The definition
Since Trees is a rather (though not completely) feral deer, the principle of "friend" is not taken in by her like humans do it.
While some descriptions down below include the description "friend", her definition of someone close to and trusted by her is "herd".
In a herd, there are related and non related members, that still are considered as close as "family". In other words, for Trees "herd" is like the merged meaning of "friend" and "family".
So if a character is included down below, they are considered family and friend alike, no matter the length of the description or the content or the rank of closeness.
The Herd
Adec: Biological brother. Has yet to meet.
Aled: Biological grandson. Son of Nukilik and Dilaefrie. Found out to be a very strong headed and awake boy. Sees a lot of characteristics in him that he shares with his aunt Tariro. Can imagine that the two will cause a lot of trouble together. Can't help but being curious to see what those trouble will be though. Learned over time, she was right about the trouble part, dear. It's funny though to see how Nukilik is now the scolding parent. Over this amusement she sometimes even forget to scold Tariro, too.
Aurora : Old and wise friend from her early days in this forest. Accompanied by the piebald a lot during her 3rd pregnancy Loves to talk to and philosophy about life. Lately extreme concerned for the hinds well-being since the incident.
Has found her wounded and in a coma at one point. Helped during the final blow against Rory's enemy, though blames herself, that she wasn't there more and kept her friend save.
Glad to see the doe back in action, wouldn't want to miss her. A cherished personality and a friend she knows she can always return back to.
Callaghan: Biological brother. Has yet to meet.
Cry/Cb : Good friend, keeper of her soul and sanity. Talks with this little fellow always helped her and cheered her up a lot. Helped her sorting out the problems in a critical time, when the doubt was strong. Holds this little angel close and loves to have him near.
Dehra: Biological sister. Finds her calm and enjoyable. She isn't a very jumpy deer, but can talk to no end. Enjoys her company a lot though, because those talks can get rather deep and give Trees a possibility to share her worries with someone, who can very obviously deal with that. Despite being the younger of the two, Dehra seems to be really wise in Trees' eyes. Found her to be a strong pillar and good advisor. Loves dearly.
Dilaefrie: Favorite (something like a mate) of her son Nukilik. Mother to Trees' grandson Aled. Likes the doe and finds her son has good taste. Still sees a lot of insecurity in the young hind, as Aled being her first calf. Knows by now though, that the confidence of her is growing from day to day, slow but steady none the less.
Djinn: Good friend and welcomed resting and playing partner. High interest of getting a good and stable friendship with this hind, as she sees her as a fellow semi-feral deer and pal. Enjoys her calm and friendly nature a lot. Would like to see more often.
Domino: Adoptive son. During a period of doubt in her ability as mother and guardian, he asked her by himself, if she was willing to be his mother. Healed greatly through this and gained confidence ones more. One of the strong holding pillars in her life. Hasn't seen in a while and hopes, he is alright. Loves dearly.
Elija : Biological son. Child of Firios. Beloved, guarded and sometimes pampered far too much by his mother. Realized just lately that the boy has grown a lot and got strong and agile. Proud to no end of her and Firios' boy. Will probably still have to fight with the urge to protect him like a little child now and then, though he could hold his stand rather well in the last rut despite his age. (Beat the stag up though, who defeated Elija at some point, but pssst, don't tell Eli

) Has high hopes for him and his future and loves to no end.
Esyllt: Mother to Trees' grand-daughter Meri. An experienced female, who already brought up two fawns before Meri. Learned that she helped a lot with Aled, too. Has more fawns than this doe, but still will ask her for an advise exchange with her. And who had guessed, learned a lot of things she didn't know before.
Fei : Biological sister. Deceased.
Firios: Mate and love. Eternally thankful for everything he gives to her. Also one of those strong pillars in her life. Helped her to pick up the pieces and start anew. Gave the word love a new meaning and made her realize that she didn't need to throw everything away to be left falling in the end anyway. Can be herself around him. Loves to no end.
Kaoori: Very good friend and fellow mother-doe. Hold close and is charmed by the little ones care and a heart bigger than herself. At time worries about her little big heart being broken, but somehow is confident at the same time, that Kaoori will handle it. Sees her as a strong being despite her size.
Kaya: Herd and family, grows more and more fond of the doe. Misses her warm and calm presence.
Kody: Should be wary off due to the fact, that wolves are worthy opponents in the outside world. Can't bring herself to do so though. She has learned of and witnessed the loving family-side of this canine species and so far the black male was very kind and patient, too. Would like to know better.
Lem: Nice company. Very well balanced between activity and calmness. Likes this stags presence a lot and would welcome him at all times.
Meleola: Biological mother. Loves dearly, though she lives outside the forest and far off. Found out yet again, how much she adores her mother's ways and acting, takes her as an example for how to handle others, especially fawns. Looks for her advise next Dehra first, when possible. Feels so young again sometimes, when laying next to the other female.
Meri: Biological granddaughter. Daughter of Nukilik and Esyllt. Found out to be a rather shy and very calm young girl. Worries a little, for the fawn isn't much playful for her age, has to admit though that this calmness gives the fawn a certain noble aura. Grew to like her a lot. And also found out, what the fawn lacks in playing she makes up in cuddling and grooming with others.
Moon : Adoptive granddaughter. Loves her way of being able to care for everyone at ones without problems. Thankful for every visit the blue one pays her and the time she spend with Trees during the kabuki's grief. Pillar in her life and a constant friend and visitor, who always comes to look for Trees. Thankful for that.
Myszka: Hasn't seen in a while, but still holds him close. Enjoys his young and judgment-free thinking. Touched by his interest in the new life during her pregnancy with Elija.
Nukilik : Biological son. Child of South. First child, first son. Beloved wounded boy. Will never be able to forgive herself for the pain she put the boy through. Happy to have learned that he indeed found his place to stay, though still surprised to see that it was in his mother's birth-herd of all places. Even happier, that the boy still holds her in high regards despite past events. Also impressed by his growth and the fuzzy fur he got.
Oira: A companion often met on Redhill. Protector and guardian. Grateful for his calm nature and enduring of her cuddly times. Especially while she was pregnant.
Otis : Son of Poltergeist, like an adoptive son for her. Hasn't seen in a while, yet holds him dear.
Palgen: Biological brother. Twin brother to Sodacta. Trees doesn't seem to enjoy much trust by this recently met brother of hers, hopes though to make up with him and build a good sibling relationship with him. Learned from her parents and Dehra, that he was always rather distrusting, but it increased a lot since Sodacta departed for her own journey. Tried quite a few times to make contact with him, but was usually avoided. Does not dare to confront him, though, since he seems like the kind of stag who might fight his way through when panicking. Also a panic fight wouldn't be exactly a "good start" for them. Stays persistent and at a certain distance.
Poltergeist: Sees as adoptive daughter. Lost treasure. Deceased. Misses greatly.
Rachel : Adoptive daughter, met through Domino. Beloved child and a pillar in her life. Has been cared for by the doe a lot and cares a lot about her. Misses greatly and is worried about her well being. Wants to meet again at some point.
Ravenflight : Like a sister and one of the first deer she met in this forest. Thankful for her friendship, company and help. Hasn't had a lot of contact with her lately, but none the less holds her in high regards and respects the hind.
Reez: Adoptive sister. One of the strongest pillars, since the doe was there first after Trees' "downfall". Helped the doe out of her deep dark hole and filled it with her. In Trees' eyes something like a guardian angel and a source of comfort to turn to. A welcomed being and a source of comfort, calmness and love. Would do almost everything for the female. Holds her in high regards and feels rather protective of, even if not always showing this.
Rumen: More of a colleague of her mate Firios, she grew fond of his presence and his personality. Likes to watch the to guys play. Would like to meet again.
Saosin: Met this stag rather early in her days in TEF. Had heard rumors and sometimes even warnings about the Inferno, but found his personality rather delightful upon meeting. Since then they had met quite a few times and on decent terms, sees him as a very good and noble friend. Not sure if it's the same on his side, but doesn't mind too much, since he shows always his kindest side when interacting with her. Would like to know better
Shem: Biological niece. Daughter of Fei. Missing
Sodacta: Biological sister. Twin sister to Palgen. Only knows from her parents and Dehra, that the doe was a secure wall and shield for her twin brother. Has yet to meet.
Sonne: Biological Son. Beloved angel, she adores the boys cheerful character and his ability to see light in the heart of the darkest beings and hope in the blackest of times. Used to worry about him everytime he sneaked off as a calf and visited the pups of a wolf-pack, fearing they might broke their vow. Surprised upon learning that he befriended the young ones in his teen years, is since convinced since then that the boy has the ability to pass the right judgment about others.
Met recently again. Feels to some degree guilty towards the boy, though he hasn't even let a doubt come that he adores his mother still. Loves this boy and feels relieved knowing that he, too, found a way.
Sterre: Daughter of Poltergeist, like an adoptive daughter for her. Hasn't seen in a while, yet holds her dear.
Stone: Just recently met this wild fellow and quite enjoyed his actions and personality, as far as she could manage to make it out. Wants to know him better and learn more about him.
Stria: New friend, met her during the rut in Virgil's herd. Found a kind hearted and cuddly female in her and would like to know better.
Tariro: Daughter of her and Firios and their second child. Holds her dear of course and rarely let's the girl out of her sight. Often hears from her son that she is worse than she was with him, but knows, it has its reason. Excited and curious to see how the girl will evolve and whom she will become someday. Thinks, that Tariro got a lot of her father in things of looks and such, so hopes she will be involved character-wise, though this is rarely determined by genes.
Umay: Hasn't talked to yet, yet finds the feline rather interesting. Would like to know better.
Ursimm: Biological father. Loves dearly, though he lives outside the forest and far off. Found out yet again, how much she love her dad and his attitude, though he sometimes tends to be a bit too much of hi-i-am-dad. But this may be why he is so charming. Loves this stag and his protective, cheerful aura.
Virgil: Very special friend. Shares a lot of past experiences with this stag and holds him in high regards as a friend, family member, protector and noble veteran of the red deer. Feels deeply connected to him on a different level than love and would blindly entrust her life and her family to this male.
Walter: Considers a friend. Still keeps the poppies he gave to her in the past.
Ziara : Adoptive great-grandchild. Biological daughter of Moon. Welcomed relax-time companion and dear family member. Always excited to see new generations grow up, so it is the same with Ziara.
Still missing so many, so please leave me a message here, if I missed someone.
Trrrrrrrrrack. c: IT'S
I got 1 4 ya...
I sure hope ya like yerself sum snakes
(got this wannabe slang, can somebody shoot please xwX)
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Hello ;D Reez and Trees are
Reez and Trees are lucky last days. They both got a new bio hehe
Yeah ♥
Ohh special blog for Trees
traaack :33
track.. track tracky track.
Thanks a lot for the
I am happy to see, that people are still interested in seeing how the old girl is doing.
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
o! Love a new picture ! Trees
I am glad to see you again,
Track . Very cozy company
Track . Very cozy company today, thank you. I hope that this meeting will not pass with Trees fleeting c:
Happy New Year :3
Happy New Year 2014 !!
Happy New Year for you too!
Hai! Track ♥
Track ♥
Sig: Aihnna
Oooh so this was the nice doe
It was kinda brief since my connection flonked, so if you don't remember that's quite alright. xD
Ah, yes I remember your picto
If you stand in front of the group, they were from left to right Trees, Stria and Tariro (the fawn).
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
That Pelt-changing aspect of
Sorry about that weird stare-off. "Sniff" was giving me a bit of a hard time, haha.
Hey there! Ah, so the nice
No worries, she figured that with his beautiful natural look he might tend to greet in a more feral manner. The stare-off was actually taken in as a sign of interest and a welcoming gesture.
And thanks! Glad to hear you like her design and personality
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
♥ !!
Most likely, yes! Since you
Unfortunately, the pelt was as far as I got! I had to step out for a while and only just returned. You can be sure I'll be reading through everything here though! She's already charmed me.
Thanks you two. Andy for
Andy for everyone, updated the art section, but I am still missing so many pictures of Trees,
Please help me find them all.
What nature divides, the spirit unites.