oh no!

SilverRacoon's picture
I was plaing a bit with my (fawn) dullahan, and when i turned back..
well, his pelt and everything was gone!

Can someone help me get my stuff back?

Magpie pelt,
space beluga antlers
and magpie mask

does anyoe know how i can save my stuff later?
I dunno if spell-saver still works?

Im by the playgrounds (the rocks) right now
Junalia's picture

Us fawns can save our sets

Us fawns can save our sets but they vanish every minute or so. You only have to keep loading it again every time it poofs. It's in the Network tab of your menu I believe, if you press your ESC button. We also have pelts the adults can't have, our own version of some of the adult pelts, if I read correctly.
Apoidea's picture

Hey Silv! Welcome back. In

Hey Silv! Welcome back.

In the new version of the game the spells are saved serverside. It makes it a real hassle to save spells as a fawn, because you have to reload them before closing the game or you lose them.

Edit: wait... oops! I didn't read right. Your account's mature but the fawn option caused you to lose your set?

When we get it back, just save it under the 'network' option of the game.
Apoidea's picture

Are you still online?

Are you still online?
SilverRacoon's picture

Im online again now! :3 I

Im online again now! :3
I got a Magpie pelt before, so now its just the magpie-mask and the spacr beluga antlers left.

I got the antlers too now, so just the magpie mask left!
but im gonna be offlinne right now