II III IV V | There's no honor in suffering No reward 'cause you've bled The rest can sort itself out Placeholder Info - friendly, protective, loyal, caring - self-sacrificing, insecure, stubborn - mercurial, secretive, distrustful, vengeful - Usually has good intentions buuut things tend to go awry - A magnet for trouble. Tends to get involved in things he perhaps shouldn't be sticking his nose into. Usually for the sake of protecting someone he knows- he dislikes sitting around and 'not doing anything' while someone's potentially in danger. On the other hand, sometimes he's just plain curious. - Highly affectionate with those he knows, very touchy-feely. Loves hugs. Less enthusiastic when it's coming from someone he doesn't know. - Easily becomes attached to people. Loves making friends, and has a hard time letting go of them, even if they turn out not to be especially good people - Self-conscious and sensitive about his self-image or how others might perceive him. Criticism is easily taken to heart. Poor self-esteem. - Tends to not share information about himself with others. Wary, perhaps needlessly, but considers his fears reasonable given prior experiences. Finds it difficult to open up to people about many different matters. - Tries his best to be helpful, and to learn from his mistakes. Unfortunately stubborn about some things, which tends to hinder this. In the Endless Forest: Takes the usual form of an Endless Forest deer- a deer with a human-like face. Youthful, almost androgynous appearance. Pale skin, seems to always have hints of frostbite-blue or purple undertones, especially noticeable around his eyes, nose and lips. Sunburns easily. Usually looks at least a little tired, with dark circles under his eyes and a slightly-forlorn-looking resting expression. Sharp canine teeth. Big, round and fluffy ears that are nicked in a few places. Dense, double-coated fur. Similar in form to that of a reindeer, but tends to be longer and wavier. Fur covers the ‘pads’ of his hooves, and creates a feathering effect when long enough. Sheds excess fur in late spring, and regrows his winter coat by December. Prone to overheating in hot weather even with the thinner summer coat. Deep blue fur, darkening to almost black at certain points; his tail, lower legs, the back of his neck. Underbelly fur is white. Fur darkens closer to his head until it mingles with his hair- something like human hair? Usually relatively untidy, waves and curls of hair may get tangled. Often badly cowlicked. Has several streaks of grey hair. Shortish black horns with a slight curve. Thin and sharp. Physical ok? | Thoughts”......“ | Notes finals over! freedom.. Having made a decent recovery from his fight with Plague a few weeks ago, has ventured back into the forest. Spent today hanging out / napping with Alice, Eremes and Yasu by the ruins. In the evening, was found by Plague. Wasn't particularly happy about this, neither with Plague telling him to "Come here." He would prefer not to! But then Plague mentioned something 'happened' to Umay and well, he can't really ignore that. So he went over to the hill with Plague- the very one he avoids for Reasons. Did not like what he saw (a bloody mess). Horrified, didn't get much time to stare before Plague tossed him into the mess, onto the hill. And rubbed his face in it. He's not having a great time afterward, to say the least. ![]() a summary: - a distant big fight. ross doesnt want anything to do with it (he's been napping near phai) but he goes to check on minh - while checking on minh, plague approaches behind ross and gets real close before ross notices. very menacing - before anything can happen phai runs up to ross. minh steps between them and plague, ross tells phai to go home very sternly - phai is reluctant to leave but backs away before getting to a safe distance and running. which sets off plague's prey instinct! :') a chase ensues - phai hides in a den while plague and ross and minh fight. ross is Very angry. - plague chases ross.. ross has an Idea.. once he gets a good distance ahead of plague he turns around and makes a plague-sized portal, which he ofc runs into because he's chasing ross and has too much momentum to stop - ross closes the portal behind him. plague gets a free beach vacation - about 5 minutes later ross reopens the portal somewhere else. which in this case is right over the deepest end of the pond. - and plague went home Immediately after getting dumped in the water still angry. tried to cool off a bit before heading back to find phai and make sure she was ok. the rest remains to be seen cos it is late and i am stuck doing schoolwork helppp Doing alright! Much improved. Still a little skittish, often very tired. Recently has been spending more time in Uy and Eska's company, with their encouragement. Having a lot of anxiety that he knows isn't really.. reasonable, but they've been very nice and reassuring, so.. it's fine. He's fine. .... • Text • Text • Text - can: make things colder, create glamour magic (illusions), shapeshift, consume energy / 'lifeforce'.. - cannot: make things warmer, affect iron, steel or silver, resurrect anything, shapeshift others - harmed by iron. touching it causes a 'burn' or rash - unable to cross running water, specifically streams or rivers. while it is technically possible physically, it results in a lot of pain and something like a seizure. tries to avoid entering or crossing rivers at All Costs ... "the 'cool kid'", "wise-ass" "slightly disturbing" "Very Cute, also weirdly sharp teeth??" "definitely a lot more dangerous than he looks" "You're not my dad!!" Considered home. The world he is from. [An Alternate Universe of Earth where magic is an actual Thing] Assumes he is unable to return, and would refuse to if it turned out to be an option. Born about 980 AD, 'lived' there until around 1020 AD. Other than the Forest, this is the world he most often spends time in. Has a small studio apartment. On most weekdays works at a magic curio shop owned by his friend Leto. A world he accidentally wandered into years ago. Has explored a bit, and only found wilderness. Highly magical, seems interesting. Krummavisur's world, specifically the village he ruled over. [14th century Iceland - Earth AU] Lived there for about a year or so? Not goin' back. Consort, partner. ♪ ♪ ♪ ![]() Adopted daughter. Phaios, Pica Extended Family: Jo, Indi, Rohit, Abhiri the Quillbacks ♪ other relatives of Phaios Aria, Gia, In'heret Sasuda Best friend. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world. Good friend, known and looked up to since he was young. A sort of motherly figure. ♪ aaa?? ♪ What do they know about friends? so many + Monroe, Christian, Morgen, Tig, Thais, Ephire, Al, Rhea, Leto, Nidhem, Ramiel, Stelmaria, North, Plum, Alice, Ryff, Ronra, Jahi, Verve, Lats'vel, Harin?, North, Andrea, Bo & Sio, Vrasa, Lesath & Segin, Kuwaka, Jack, Piper, Argus, Creusillana, Ma'ao, Shahla, Castallion, Minh, .... ... ... = Elliot, Pandora, Blaire, 'Chitz', Syo, Eremes, Garai, Lonno, Romulus, Rota, Kata, Weasel, Gair, Zemora, Virus, Kissare, Red, Aima, Idris, Silas-, Ramsus, Swan Prince, Starless, Kolgrimr, Accendare, Belail, Vol, .... ... ... - Ajokoira, Kyrian, Roanen, Esll, Garou, Oleander, Plague, Haakon, <3 Fletcher, Liathe, Neela † Cole, The Red, Indira - Thane, Krummavisur |
I was wondering who this
My little fawn appreciates the company ^^
Ross enjoyed playing with
Helloo, that your fawn
Hello! Yes, it is.
Trackies! My Ayashe would
My Ayashe would love to meet you sometime! Her name means "little one." c:
Ayashe really enjoys your
*proper track* ♥
My Ayashe is sitting near you
Its fine if she keeps doing
Prita enjoyed playing with
I just wanted to let you know
I just wanted to let you know
*I finally have a beautiful
*I finally have a beautiful picture of what Ayashe looks like on my bio, you should check it out!*
Some crazy fawn decided to
Thank you!
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
(No subject)
Hello, thanks for the
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Yup. Dat's you by Hadou.
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
yugdfaghsjzgfa Thank you!
Thank you! <3
>.< If it's a bit weird or
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Umm.. well, I was thinking
You just need to tell Hadou -
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Well, I think I'll just keep
"Hello, Little One."
"...Hi.." Rossamund looked up
(omg you sneak post
Jokerman frowned down at the little boy, then leans down to tussle the fur on his head. "I'm so sorry. So sorry." For a moment she pauses, what is there ever to say to a child in these circumstances? "But Phaios... she loves you very much. And she always will. And you know what?"
She waits another couple of
I have to go have dinner in a
"Really?" The astonished fawn's ears perked up. "Still... still with us?"
(No problem! Enjoy your
The Kudu nodded her head vigorously. "Back where she came from, Phaios earned the name 'Remembrance.' Because her memory is so great, she never forgot a friend or loved one. Even when she came here... she never forgot anyone from her last home, and, Rossamund," she touches the muzzle of her mask against him softly, "she'll never forget us, wherever she is now. She'll tell those she meets how much she loves you."
I'm back. ------ Rossamund
Rossamund leaned against the Kudu, burying his face in her fur. "I'll never forget her too." He sighed, gazing at the ground sadly. "Have you seen Pica at all? Is she alright?"
(WB!) Jokerman closed her
Jokerman closed her eyes and lowered her head down over the small boy's. "Me neither." The fur along her back bristling involuntarily. She opened her eyes again, frowning. "I haven't... you two are close, huh?"
"Yeah... I haven't seen her
Jo wondered this too. Dreaded
Relieved, Rossamund nodded.
She made to look as if she
Thanks for sitting with
"I promise, Jo." He smiled up at her in return, then blinked sleepily. "Is it all right if I take a nap for a bit? I'm kind of tired."
(Thank YOU! I'm so glad you
"Sounds like a good idea," She nods and then lowers her own head to the ground next to Rossamund, should he choose to stay. This fawn deserved so much more than a peaceful slumber, but if that was the only thing she could give him, she would ensure it. "I'll be right here... get some rest, kid."
Trackin'. Hope he doesn't
Hope he doesn't mine my boy sitting with him.
Oh, hi! Don't worry, he
Tracking for being a creature
Mostly because he looks like a fluffier mini twin of him and thats adorable omggggJacklo's Characters/Hub
Discord: Daddy#4977
Hi there!
Nice to meet Rossamund today.