TEF/'Deer' || [utl=http://file.toyhou.se/images/390840_kEgqExQF7K0mKsc.png]Human[/url] Face Claim A tanned sharp face with taught, tight cheeks and pointed cheekbones and a very beaklike nose, fixed with harsh deep red eyes akin to that of his lammergeier vulture breeding (but his eyes are inverted compared to that of an actual lammergeier, yet look upon things in the manner that a vulture would). Sharp black eyebrows that arch almost unnaturally to make him appear to have an almost permenant scowl, with thin pale lips pulled back tightly to double the impression. Black facial hair, a small tuft upon his chin and finely groomed sideburns that end neatly under his chin. Soft and incredibly pale cream hair, both sides of the head are shaven to create almost a faux-hawk effect best seen here. Ears are medium length and of an unknown breed, not quite deer but not quite anything else, with a black back but pale insides and naturally point backwards. Jutting from either side of his 'hawk are black antlers, their usual 8-tine form have had their tips shaven down and capped with golden metal spikes, secured with little jewelry pieces around their base (mostly miniature golden bird skulls) Has a long fur ruff around his neck with black streaks/stripes on the ends of certain fur tips, and a second smaller ruff on his shoulder entwined with small vulture feathers. A very fluffy butt and thighs again entwined with feathering, hardly noticeable par the close inspection. Grows larger with colder weather and sheds to a lighter coat with warmth. Impressively fluffy legs. A large mostly elk-like frame, though rather skinny under all his impressive fur. Cream neck and legs, with a blondeish coloured body with a black back as is his vulture influence, a sort of 'splurge' of almost wing-like colouration down either side of his shoulder and a sweeping stripe across the top of his hip. A mixture of bird and deer feet, with his 'thumb' and 'pinky' digit being the two small typical-deer-hoof-thingies/'Spurs' on the back of each foot on the ankle, the other three digits making up a bird-like foot with grey coloured skin/scales and thick, sharp black vulture claws. Alabaster is a very nasty individual, he has a heart of stone and although capable of feeling, the way he expresses and processes them are considered abnormal or none functioning. Can feel slight emotions like pity, empathy and care but dulled, hard to express and often shown in strange and unsual manners. More prone to jealousy, hatred and prideful emotions/displays. Incredibly vain and selfish, no one is ever more important than he is, he will never risk his health or well being for another, not even Ausar. In his own eyes he is the greatest being. Clean, well-bred and markless, he is perfection embodied. And by default, his Father is a well-bred stag and thus also perfect genetics though to Alabaster, his personality is flawed. Alabaster has feelings towards his father generally seen as taboo and unnatural but hes not ashamed of them. To him he doesn't understand it is wrong, merely that other deer just do not understand. His most favourite activity however is turning deer against others or to his will, he adores manipulating others usually to cause humiliation to them, and often to those who have a similar personality to his (arrogant, selfish and vain.) However Alabaster can be manipulated too, it is just very difficult to find his weakness. He adores adding to and seeking out individuals for his harem, it strokes his massive ego. Alabaster is however, subject to Deer instincts despite having the mind of a human. He sheds every year both antlers and fur, he expresses some emotions through scent and body language, he feels the need to corral deer he has "claimed" (though he fights it, usually) and deer he find attractive may find themselves being shadowed and other deer stopped from approaching them, but Alabaster himself will never show them kindness initially. Obsessed with the idea of children to fill the void in his heart, has tried twice to 'adopt' children and failed both times, and fears he could never coerce a doe of the right breeding into carrying his child. Dwells on this often, hence why he looms around 'acceptable' children. - Aware of his defects (see misc) and ferociously dismissive of them, do not ask for he will not tell and probably scold you for doing so. - Doesn't react well to intimacy, - He's got weirdly specific kinks. That I cant list here because people are WEENIES. - A snuggler to those he absolutely trusts, is more likely to be soft, gentler and placid/passive when sleepy or just woken up. - Extremely intelligent yet still behaves like a teenager at times. Not really described why. Social ineptness? - Attracted more so to those who are either evidently weaker than him, or look similar to him or his father (pure genetics.) STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. + • Confident, leader-type. Assertive. • Opinionated, Ambitious, desire for self satisfaction. • Intelligent, Academically Inclined. Cunning. • Courageous, Brave, Fierce. - • Vain, incredibly incredibly vain. • Incredibly selfish. Manipulative. • Uptight, Materialistic, shallow. • Short Tempered, Irresponsible, Aggressive. X - Biological Father, Infatuation. Extremely deep and close bond, co-dependant and thrives on his attention and love. Though often shrugs him off as weak and pathetic, Alabaster adores his father and values his opinion more than any other. Possibly the only one he feels he can trust to never leave or betray him. Desires him in many ways and unhealthily obsessed with. X - Adopted Son, Skeptical, Somewhat-Fond Kidnapped the child and fed him the lie that his previous adopted parents had abandoned them, and now forces the idea of him being their real father upon them. Using mostly to patch the hole that Seth and Azeneth left. Once enamored with, has grown cold about. No longer deemed useful to his cause and is secretly very afraid that one day the albino will turn against him, and so willing to keep him close. Thinks his time with Ausar has softened him and his choice of friends appalling. X - Adopted Daughter Found the little girl alone in the brush, launched into a conversation about how she looked as if she'd been abandoned, saw his chance and took it, started manipulating her. Now using to plug the emptiness the lack of family has caused, is obsessive with her. Amused by her mannerisms, jealously guards. Loved, in his way. X - Interest, working on claiming, border-line obsessive Thinks of her as a very attractive creature as is what drew him to her in the first place. Her submissive nature is appealing, but doesn't seem to fully understand how to connect to her as most of his usual methods just seem to slide right off her. Seeks out constantly, and puts a great deal of effort into appearing polite and civil so that she may lower her guard. X - Interest, Claimed An easy to claim and manipulate doe, actually sort of likes her for how simple she is. Sometimes its refreshing. She does what he asks of her and he appreciates it. Hasn't seen in a while but won't hesitate to absorb her back into the harem if he finds her again. Sees rarely, isn't sure if she is gone or not. Appears infrequently but is taken in by her loyalty. X - Interest. WRITE THINGS HERE. X - Interest. AND HERE TOO. X - Biological Half-Sister Unaware of their relation. Unmet. X - Biological Half-Sister Unaware of their relation. Unmet. Lionel, Noctus/Luso/Hare, Whisper Literally everyone who was in this section has been moved to Lost hahaha Achilles, Rhea, everyone else in lost agAIN. X - Once "Mate"/Favourite, Claimed, once "Mother" to his children. Bitterness, Anger, Betrayal. Newborns taken from a murdered mother to serve as the children he longed for with Ember. Died less than a week later from natural causes. Heart broken, set off his unusual child hoarding habits. Misses incredibly. X - Attention, "Crush", Claimed? A stag Alabaster meets infrequently but gravitated towards originally out of his teenage hormones. Retained the same emotional response into adulthood. Doesn't know how to approach these feelings since they are not exactly desire but not adoration? Would try and keep others away from but once alone just sort of sits there and stared at him making dumb sappy school girl faces. Thinks of him oft and fondly, would deeply wish to see again. X - Skeptical Attention, Dominant, "Crush" Though he would never admit it, Dario is the only being Alabaster sees as his better. The stag outwitted him and made a fool of him and thusly he tries to be careful. Still sort of desires his attention and may hover around in the background making sappy faces x2. Hasn't seen in a long time and mostly avoids the memory of what occurred, but would still approach him confidently if they were to meet again. X - Childhood Friend, Claimed, Elusive Met the doe as a child, decided to take her under his wing sort of and defended her from the start, thusly to him, shes been betrothed to him since they were little. Likes her a lot but doesn't really see her around that much. Thinks of her sometimes, when looking at other does from afar. Often thinks he can hear her call, but realizes it is often the voice of a child. X - Lost claim, Source of Jealousy, Gone One a childhood friend, played with her in his youth and grew fairly close to her. Lost contact with her which left a sore spot for him. Found her later with the scent of another stag all over her and pregnant. Grew irritated and vicious and after some harsh words, attacked her. Seems to have left the forest. If she was to reappear, would be curious but rather sharp with. X- Deceased Kidnapped the child and fed him the lie that his previous adopted parents had abandoned them, and now forces the idea of him being their real father upon them. Using mostly to patch the hole that Seth and Azeneth left. Ram is the 'quiet' one to him, much more easy to manipulate, but very distant and cold. Not very much impressed with, and dwindling in his desire to use him for more than a meat shield when hes older. Ran away a while ago, Isn't yet aware but painfully acknowledging his absence. Disowned him because of it. Does not know that he has since died, but would not care. Deceased Biological Mother A weakness, a flaw, unfit. Was never very close to her, treated her with mild contempt which grew worse the more he alienated her. Rejected her attempts to bond with him. Did feel guilt and sorrow at her death, but soured those emotions over time. Deceased Biological Twin Brother A weakness, flawed, unfit. Despised his twin for everything, how he acted, how he felt. Jealous and aggressive about. Murdered him in a river near to where they once lived. Still feels an ache as if missing a part of his soul. - His genetic line/family tree was bottlenecked around the 1800's through to the 1900's, with a lot of inbreeding between close family members earlier on and cousins/second cousins etc later on because it was fashionable and they were rich and snobby. Its likely both Ausar and Skye are (VERY distantly at this point) related too, but his ancient family incest leads to genetic flaws; - 1. Suffers from Emphysema, a form of COPD, a genetic condition he actually inherited. Has trouble exhaling or blowing air, a rattling breath (that he hides by breathing rather quickly) and inability to cope with strenuous exercise. Though he can run and fight he certainly can't do it for very long without adverse effects, and coupled with stress, illness and/or running/fighting may cause him to pass out. - 2. Also genetically suffers from a neurological disorder that causes tremors. They have worsened with age and are likely to worsen more so, he can mostly control it and hide it but when he sleeps he can't. Some days they are so bad he cannot suppress them fully and appears to be shivering. - 3. A small bladder. Means nothing important to him he just needs to pee more often than other deer. - Loves Birds. All birds. Deer/bird? mm ye. Bird bird bird. He likes dead birds. He likes eating birds. He likes ripping the feathers out of birds. He likes birds a lot. Even live ones. - Can't swim. Avoids going near the pond because of inability to swim but also its hella dirty. - Attracted to pale colours. - Cannot sing, dance or anything considered artistic and the likes of. He's terrible at it. - Has a human form and a human life, but isn't aware of it. Things that happen in that world just tend to happen in this in bizarrely similar situations. - Omnivorous with a preference for meat. Cannibalistic. - Hates cats/felines. - Despite being my smartest character, Alabaster has this strange idea if he tries hard enough, he can fit or hide behind/under/in small spaces. Such as standing behind a tree to hide or still trying to hide under Ausar though he’s taller than he is. - Speaks fluent German, usually only to his father. Has no accent however or at very close inspection, a London/English accent. - New is exciting, but unfamiliarity is not. Must acquaint himself to new things by poking and prodding but doesn't take kindly to unfamiliar faces unless it was him that chose to approach or, will appreciate it much more if they submit or pose no threat immediately. - Has a range of personalities he puts on specifically for getting close to someone. Ranging from the cruel leash-holder, big-caring-brother, flirty little hound and childish playmate. Its very hard for him to keep these acts up however. - 'Baby' bird peeping/chirping evokes an overpowering interest in him. I would say a feeling of 'care' but he often ends up killing the chick with rough inspection/manhandling. - Projectile vomits when feeling extremely threatened and cornered as a last resort. Often feels nauseous and uneasy when generally frightened or after the wave of adrenaline. and everything about him belongs to Jacklo CSS © Tornpaw specifically for Jacklo. Not for free use. Javascript tabs by Hraeth. Toyhou.se |
yooo B)
YIS. Fourth comment.
obby dem lations
don't mind mehhhh
Interesting bio x3
Art by Aihnna & pixel by Mary13~
omfg the bonds
"Oh I will keep my eyes on
Best relations section ever.
lurking here
Thank you for all the tracks
Bonds page is done (ahaha sorry) and most of these updates if not for actual updates, will just be adding things to the ETC.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Rolls about on
~ C.S. Lewis
[ LOVE IT. I wish the net
I wish the net would behave where I am so I can actually play! ]
After some time away, the doe Cremello returned from her secret quest outside the forest. She'd gone through the trouble of putting flowers in her tail and hair like she used to when she was a fawn, groomed herself up nice, and had done the same for the guest she'd brought to meet her dearly beloved Ally. Trotting up to the birch woods she called her home, she stood atop the tallest hill and called out "AAAAAAAALLIIIBAAAASTEEEERRRR!" The little buck beside her moved closer, nervous of all the new sounds and smells, his pale blue eyes staring off into nothingness... "Don't be nervous Aimery, I promise to protect you should something happen." She uttered softly and sweetly, nuzzling his cheek before lifting her head to listen. Hopefully her adorable Ally was in a good mood...
Sheeyit, I've been busy or I
//Thank friend ;3; @Aimery
@Aimery The buck had been lying in his den, a self-claimed little patch just outside of the playground, for the past hour or so spending a long time grooming his leg fur. This seemed entertaining enough while he waited for Ember to return with the babies.
A voice suddenly split the air, and he turned to glance in the direction it came from. Undeniably that was his name, he was the only one in the forest he knew of regardless. Standing slowly the pale pelted male followed the voice he was pretty sure came from the doe he hadn't seen in a few weeks.
As he grew closer his suspicions were confirmed, but his stride slowed considerably, who was that she was with? She looked too young to come back with a child in tow and if she was calling him over to tell him about her new mate he would probably turn savage.
This showed on his face as he slowed into a walk as he came closer. She and he looked similar and that was ver obvious, still he skeptically looked at the female and moved closer to her;
"Cremello." He greeted her with a slight incline of his head, but attention was absorbed on the new comer, though he didn't move from the smaller females side.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
"Ally, this is my twin
"While I was gone, I was searching for my family. I found my father's herd and much to my surprise I found out I had a twin. His name is Aimery, we were separated when our mother was killed. Father took care of him all this time... Be gentle with him Alabaster, he's blind..." She added, nudging her twin gently. She wanted this introduction to go smoothly and for the two of them to at very least tolerate one another, she knew Ally's temper was not always as calm and she didn't want to agitate him further. Her scent had changed somewhat, it smelled of sea salt and lemongrass, a touch of lavender mixed in. and of course, the scent of her father's herd and her brother.
Brother hm? His steeled face
Searching for her family was trivial, Ally didn't care about her family history but his eyes moved to her when the doe mentioned her brothers lack of eyesight and he nodded mutely.
He watched with a full smirk when she nudged Aimery closer, and he nodded to himself;
"Hello Aimery, how are you finding the forest?" came the dulled purr as he stepped a little closer to sniff him absently. Honestly he couldn't care less but he was appeased with this offering, two for one, he'd have them both.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
"Il a demandé comment vous
"Je l'aime beaucoup, l'air y est clair et doux. Sœur dit qu'il n'y a pas l'homme ici, donc c'est sûr?" He uttered in the direction he'd heard Ally's voice, tilting his head. Cremello translated it back to english for Ally, smiling softly "He says He likes it very much so far, it smells nice. He also asked if its safe here because there are no humans." If it wasn't obvious enough, the buck didn't speak english, he never learned because father never bothered to teach him. Besides, ladies dig a buck or stallion that speaks french.~
Apparently he must not
"Good good, -" He muttered dismissively before arching his neck down to look at the stag in the face, inspecting his eyes rather rudely; "- Totally blind you say?" a glance over at the doe as he withdrew his own head and settled back into his ruff in thought;
"Well hes always welcome to ask if he needs help with things" and then he promptly flashed them both what he assumed was a broad and sincere grin, though Cremello might have been able to pick up on how forced and suspicious it was.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
"He was born that way, yes.
Alabaster made a low yet
"I'm sure the pleasure will be all mine." Came the chuckle, but instead committed that fact to memory so he should hope to avoid it. He didn't want to play happy families and introduce each other to everyone else. Hence why Ausar knew practically nothing about Ember for instance.
With an idle shrug he stepped back a little and flexed his jaw; "Will that occur rather soon?"
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
RP is a go. — Cold winds
Cold winds buffeted the side of the tree in which she lay. The breeze carrying nothing but the scent of snow and the sound of birdsong. For whatever winged creature had braved the winter, that is. Most of the time it was quiet and Panumbra need not worry herself over what bird she'd have to silence in order to get a good nap at this height.
Hair draped over her back, covering her from most of the chill, but her legs had gone numb an hour ago. She just didn't care enough to move. The sun was up here. Not down below in the brush and slush. It was only a few moments ago that she awoke, her eyes fluttering so that her lashes could shoo away any snow flakes that had settled upon them. Her left cheek was numb, too, and experimentally she rubbed it against her shoulder, eyes drifting down toward the base of the tree.
The wolverine skull she normally wore had been discarded for the most part after deeming it too cold to wear. It lay down there, hidden among whatever snow scattered the ground. The red on it sticking out among the white.
Cold. He hated the cold. Despite his thick and impressive dense fur coat for protection, the snow was no source of joy and the cold only drove his prey away into their burrows. The young warlord tossed his head which evolved into a prolonged shiver down the entirety of his body as he prowled through the forest.
His red-hued eyes fixed mostly on the floor as his attention was mostly fixed on finding some dumb little mammal above ground when the foreboding scent of snow was lingering in the air. It had started to fall already and with each step it felt like the snow was starting to get deeper and deeper.
With a sharp and indignant snort Alabaster shook a second time and sneezed, there was practically nothing and now he was starting to get irritable about it. Considering turning back and heading to his night den, where he could at least curl up with one or more of his family members, something red caught his eye.
At the base of the tree was a something. Something of interest at least as he dipped his head and meandered a little closer. Vibrant red streaks upon what appeared to be some sort of skull, possibly a dog or wolf considering it wasn't the same shape but not too much smaller than his own.
He'd never seen or heard of a wolverine before, but the notion was perplexing him enough that without bothering to look up and wonder why the birds had long since stopped calling, he dipped his head to inspect the scantily hidden mask. Interesting, perhaps it'd make a nice gift for his children?
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
It is great, shhhh.
She had moved to slink down the tree only to freeze upon noticing the stag that came out of nowhere. A human faced stag. Her ears turned forward and a curious expression slid over her facial features as she watched the male walk forward to investigate the skull at the base of the tree. He looked interested enough, though he never looked up. Did that mean he wasn't as observant as others? Or maybe he believed today was a day to be taken slowly?
Panumbra's other paw came around to rest on the branch just below the one she had been perched in, and she leaned a little closer to watch. Like a jaguar, the hybrid climbed down. Making sure as to not make so much noise. She didn't want to scare the stag. But she might give him a jolt if she got as close as she could before saying something. It was all part of the plan she just made up.
It was as she perched once more between two limbs a good six or seven feet above the male did she actually say something. Her head would quirk as she leaned forward, black hair draping down in straightened streams.
Buhbuh track
/coughs/ I've been tracking
Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
This guy's nice, I'm going to
Character Hub
re-tracking this bby who has
All of the babiessuuu
And thank silver, though nice isn't how I'd describe him ahah <3
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Oh well xD I like him though.
Character Hub
Met this guy and the babs. La
Flops here
Really miss interacting with
Every time I remember I need
Maybe he should go annoy one of your other deers but he'd only be a huge butthead racist.
But she's welcome to wander over when hes in forest uvu
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Alrighty ouo
The small creature's legs
Thank you for being War's first interaction.
don't fret precious, i'm
♥ track!
@ApoideaBee You're welcome
You're welcome uvu
I'm sorry poor War's first meeting was with this guy who scared the poor lil fluff, it probably won't be the last though I'm not 100% sure what Al was even planning to do ahah.
@caiir Thank!
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Poor thing has no freaking
aaAA loong overdue track
*joins in the tracking*
Joins in the commenting for
You're all fired goodbye.
You're all fired goodbye.
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
(No subject)