~*~ Nothing Stands in my Way ~*~ (Shen)

Graveyard's picture
"If you continue down this dark path... you will be defeated... defeated by a warrior of Black and White..."

Updates: 6/25
New Music Added

Roleplaying/Interactions are allowed on this blog or his Diary linked below. Feel free to RP with him if you desire.

CSS Help From/Credits:
Unplugged's CSS Help
Haru for the Boxes <3

How to Remember it: The Tower Roof balanced by two bars, standing on a small frame.


Will be wearing Nightmare's picto until his is fully grown.

Spent time in the forest and located the Playground where he took advantage of the rocks to overlook things that were going on. Stayed there for awhile before deciding to venture down and examine some of the local creatures up close.
Startled by some of the others and made a retreat back to the rocks where he relaxed a bit, feeling more secure up there.
- Meet Ciel, Herla, and a few others.

"Someday I will return... and you all shall bow at my feet..."

General Information

Main Alias: Lord Shen
Other Names: Shen & Peacock
Gender: Male
Mate: N/A
Interests: None
Age: Young
Scent: Sweet, like a gentle dew on a blade of Grass
Origins Peacock Stag
Abilities: Cunning, accomplished fighter but will rather use other means than physical strength to win anything. Shen uses his lethal talons on his hooves as armor, weapons and means of lighting things on fire should he require it. His tail becomes another limb for him when he requires it, being shaped and used to attack, defend and as a deception tool.
Heritage: Prince of Peacocks
Orientation Unknown
Voice: Gary Oldman
His Call: Peacock Call

"Oh, you want to know so badly. You think knowing will heal you, eh? Fill some... crater in your soul. Well, here's your answer: your parents didn't love you. But here... let me heal you."

Primary Set
Peacock Antlers, Perma Devout Pelt, Secretary Bird Mask
Shen wears metal covers over his hooves to hide the burn scars that are on his feet.
Shen also wears a long, white robe to match his plumage, a black belt wrapped around his waist.
Albino peacock feathers with bright red eyes and red eyespots on tail feathers and crest. Peacock-Stag, has a deer figure but has many peacock features including the long tail, beak and crest feathers.

"I'm so glad you feel that way... otherwise I'd have dragged that here for nothing."
"You want to see? It's a gift... oh it's your parting gift. In that it will part you. Part of you here, part of you there... and part of you waaaaaay over there staining the wall."

Features and Personality Quirks

Cowardice - Shen is a coward at times. Shown by his running from a fight or using cheating measures to win, he is not afraid to destroy an entire area out of fear of his downfall. Fears he will have to confront the one who will stop him, he would rather leave the dirty work to his henchmen and followers than deal with his obstacles himself.

Extremely Smart, Cunning, Lethal and Ruthless - Despite being a Coward, Shen is a brilliant male with a great cunning and lethal nature. This nature rarely shines due to his cowardice however, due to the fact that he would rather avoid his problems than confront them.

No Regard for Any Life but his Own - Shen is willing to even sacrifice those close to him if it means protecting his own life. He is not afraid to hurt anyone or anything, but if it means that he will be harmed he is more than likely to avoid it.

Boastful - Shen showed no regret or anything for the crimes that he had done in his life. And is often times found BOASTING about what he has accomplished. Even if others do not see eye to eye to him, he takes great pride in the destruction that he has brought with him.

Sadistic - Takes great pride in causing others pain... emotional scars and physical. Shen is Dark and Lethal in nature, and twists the truths into cruel words and lies. Will likely corrupt the truths with false lies, namely on fawns... speaking of their parents never loving them. Often he'll take advantage over this, enjoying the emotional scars it leaves on those he has caused pain to.

Jealous - Shen is jealous of those who have a loving, caring family... believing that his own never loved him. He only wanted the love and pride of his parents, and while he denies it completely, it is clear to see on his face at times when he speaks of certain things.

Strong Bonds with Wolves - Shen befriended the wolves of his palace, he fed them and played with them in his youth and treated them like his family. Shen feels a strong connection to wolves over anything else due their loyalties to him. Although that cannot be said for this strange world.

Sickly - Shen was born sickly and frail due to his albinism. This was further a point to his travel into darkness and wickedness because his parents had deemed him to be too 'weak and pitiful' to deserve any attention. Whether this is true or not will never be known, as it's said that his parents loved him deeply and it killed them to send him away.


He has no love at this time, with a heart as black as his who can bring it to light?


Not Sure Of
Ciel - Curious, has never seen such a tiny creature before and was spooked slightly by him.
Herla - Unsure of this strange does unique looks... fears slightly due to her coloration of Black and White.
Kody - Curious sparked when he realized there were others like the wolves from his old home.
Sorog - Keeping his distance, unsure whether to approach the other or not...

Afraid Of

If I have forgotten anyone or if you have seen Shen please feel free to comment for me to add you ^^

"The only reason you're still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing."

! All actions are in-character. Shen does not represent his player.
You may contact me privately for any reason via MSN Messenger or email at
I am always open for chat, roleplay, or discussion of issues.

- - - - - - - - - -
Images © their respective owners.

Shen is Based off Lord Shen and is a Fan Character. I do not claim the character as my own, he belongs to Dreamworks.

Gorgeous Artwork by Chickenwhite *hearts*

Shen: "My parents hated me. Do you understand? They wronged me. And... I will make it right."
Soothsayer: "They loved you. They loved you so much that having to send you away killed them."
Shen: "The dead exist in the past, and I must tend to the future."

Graveyard's picture

Update Bumps, and Testing

Update Bumps, and Testing Comment.

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Faustt's picture


Tracking <3

Tracking- Very interesting

Very interesting character, I loved him in the movie.
I'm happy you brought him out into TEF (:
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him~
Uruushou's picture

Totes tracking; I love Shen!

Totes tracking; I love Shen! ♥
wingeddeer's picture

Oh,I loved this character ^^

Oh,I loved this character ^^ *track*

OH MY I love this character

I love this character x3
I must track this O.O
Chickenwhite's picture

Hey, I finished your siggy

Hey, I finished your siggy deer, hope you like it >w<
I took a few artistic liberties, though, hope it's okay TwT;;
Graveyard's picture

HOLY SNAPOOZLE! (That's not a

HOLY SNAPOOZLE! (That's not a word but it is now damn it!) That is SOOOOOOOOO Gorgeous *3* *cannot stop staring at it* That tail... the markings the pose *SWOONS* THANK YOU soooooooooo much *a thousand times the love!*

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Heh, you're welcome, I really

Heh, you're welcome, I really couldn't help it XDD This guy is too awesome to only be restrained to a siggy-deer. Though don't worry, I'm working on that one too XD
I'm just happy you like it >w< Also, I couldn't help but give him claws, they enticed me so much in the movie TwT Hope he doesn't deviate too much from the design you had in mind? >w<
Graveyard's picture

Oh no he doesn't! In fact,

Oh no he doesn't! In fact, the claws and talons on the front legs actually enhance him more than I even imagined *loves all over* And he is a peacock stag so having the talons works out all the more. And I know what you mean! The movie was just so awesome, especially with how the tail worked. Reading on the Wikia I can see why they had such a time animating him (He was like 6 characters total) with that tail and all the features on him... *swoons*

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Yeah, bugger me with a

Yeah, bugger me with a fishfork, he's one complex character to put onto paper, I can only IMAGINE how it was animating him TwT
He has such an awesome design, that white plumage with the crimson markings... He's like something out of Okami, now with more violence! TwT So, as I'm working on the siggy right now, wnat that one to have talons too? >w< Also, what is his picto?! DD: *has been looking everywhere*
Graveyard's picture

Picto~ Oh man tell me about


Oh man tell me about it, and moving those feathers of that tail when he Flared it and just how he fought in general must have been such a BITCH to animate (Now I want to watch the movie again LOL!)

Feel free to add the talons on the siggy as well Laughing out loud I think he wouldn't look quite as fetching without them now >3> And oh my god yes, the White plumage with the Crimson/Black markings *A* That was the BIGGEST reason I loved him. Because he wasn't like the typical Albino Peacock (Which are pretty much all white) <3

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Exactly >w< He more or less

Exactly >w< He more or less follows the Disney-school of how to colour a villain: One general colour and one, maybe two primary colours to create contrast. Though with this formula, the general colour is usually a dark one XD

Also, thank you so much for that, I was growing a little desperate TwT;;
Graveyard's picture

I think I can see why you

I think I can see why you were getting that way XD I just realized that the Link for Shen's Picto was pretty much the dark Red for his text LOL! Going to change that in a moment so it'll be like the rest (White) XD

And yes, Disney's formula for a villain. You know something, there's something about these newer villains that makes you really feel sorry for them. With Shen I felt sorry for how he thought his parents didn't love him ;3; The poor guy >3<

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

You and me both, they've just

You and me both, they've just gained so much depth recently, it's awesome TwT It feeds my theory that there is no black and white, only grey very nicely >w<

Also, finished the siggy deer for real this time XD
Graveyard's picture

I think it proves that things

I think it proves that things have come a loooooooooooong way since the first bad guys of certain movies. I mean back in the day Scar was (To me) The greatest Villain of all time (HE STILL IS DAMN IT!) and now it's like Fffffffff new Era of Bad guys so hard to choose from Laughing out loud

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! IT LOOKS SO GORGEOUS! Also that robe *swoons* Fffffffff thank you soooooooooo much <3

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

I couldn't agree more, I

I couldn't agree more, I think it's funny how our medias grow up as we do >w< It's like they follow the tastes of the generations >w<

And you're welcome, I was a little unsure whether you'd like the robe, but since it's in the description of him, I figured I'd go ahead and add it >w<
Graveyard's picture

I adore the robe! (Sorry for

I adore the robe! (Sorry for the Update spam fest, I was trying to find a color that would blend in but apparently it wasn't working LOL!) For me I see him having it as an optional thing. Sometimes he might wear it, other times he might not (I know I wouldn't want to wear a robe in the heat of summer) XD

I know right, over the 23 (Soon to be 24) years of my time I've noticed how the Media has grown up and evolved... granted, Horror movies are still a fuck up now (Compared to back when they were good) XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

(Oh, that's okay, I figured

(Oh, that's okay, I figured it was something like that >w<) Yeah, I was thinking along those lines as well >w< Especially since he also looks so dashing without it~ It was a fun thing to draw, though >w<

Ttly XDD The most scary horror films out there are always the old ones, before the industry got flooded with CGI and jumpscares... I'm looking at YOUUU, Drag Me to Hell! *shoots dagger-glare*
Graveyard's picture

Anymore these new horror

Anymore these new horror movies are pretty much Slasher Gore Fests with nothing but blood flying about everywhere... Oh man and then the Twilight shit... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I loved the girl who went on a RAGING rant and E-mailed UNIVERSAL that the Wolfman remake was a bad copy of the Twilight 'werewolf' pack. Don't get me wrong, Twilight is fine and all but it's RUINING the original concept of 'Werewolves and Vampires' XD At least in my eyes.

I STILL can't seem to find a color that doesn't seem too dark or too bright or blends in with the Background LOL!

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

"Twilight is fine and all?"

"Twilight is fine and all?" Have you hit your head? XD
I hate Twilight as much as anyone can and I even tried to read the books to see what was about these friggin faggot vampires... I didn't even make it halfway through the first book XD And that girl? Haven't heard about her, but she's obviously gonna regret saying that once she grows the fuck up XDDD I've seen the remake and I though it was awesome, btw >w< Del Toro really knows how to dig into the human mind and put it on display >w<
Though seriously, how can something that ugly be a copy of My Little Werewolf?... girl must have grown up oblivious to werewolves all together XD
Munkel's picture

Hm -tracks- c:

Hm -tracks- c:
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! I only say it was all

LMAO! I only say it was all right because I sat through at my computer for the first 2 movies, but BARELY halfway through the 3rd one XD To be honest I was bored out of my fucking skull and it was just such a stupid thing. I want to have my Vampires burnt crispy in the sunlight... and if you look at it... Twilight it setting SOOOOOOOOO many bad examples LOL! Stalking people, Being Emo, etc. XD

No kidding, when she was ranting I was all "You do know that these 'werewolves' in Twilight are SHAPESHIFTERS right?" XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Oh, you poor, poor thing... I

Oh, you poor, poor thing... I sat through the first one and I have to give praise where it is due, since the director managed to make that utter crap not bad enough for me to be able to sit through a movie of it XD
I know what you mean, I've been tempted to make a vampire deer just to anti-twi this place some more TwT A deer who'd burn in sunlight, wouldn't be able to live without the blood of other deer, didn't cast a reflection in a mirror... Or, well, the pond and who follows all the good, old basics of what a vampire is supposed to be like TwT
Also, he'd be a nice guy because I need to not make any more villains <___<;;

And yeah, they are, it's false advertisement if anything XDD
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! The commercials ALWAYS

LMAO! The commercials ALWAYS pissed me off when they would go "The Vampire was Hotter, the WEREWOLF was cooler." I would scream at the TV going HE'S NOT A FUCKING WEREWOLF YOU DUMB FUCKS! XD

XD Eh I only watched Twilight because I had nothing better to do to be honest |D

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Graveyard's picture

FFFFFFFF Double Comment WTF!?

FFFFFFFF Double Comment WTF!? XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

I know your pain, man, I once

I know your pain, man, I once sat down and honestly watched teletubbies because I didn't have anything better to do... Okay, I was a teenager and waiting for the proper morning-television to start and I hated every second of it, but... I still did it T____T *feels so lame*
Chickenwhite's picture

The fuck with these

The fuck with these double-posts? O__o
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! Oh the horrors of that

LMAO! Oh the horrors of that show, I remember being forced to watch Yo Gabba Gabba! *shudders* Someone must love Red Dildos because that thing in it looks like a giant red fucking Dildo XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Well fucking hell XD Kids'

Well fucking hell XD Kids' television... It contains more nightmare fuel than what it's worth <___<
I pity you, man, I really pity you...
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! I know right? And to

LMAO! I know right? And to think, Yo Gabba Gabba had a Nomination for something @_@ Oh my god... GAH! I mean there are somethings I don't mind (Chugginton's being one of them) But a lot of the newer cartoons for kids are just so fucking disturbing XD I miss my Sailor Moon and Power Rangers... oh and Street SHarks XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Indeed... Times were better

Indeed... Times were better back in the days of Batman, the Animated Series... TwT