OH MY GOSH! I might get a little brother!?

Willet's picture

WE are thinking about adopting him from Tenesse!!
As you can see he is Ten and his name is Anthony Jordian but he likes to be called Jordian!
I might get a little brother!?
I Dont know If I could handle more then just me in the house!!!!
Tenley's picture

Aww... cute little kid! You

Aww... cute little kid! You are SO lucky!
Walking into a room and saying, " I should clean this! " Then walking out. -lily

Willet's picture

Aw thakies!!

Aw thakies!!
Tenley's picture

your welcome! I wanted a

your welcome! I wanted a little sister but....yeah.... not gonna happen....
Walking into a room and saying, " I should clean this! " Then walking out. -lily

day4's picture

LIKE O O M F G That is TOO

That is TOO adorable. Jeeeze. I need to get on here moar. We also need to have the POP in le'morning again!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!

I’ll tell you right now that

I’ll tell you right now that having a younger brother wont always be easy. There are times you will fight and there might be times when you will feel a bit jealous when he gets attention from your parents. Especially with him being ten years old when you first meet him.

But everything else over shadows that. Having a younger sibling can be the greatest thing in the world. There’s a bond that siblings gain that is perhaps stronger then even a child and parent. There is just something special about siblings, blood related or adopted.

If your family does adopted him do try to be friends with him. Find what you guys have in common and make time to do those things that you both would enjoy. From what you’re saying it sounds like you will be the older sibling. Because of you being older and him being the one coming into the house, he will rely on you to make the first moves in making friends and start that sibling bond.

Don’t look at it at as just another body in the house that takes up room, look at it as a life time friend that you are gaining. You both would/will make memories that are worth more then anything else in the world. : )

I love my baby brother no matter how old he gets.<3
Willet's picture


On thefirst yed I mean you should get on more, I never see you anymore!
And second yes is a yes beacuse we should but i dont know when, cause ill be getting my braces in just a few days!! EEEEKKK

Im over welmed....
day4's picture

C: I lol'd at your comment

I lol'd at your comment for Wolf.
It aint hard. Look at me and seth. Baha nevermind...
Willet's picture

Yeah well you and seth are

Yeah well you and seth are diff, this one wont be related at all and he lives with me at all times...eeekkkk!

lol! I hope I didn't scare

lol! I hope I didn't scare you. >.>;
Willet's picture

ha no im fine!!

ha no im fine!!
Trickster's picture


aoidufad HOW EXCITING IS THAT. OH MY GOOOOSH ♥ He's such a cutie, and it's awesome to see you're so excited! LET US KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, ZOMGOOOSH~~~~ Laughing out loud :D Laughing out loud
Willet's picture

I SHALL!!! I Have got to do a

I SHALL!!! I Have got to do a live chat with him a few times and hes really nice!! I cant wait if we get to!!