{Wake me in time to be lonely and sad} Updates in the comments section.

Heartstrings's picture

Recent Posts

The Guilty Ones - Spring Awakening

Beloved F Jones.

I am made of Stardust.
Just like You.


Skype: Mahjling
Email: Beloved@Reincarnate.com

Ivory Spires

The Mahjling
That little string tied to you leads nowhere now

Possessive|Moody|Easily annoyed

The Amazonian

Alas her heart was not of ice at all. but of a roiling lava

Doe|Feral|Power hungry

The King of Flies

Ripened not into ambrosia
but a rotten, hollow core


Ivory knight

Of the old code

Valiant|Neutral good|Protective
Well mannered|Cordial|Means well
Good natured|Of good humor

The Gar Lord

Your words are like teeth
they eat me alive.


The red lady

Our bodies are the guilty ones



Without Biographies



Heartstrings's picture

El Oh Fuckin' El. That is

El Oh Fuckin' El.
That is all.

Heartstrings's picture

Confession I get nervous


I get nervous approaching people I've interacted with before on one character with another in-forest because I'm scared they'll think I'm clinging, when in reality it's entirely IC and/or they're some of the only deer online...


Mjrn's picture


Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Hum's picture

#gpoy even though I'm not

#gpoy even though I'm not creative enough to play more than one character
Heartstrings's picture

#I love you both the

#I love you both

the drawback of being unpopular and having a character that doesn't approach others is that your character gets no interaction.

I mean that's my own fault, I made him, just an idle thought.

Mjrn's picture


Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture



Mjrn's picture


Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

Character Development Tumblr

Heartstrings's picture

Who has no friends now. Who

Who has no friends now.
Who has no, friends, now

me ajfksdsdlakfsd sorry i

ajfksdsdlakfsd sorry i couldn't help myself
its past eleven and i'm doing homework and my brain died and i just had to skljfsadf
aka jinxy is crazy the end yay
Heartstrings's picture

efuheuhfewn shhh no u

shhh no u

Heartstrings's picture

Everyone knows that the most

Everyone knows that the most deadly animal in North America is the whitetail deer, accounting for more human deaths than any other creature. Of course, those deaths are, except in very rare exceptions, the result of deer/vehicle collisions and not actual attacks on people. Deer, after all, eat plants, forbs and grasses. They are herbivores in scientific vernacular. Everyone knows that.

Enter researchers Pete Squibb, a retired state biologist in Michigan who know runs Wildlife Solutions LLC, and his research partner, Brad Thurston, M.D.

Thurston, who has raised deer for many years had noticed the animals nosing around in meat and carcass piles from time to time and wondered with concerns about tuberculosis (TB) and chronic wasting disease (CWD) rising, if there was a possibility these diseases could actually be getting transmitted by deer sniffing at and possibly even eating the meat from dead, diseased animals.

Thurston isn’t the only outdoorsman who has made such observations over the years. Indeed, when the conversation came up, Outdoor Life Deputy Editor Gerry Bethge noted that he had seen lots of deer over the years nosing around gut piles, but assumed they were simply seeking out mushrooms, apples, etc.

Thurston discussed his observations with Squibb, which led to the biologist organizing an anecdotal study with some fellow trail camera message board users to observe deer around gut piles and carcasses. That study has been going on for 3 years now and this is what Squibb and his team found: Deer DO eat meat!

“Over the past three seasons, I’ve had 30 to 50 guys volunteer to help out using their homemade trail cameras,” says Squibb. “In that time, I had about 120 instances where cams were put on gut piles in 17 states…60 to 62 percent of which were visited by deer.”

His own efforts began when he placed a carcass behind his rural home and within three to four days, deer showed up and began stripping fat from the remains. This was during the cold of January.

In most instances, Squibb says, deer are usually the first to show up at a bait site. Perhaps because they are so prevalent and show a natural tendency toward being curious, but also it appears, looking for some nutrients to supplant their usual diets.

His research isn’t the first to reveal the whitetails—not necessarily carnivorous—but rather omnivorous diets. Squibb says scientists have long known about deer on the islands of Lake Michigan eating alewives that wash up on shore, and some cougar research has even revealed that the first animal to show up at a meat-heavy baitpile are often deer. One researcher has even recorded a deer eating eggs from a nest and attempting to run down hatchlings.

Mjrn's picture

I know about the red deer

I know about the red deer population that has been witnessed chewing on bones and whatnot, but it's always interesting to read things like this. Really makes you put nature in another perspective.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

nature is hardcore. I got a

nature is hardcore.

I got a job interview, hopefully I get this job, I really need the money ;~;

Mjrn's picture

Go hard or go home.

Go hard or go home.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

I hear a song on the

I hear a song on the radio
And it sounds like something I miss
But, I don't need those old melodies
With you on my lips

I was born a fool on the run
I've broken hearts and lost at love
There's not one thing I would change or undo
Cause all my life's been a road to you

I got the job! I've been working for a week or two now. All my co-workers are grand.
My favorite co-worker is another new hire {newer than I, since I've worked at this franchise before} named David.

I wish he didn't already have a boyfriend.

Mjrn's picture

Congrats on the job! Really

Congrats on the job!

Really like your signature image, by the way.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Hum's picture

Happy birthday. ♥

Happy birthday. ♥
Mjrn's picture

O: Happy birthday~. ?

O: Happy birthday~. ♥
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

it took me forever to say

it took me forever to say thank you ahh thank you way belated<3

Personal blog life diary entry thing, not TEF related, sorry, they rarely are.

I hate you. I hate you and I'm glad everyone decided you're a whiny piece of shit to be ignored.

Heartstrings's picture

Update: February.10.14 You

Update: February.10.14

You can act as 'sweet' here as you want {and you don't, you're passive aggressive and trying too hard, or not hard enough, to be the kind wise existence that you are not} but every time I see your stupid name all I can think about was how you told me my suicidal urges didn't matter and that I needed to stop 'seeking attention'

You're a monster and knowing people here still like you makes me want to vomit

Heartstrings's picture

also this is all I've gotten

also this is all I've gotten done this weekend b/c work was cancelled

Mjrn's picture

Lookin' stylish.

Lookin' stylish.

Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.

.: loving this bio!

.: loving this bio!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Heartstrings's picture

Fain: It's not a bio. It's

It's not a bio. It's just my personal page.

General Updates:
Updates: Feb.12.14

All of your characters and backstories are blatantly ripped from other media. It's gross.
And painfully uncreative jesus christ. It's painful to watch.

Mis's picture

I don't know if you care for

I don't know if you care for esponses to these little tidbits, but I just wanted to say it's a relief to me other people can see it too.
Also wanted to say it's nice to see you back here! I should comment more on your art, you've really improved and it's awesome to look at.
Heartstrings's picture

I don't mind replies uwu and

I don't mind replies uwu
and yeah uhg I kinda wanna say something but like it would probably just devolve into drama I'm not in the mood for.

Thank you by the way!
And yeah I've been kinda off the community, still in forest though!

Mjrn's picture

Guess I really am glad that

Guess I really am glad that I'm picky about what blogs I look at. Lets me avoid the garbage.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Poppyflower's picture

Hope you don`t mind if I

Hope you don`t mind if I track this~ Your insight has always been inspiring to me.
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Heartstrings's picture

Mjrn: I can't stop send

I can't stop send help

Of course it's all right uwu!
I'm glad someone finds it inspiring haha.

Mjrn's picture


Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

Feb.14.14 The subject of


The subject of anonymity on this site may seem complex at first, and yet, it really isn't.
In my own opinion, you have every right to post opinions on your main or an anonymous account.
My reasoning is thus:

TEFc is a terribly toxic place. In posting what you feel, you will likely be attacked outright and will certainly be spoken of privately {Yes, my eyes are on you. I know what you said about me.} While some people {I.E Myself} are willing enough to deal with these consequences, some are not, and I can completely understand {if not empathize} with them.

By using an account not associated with your true name, you are free to post your opinion, which you should be allowed to do, without the fear that this awful environment will come back to harm you.

One should not swim with sharks without a wetsuit, or the acceptance that you will lose parts of yourself.

And besides even personal emotional safety. If an opinion is not outright attacking someone, why should you care? Why should it really matter?

Are you so displeased by being unable to apply a face to your judgement that you choose to attack the concept instead?

How silly.

Don't mind me. Stalking this

Don't mind me.

Stalking this particularly for the entry above.

Thank you.
Heartstrings's picture

You are unminded. And

You are unminded. And welcome, both in the sense of a returned word for 'thank you' and in the sense that you are welcome in this space.

Mjrn's picture

If anything, chain mail is

If anything, chain mail is what you need around here, if you're going to do things like that. Sharks laugh at anything less. :/

/cut out huge paragraph about it being okay to use anonymity unless you're maliciously attacking someone because I skimmed the original post, then went back and reread it and lol you said it i'm so stupid haha bye
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture




Jiaruqa's picture

._. Ilu

._. Ilu
Hum's picture

You're not trash you

You're not trash you silly.

And there's a huge difference between RPing a non-deer in private versus making them an on-site bio, getting them a pictogram, and actively using them in forest at the expense of characters who fit in better.

Plus it's a new character. Of course you want to use him everywhere. I'd be worried if you weren't obsessed with a new character of yours. xD
Mjrn's picture

Oh stop, you're not trash.

Oh stop, you're not trash. )':
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Heartstrings's picture

omg I hope no one thinks I

omg I hope no one thinks I meant that seriously like im sitting here in Hum's living room laughing so hard at my own hypocrisy

Heartstrings's picture

Drama will cease to be an

Drama will cease to be an occurrence, when emotions cease to be altogether.
Humans, being as they are, are prone to drama and rough patches in communication. Never has there been a large gathering of people where everyone truly liked everyone else. Not really.

It's a natural occurrence. And, as tiresome as it is, no amount of motivational posts, or blogs telling people to cease bickering, will stop anything.

People are too emotional and unpredictable to be utterly drama free when interacting.

I have my own opinions on the subject at hand. They are unimportant in the grand scheme of it all.

Heartstrings's picture

I can't stand you. I can't

I can't stand you.
I can't stand you and I want to call you out.
You make all these posts preaching kindness, you make all these posts telling people to be kind to one another, you preach from your high horse that every existence is unique, that every existence deserves respect, you sit on your pedestal and pretend to be an illuminated mind while you go behind the back of the public eye and tell a person in an abusive situation. A person on the verge of suicide, that their feelings don't matter. That they need to keep their feelings to themselves, to stop 'seeking attention'

Well you know what? It's bullshit, and the utter, vile, contempt, I feel welling up in the back of my throat every time I see your name is one of the most unpleasant things I've ever experienced, but I can't stop, I can't just stop because every time I see your fucking name spewing pseudo kindness I remember exactly what you told me when I let it be known that I was suffering.

You are a disgusting creature. Not because you are a vile, hateful being, but because you are a loathsome, awful existence pretending to be a good one.

And the only thing worse than being a terrible person, is convincing others that you aren't when you most certainly are. And never once did you even attempt an apology.

Fuck you. You won't read this of course.
But you know, exactly, who you are.

Your sting and your venom last and leave marks that no amount of honey on the public tongue will sweeten.

Heartstrings's picture

Welcome to TEFc where

Welcome to TEFc where character design theft is a-okay so long as you aren't as well known as others.
Which is not, in any way shape or form, the fault of more popular players. It's just shoddy that anyone would steal designs at all.

Hum's picture

Welcome to TEFc, where design

Welcome to TEFc, where design theft is fine if you brownnose and draw well, and the creativity behind character design doesn't matter.

What do you mean you don't like foul-scented, skull-faced stags as large as bull elephants and dainty, albino, feathery does a fifth their size.
If not, you certainly have the wrong community. Oh, you do.
Kaoori's picture

*sits here*

*sits here*
AlisonRobin's picture

I hope you don't mind if I

I hope you don't mind if I set up camp here.
Heartstrings's picture

[12:37:11 PM] Mahj:

[12:37:11 PM] Mahj: omg
[12:39:18 PM] Mahj: I hate when people are nice to [redacted]
[12:39:44 PM] Mahj: not even in like a petty 'i don't like them so you shouldn't!!!' but because what they did to me was legitimately uncool
[12:41:16 PM] [censored]: what did they do? if you don't mind telling me.
[12:41:54 PM] Mahj: I mentioned that I was feeling suicidal and they emailed me telling me that I needed to stop whining and attention seeking
[12:42:03 PM] [censored]: oh GROSS
[12:42:19 PM] [censored]: that is foul
[12:42:30 PM] Mahj: and now they like to parade around on TEFc as if they're some enlightened peace loving being who is holier than thou and no
[12:42:31 PM] Mahj: just no
[12:42:51 PM] [censored]: yeah they've got the whole 'self appointed moderator' vibes going strong
[12:43:18 PM] Mahj: they really do. It's hilarious in a way.
[12:43:30 PM] Mahj: like
[12:43:32 PM] Mahj: really ironic
[12:43:35 PM] [censored]: it's annoying and embarrassing
[12:43:48 PM] [censored]: and yeah, knowing they did something that horrible it's really gross
[12:44:05 PM] Mahj: like uhhgg I want to call them out by name but I don't want to like
[12:44:07 PM] Mahj: drama start
[12:44:44 PM] [censored2]: all of their advice is super contorted and either repeated or just extremely haughty
[12:44:52 PM] Mahj: TEFc has good taste in who they like
[12:44:57 PM] Mahj: [sarcasm intensifies]
[12:45:32 PM] [censored]: that's so amazingly gross

Sickens me too. My best

Sickens me too.
My best friend suffers from depression and is frequently suicidal, even if she's spent months in the mental institution. If someone decides to tell a person whom is suicidal to 'quit whining', I'm not going to introduce her to here at all. That's not how it works.
Clare's picture

-gentle nudge- &hearts;

-gentle nudge- ♥