and drop the matter.

I don't *want* to play the "BAWW THIS PERSON IS A BAD PERSON" game because they're not. I don't think that at all. In fact I have tried my best to not play this game by never directly attacking the user for the conduct. If any other user had said this to me I would just as soon be calling them out regardless of whether it was a new player, popular player, my best friend, my relative, whatever. I just think it was a misstep that shouldn't be pushed under the rug and I have no intentions of taking the cowardly route and deleting this blog.
Pegasicorn's picture

I think the biggest problem

I think the biggest problem is, there is no longer a way to contact people privately through this site, as after the update to it, the "Contact" section on our userpages has been gone.
We need the "Contact" links back so private matters such as this can be handled privately without third parties getting involved.
*has no opinion to post here*
Seed's picture

Mind you, that still wouldn't

Mind you, that still wouldn't have helped here...but it would be nice.
KingEnvy's picture

Please delete this blog.

Please delete this blog.
IoRez's picture

Please don't delete this

Please don't delete this blog. I can't help but get the feeling we've had this converstion before. I'm sure most of you know where I stand on this. FM and CG are on the right track - if this is not okay for some anonymous deer to be doing, it certainly isn't acceptable for one of our senior members. So Walter is grumpy? Big deal. Does that give you license to grief just any player who runs across your screen? I don't think so.

In reality, there is nothing we can do to curb this behavior. The genie is out of the bottle. Because now, as some of you say, if it is okay for one of us it's okay for any and all of us. We have to make the decision as individuals that this isn't the way we want the forest to be, and to all strive to make it the idyllic setting it once was. It is clear that there some players who have other interests in Forest and alternate ideas as to what makes TEF interesting or appealing. I might even go so far as to suggest that for many players, the creation and play of their individual character or characters far outweighs any community interest or concern. The Forest-as-community is not even a relevant issue to many of these players. And I have no idea how that might be changed, or even if it should.

Sorry for the pointless comment.