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Basics Name: Nemesis Nicknames: Nem, The Sea-washedby Tristan Real name: Zoe Summers Her human name unknown to others in the Forest. Picto: xxx Gender: female/doe Age: adult Species: fallow deer, prevailing human thought process Size: female version of #6 Scent: ocean, lemon balm Orientation: pansexual Status: single Offspring: none Set: grey pelt/orca mask/peacock antlers mini spell Voice: #8B008B Diet: herbivore Haunt: lately she really enjoys spending her time in a sunspot behind the Statues | I. Personality emotionally distant, guarded, elusive, colder than she used to be, more self-dependent, empowered, determined, secretive about her true self, weathered and matured, hardened soul and heart, unapologetic, solitary, calm, headstrong, confident, lustful and sensual, playful, sassy observer, over-thinker -became an enigma over the years -desperate not to be the fragile flower she used to be -believes she can be her own hero -yearning for physical affection from others since that's one thing she can't quite give herself II. Traits - loves running and playful chasing but somehow always ends up just sitting somewhere - 'copycat' - does judge based on appearance and is generally more wary around predatory creatures - more often than not she will do a full bow as if to show her subordination - being around fawns awakes her maternal instinct - can be very clumsy at times - does not trust others easily - can make a purr-like sound when feeling extremely happy and content - needs reassurance and attention from others - gets attached WAY too easily - constant hum of The Old Oak makes her anxious and therefore she limits her time spent there - prefers when the forest is less crowded because she gets easily overwhelmed in large groups - once she is comfortable around someone, likes to sit as close to them as possible. It may take a while for her to become comfortable however as she likes to keep her distance from strangers - can get aggressive if constantly provoked, but fights are something she avoids - has a dislike for "unconscious" (unresponsive) basically when players have the game set not to run in the background and there's no way to get them to react deer - learned the hard way that the forest is not as safe as she had thought - doesn't allow herself to fall asleep in the presence of those she doesn't know well - tends to return to places where she felt safe or where she spent time with her friends - sometimes feels the need to find her soul mate as soon as possible, thinks she is just wasting time she could have been spending by someone's side - more often than not, she's missing someone, those thoughts usually intensify when she finds enough time to over think the situation - believes, however, that eventually everyone will sooner or later return, if only for a few moments - in contrast, never considers that she could disappear too - deals with any personal trouble or emotional issues by isolating herself from others - in times of emotional turmoil can by found lingering around the Pond - can get pretty wild and frisky when the circumstances and her mood are right III. Relations Anker Met the male during the Rut (2013, Good Lord). Possibly had a crush on him at one point. One of her oldest friends, welcomed back after his long absence. Shared history, fond memories, nostalgia. Cassiopeia Friend. Comfort. Quiet understanding. Cu Mischief. Fun. Familiarity. Hasn't seen in a while. Flyleaf Happiness. Warmth. Familiarity. Adoration. A long time friend she always enjoys meeting. Mjölnir Met the masculine doe during the Rut (2014) and found her and her strength rather enchanting. Admires. Still visits from time to time. Tristan The male became her most constant company over the past few months. Reserved towards in some ways but for the most part grateful for his company and patience with her outbursts and moods. Vala Mischief. Happiness. Adoration. Fun. A long time friend who is always welcomed with nuzzles. Zash First deer she became friends with in the forest. Looks up to him and trusts him. Finds him interesting to talk to. Sometimes tends to care way too much about his opinion. Happy to see him and his family around. Source of nostalgia but also comfort. Unsure about: Draven Confusion. Admiration. Rut affair (2015). Tago She found his attention lovely at first but as she got to know him better, her opinion on him changed. Despite this she gave the stag a second chance because things went downhill. This only led to more disappointment. Gone. Forgotten. Afraid of: Kaars Was attacked by the beast which is something she'll never forget. The experience somewhat helped to shape who she really is. Paralysed with fear whenever this creature is around. Missing, gone: (aka everyone she ever knew) Adil Heartache. Loved. Gone. Keeps and still wears the necklace from him. Serendipity. Met the huge stag by chance on a beautiful snowy day and then they shared many ups and downs. Developed strong feelings for the male as the time went on and eventually vowed to be his. Everything took a turn for the worse after their visit to Adil's world when the male ended up being 'possessed'. Hadn't seen him since and believes him to be gone forever. Blames herself for it since she was at the time too weak to help him escape from the grasp of what was possessing him. In denial after seeing him again, believing it was just an illusion and he's indeed gone. Ready to question him on a single specific matter if she ever catches wind of him again. Feels he owes her an answer, obsessively giving the question and any possible answer more importance than she should have. ben A complicated relation due to his close friendship with Adil. Her view of him is often twisted by her jealousy. More than happy to spend time with him on her own but inclined to leave should Adil be around. Danaë A young lady she watched grow up and turn from a cute little fawn into a beautiful mature doe. Still motherly towards though. Associated with Stym. Always happy to see her around. Cares about and will protect her if needed. Missing. Gone. Echo Watched the buck grow up as the time went on. Received a very special feather from him as a gift. Happy to see him around. Motherly towards. Missing. Gone. Hush Spoke to the male twice and grew curious about him. Interesting fellow. Hadn't seen him around. Gone. Isetore Mikhail 'The huge 'good guy''. The male seemed to appear whenever she needed someone to cheer her up and always had the ability to make her mood better and get her out of trouble. Welcomed company. Shoulder to lean on. He is like a big brother to her. Missing? Gone. ;-; Oaxis Protective of the blind buck. The only deer whose constant mooing she'll tolerate. Always happy to see him. Hadn't seen him around that much lately. Gone. Poetic Very good friend. Trusts. Grateful for the protection and support the feathered doe offers. Finds her attractive. Got two feathers from the doe which quickly became her treasured possession. Got recently introduced to her mate. Missing? Gone. Pontus The male quickly became a good friend and a play buddy to her. Associated with Stym due to their family bond. Missing. Gone. Reate Presence of the unicorn gave her the strength to say "no" to Tago. He also helped her after she was attacked. Fading feeling that she owes a lot to him. Rekindled friendship? Missing. Rhael Lovely stag she enjoys spending time with. Missing. Gone. 'Smiling' Jack Spoke to the white male only twice but seen him around often enough to consider him a friend of sorts. Curious about. Gone. Soul Odd fascination. Spoke to the male and was given a scarf from him on a particularly rainy day. Missing? Gone. Stymfalia Best friend. Feels safe in her presence. Sisterly figure. Admires. Source of comfort and happiness. Always happy to see her around. Priority. Missing. Gone. Wyanet Nem considers her a very good friend. Together they are always up to some mischief. Missing. Gone. Zeriah Friend. Truly enjoys the doe's company regardless of what they are up to, be it running around the forest or resting. Doesn't see her too often. Gone. The seen: Kaeltiir, Brighton, Vittani, Lumilla, Yenna, Liana, Rojan, Kerwin, Lucamo, Pica+, Keshadei, Eira, Jennie++, Myshka, Oira-Oira++, Beorn, Folke+, Roscoe, Tuu+, Merral, Seed+, Khida, Aurik++, Daneth, Khard, Kennis, Kian+, Rae+, Kaya+, Flait, Judaius?, Paranoik, Sirius, Cuzko, Eleanor+, Shahla+, Oria, Spartak++, Juggernaut, Maxwell+, Luv, Puppy++, Jasmine?, Helena, Eyvin+, Gwendolyn++, Kyra+, Lionel+, Nikhil+, Hälla, Ciarko++, Thorne-, Achilles++, Lucius+, Lucy+, Peloma+, Siemens, Foxbrow+, Apocalypse+, Naomh, Toya, Glytch, Stitches, Silas Abdul?, Eiji++, Zhain+, 'Dollface'+, Darius Ray, 'sweet' fawn++, La+, Jericho++, Kío++, Arcus+, Wardell++, Thais+, Daryl, Gia+, Cole---, Anneliese, Rakil++, Alain+, Romulus+, Blodeuwedd+, Rose, Accendare, Róta+, Thorir+, Lilitu+, Brent?, Lieva?, Czar+, Chanti+ and lots of others I always feel like I am forgetting someone. Asterisk (*) is used to mark deer without bio/whose player is not active on the community. Sorry if I forgot your deer, contact me if you want your deer to be removed from the list, just trying to keep track of everyone she met. I don't feel like deleting the names from the seen list even though the deer is no longer around. This is only going to grow it seems. IV. Appearance The doe has a simple, elegant, feminine appearance and is rather small in size which makes her look fragile. She has a body structure of fallow deer. Her legs are almost white and upper parts of her body have dark grey colour. Her fur is decorated with markings similar to those on the summer coat of fallow deer. Her pelt changes with season, becoming silver during the Rut and darker and thicker during winter months. She has distinctive violet eyes and long eyelashes, her eyes generally drawing attention to her delicate, antler-less head. She has silver ring around her left front leg and a necklace with amber pendant around her neck. Behind her ear there are two feathers - one multicoloured and one red. Usual in-forest set: grey pelt/orca mask/peacock or DOTD antlers/mini spell More fallow deer reference photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Human appearance: Physique of a woman in her early twenties. Blue eyes with violet tint. Auburn hair. The feathers manifest in the form of tattoo behind her ear. Always has her ring and the necklace from Adil. Possessions: silver ring - around her left front leg at all times, engraved on the inside, appears as a plain silver band from the outside, brought to the forest from her human world, combined with mushroom circle can be used to travel between various worlds one multicoloured feather - x - given to her by Poetic, wears behind her ear since it was given to her, cherished gift. Used to have two of them but then gave the second one to Verve in exchange for a painted skull. red feather - x - received from Echo - "Very soft and warm. And at night it lights up and becomes almost hot, illuminating itself around a small area, like a small torch." - SpringBird necklace with amber pendant - x - received from Adil ♥ "This stone - talisman, which keeps a sunlight. It frightens the evil spirits and smashes evil thoughts that can come from the outside world." - Adil decorated skull - x - a mixture of magic of the BZD and the craft skills of Verve - got the skull decorated from her in exchange for one of the feathers she had and a piece of sea glass she found in the 'lone' world, wears occasionally - proud and pleased to do so - seemingly gets more self-confidence from wearing it crimson scarf - given by Soul during a period of horrible weather, keeps it stashed away grey shawl - x - received as a Christmas (2016) gift from Tristan necklace - x - received as a Christmas/thank you (2017) gift from Tristan tends to keep flowers given to her until they are too withered to store V. History There was a world much like ours, different only in one essential thing. Human beings were accompanied by their dæmons, physical manifestations of the human soul that took animal forms. There was a girl named Zoe whose dæmon was different from the others. It was natural that dæmons were of the opposite gender from their humans. Zoe's dæmon wasn't. Her dæmon, her Nemesis, as she was fittingly named after Zoe was born, was a female and a source of suffering for Zoe as she often got bullied for being “different”. She hated her dæmon for that at first, unwilling to accept her as a part of herself, causing both of them to be always unhappy and the peace between them often disrupted by fights. What was supposed to be two parts of one entity soon became too detached to be called “one”. Zoe loved city life, shopping, parties and most of all getting drunk so she could forget about her troubles and pretend that she had friends. At those times, Nemesis usually changed into a ladybug, hiding in dark corners of the room and pretending that she didn't exist at all. Nemesis felt best in silence when Zoe wasn't yelling at her, in a forest filled with its inhabitants. She often took the form of deer and went for long walks, dragging Zoe around with her as she explored the wilderness surrounding the town they lived in. They couldn't possibly escape form one another, human and her dæmon always connected by an invisible bond that doesn't allow them to get too far from each other without it causing pain. One day, after falling asleep in a mushroom circle, eyelashes fluttered open, revealing violet eyes that curiously examined the new eerie surroundings. Taking the deer form of the dæmon and thoughts of both of them they finally became one and were given a new chance in the Endless Forest. VI. Art&Screenshots b - broken links Kallonate: x Mismatched: x b LightTheSky: x DeerUniverse: x Morrowing: x Aihnna: x FairyClock: x linorra: x MagicTime111: x x OrinocoFlow: x -version coloured by me x irwind: x x x SpringBird: x AliceV: x acer: x b REYKAT:x Mary13: x Apeldille: x EmiliaYO: x b Irwind: x tuoho: x Mary13: x singingbird: x LooksForDoves: x AkiraAnderhill: o Vala: o SpringBird: o o o o ZakuroToshino: o Thank you all for the beautiful art and all the captured moments! ♥ I feel so honoured to have Nem portrayed by every single one of you! ♥ |
She's welcome to sit with
And a track.
Thank you! She really enjoys
Aww ♥ I'm pretty sure
Tracking for Keshadei and
Thank you! Nemesis is happy
^_^ She's welcome around them
Siggy by Kokote
Thank you!
Here's a track for Nemesis!
Thank you! Nice to see Zeriah
Tracking on behalf of
Jacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Thank you!
Thank you for a fun evening!
My pleasure! Nemesis had
Thank you! If I remember
The new art looks beautiful!
Ohh that new(to me..haha) art
That amazing art piece was
Track! x) Rhhya zdravi!
Rhhya zdravi!
Ahoj! xD
Taky zdravím a dekuji za
Tak spisovna bejt nemusis.
Odkud jsi?
Mas Skype?
Strasne se omlouvam, ze tak vyzvidam,
ale je to strasna senzace, ze jsi tady! Moc cechu tady neni.., takze z toho mam
relativne velkou radost, ze je tu nekdo novy a ja muzu s nekym mluvit normalnim
jazykem. :'D
Takove nadseni jsem necekala!
Az tu budes dyl, budes mit
Mimo nas, jeste Kikinkacze, a PLK217. To jsou zatim jediny aktivni, ale brzo je poznas.
Tak hlavne at tu ses s nami co nejdele! xD
A preju krasne budouc interakce a RP! X))
Díky, myslim, ze tu nejakou
(nevadilo by Ti, kdybych ti poslala mail? mám pár otázek...
Klidne posli!
Track ^^
Thank you!
Aww, I think there might have
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥
Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Sorry to hear that! I hope
Awww there's no reason to
Hopefully it's just some
No, he wouldn't like that.
Thanks for the track!
Btw I'd love to have either
I could toss Zash or Reate at
Oh wow! Thank you mismatched
Skype or here is fine by me.
I prefer skype as I don't
-plops- it's muy sloppy but I
I have no words! That's so
Dekuji! (jednou by to
I understood this sentence!
Hello~ Track, little sweet
Track, little sweet doe. x)
Thank you!