Don't let the [M i y a k o] blue eyes fool you.

Always Open For Interactions.

The Recent Events.
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Previously; Witnessed the death of her son, unpredictable and needy. Seeking comfort and company.

Miyako (Mee-yah-koo) | Identity | 21.12.2013 | In her prime | Female | Wild white-tailed deer | Northern Brazil | Home

» Innocent being at birth. Grew as a naive and easily lead on adolescent leading her into countless of troubles and heartache. Traumatized as she was a victim of an assault. Her former lover took abused her both mentally and physically until the point of no return. In addition the breaking of her second family, her foster family caused her more mental trauma by disowning her at a very delicate time of her life. Being unlucky with partners she has intimacy issues and a great fear towards the male gender.

» Loves unconditionally, cares passionately. Hates brutally. She still shows submission towards many, but has shaken off the naive nature she once held. Suspicious when first meeting someone, unlikely to trust or forgive easily.

» Has taken collecting and crafting to heart as if she was to continue the legacy of her former guardian and partner. Has yet to practice crafting hoping one day she could create something magnificent.

Kenai First born biological son. Could not be there for him when he was born as she was taken from the world as we know it, was given the gift of returning when her son was already a teenager. They had hard time building their relationship and never truly managed to get close. With all the highs and lows with the boy she was incredibly proud of him and loved him to no end. Deceassed on 4th of December 2016.

Mortis Auctor Viewed as a Father and a Mentor. Deep rooted mutual connection she still feels after years of being separated. Longs for his calm presence more than anything, often seeks guidance from him even though he isn't around. Loading...
Djinn Adoptive Mother. When she was a newborn she received the greatest of care and protection from the hind, growing deeply attached to her, growing to respect and admire her. Relationship fell apart when she was disowned by the hind and her mate at the time. Miyako left burning bridges hoping to never see her face again. As time went by found herself longing for her mother's guidance and care, started mending things with her. Their bond is still in repair, mending. Loading..
Morikiah Former adoptive Father, a relationship she never managed to mend after breaking ties with him. When she was disowned by the orange male she felt great hatred and disgust towards the male, only recently understanding the male's reasoning behind his actions. Hoping to mend things with him, however cannot find the courage to track him down after so long.

Thane Her guardian, her former lover, her dream in a nightmare. Her very first infatuation, love and the reason for many of her mental issues to this day. She was physically, emotionally and mentally abused by the Craftsman and yet she found herself returning to his side time after time. The Craftsman is the very reason why she was disowned by her surrogate family as she would not let him go even when her family pledged her to. There are days when she regrets ever getting to know the male and days when she would give anything to return to him. Stockholm syndrome. Ptsd.
Nikodim Her beast, her guardian, hers. He was her first friend and first to look after her after her arrival. Cherished the beast highly, loved even. Would have done anything to gain his full attention and affections. A forbidden fruit. Greatly missed.
Neiro Father of Kenai. What started off as a friendship between a beast and a fawn turned into something deeper, on her behalf at least. Grew fond of him, loved him and believed he felt the same for her. Got pregnant with his child and not long after received the news of him and another female being an item. Bitter towards, yet misses.
Beren Best friend. A relationship she has always valued highly. At one time harbored feelings for the wolf, keeping them to herself mostly as she did not wish to disturb the dynamics of the wolf's family.
Umay Considered a friend after being rejected by the lion mother, grateful for everything she has done for. The Blue eyes would no longer breathe and walk the earth if it wasn't for her. There are no words to describe the gratitude she feels for her.
Leviathann Another strong female she looks up to, admires and is forever grateful to. Distantly respects her as she doesn't dare to approach her after all this time.
Khard Lost friendship. Once rather close with the beast, but never dared to let him as close as he would have wanted to be. Breaking the beast's heart she parted ways with him, hoping to mend things with her beast. Missed.
Maelstrom Feared. Disgusted by. Heavily disliked. His target and victim. Was nearly killed by him.

Character (c) Me.
CSS (c) Shamiya/Me.
Top picture (c) BrownLupine
She does not represent her player and is always IC.
If you have something you want to talk about, post a comment here
or send an email to

Lumzum's picture

Ahh *-* Beatiful Bio *-*

Ahh *-*
Beatiful Bio *-*

Thank you. ♥

Thank you. ♥ <:
Dampir's picture

Good luck with your exams (:

Good luck with your exams (:

Pfft. Thank you. Luck will be

Pfft. Thank you. Luck will be much needed there anyway. c; ♥

(this is my fawn that

(this is my fawn that actually entered the forest today,all i know is that she's very shy and nice,i don't even know her name or her text color,so speech will be in italics ufn)
The tiny newborn fawn trotted up to the larger doe."Uh,hello?"

">The young doe glanced down

The young doe glanced down at the small one with a smile upon her features. With a step closer she lowered her head so that their eyes would meet. "Hello, Sweetie. " A chuckle escaped her mouth. She reached to sniff the little one, then pulled back. "What brings you here, are you all alone?" Her voice had a hint of concern in it, such small creatures should not walk here alone.

// It's fine. Always nice to RP with new people and this was a pleasant surprise. ♥

[e:] Kyoopa, I would really much appreciate if you fixed your signature coding(?) before commenting again. It's messing up with my codes here.
Salome's picture


Corell's picture

(No subject)


Corell, youhelpme. How can I

Corell, youhelpme. How can I fix this. 8<
1Antidote's picture

Perhaps try to remove the

Perhaps try to remove the signatures?
.comment .clear-block .content .clear-block{display:none}

I just stuff that to my CSS?

I just stuff that to my CSS? Not working.
1Antidote's picture

Yeah.. Crap. Dunno then. :c

Yeah.. Crap. Dunno then. :c
GlobalBeauty's picture

I managed to pick a post to

I managed to pick a post to notify them on... this has been happening to several blogs lately and gets reeeeaaaaalllly annoying.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo

Thank you anyways, Anti.

Thank you anyways, Anti. ♥ ;__;

Glob, I almost ate my boyfriend's head when I saw this happening. Not amused at all. 8<
GlobalBeauty's picture

... I'm none too happy

... I'm none too happy either. I hate it when coding goes awry, let alone from someone who is probably just ignorant to how it will effect others blogs. :/ Motto: No coding if you don't use it correctly XD
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
1Antidote's picture

Ugh, I really hope this will

Ugh, I really hope this will get fixed for you. ;_;
Salome's picture

I know what's wrong with

I know what's wrong with their code they just forgot "> before the < /div >
Salome's picture

I'm pretty sure there is a

I'm pretty sure there is a way to fix that :|

It is rather bothersome when

It is rather bothersome when codes do stuff like this. Perhaps the next page will be fine.
I was meant to track this a while ago. Well I'm tracking it now. <3
Corell's picture

Oh, I thought you were going

Oh, I thought you were going to take a break.
Hmm, I really don't know how to fix this thing with the the comments, It haven't happen to me. I wish I'd could help you. :/

Glob, I definitely agree. I

Glob, I definitely agree. I cant put up my CSS before this is fixed. Otherwise these comments wont show up. Argh. I'm gonna get this fixed even if it took my life -ragesaround-

Anti, me too. Pisses me off right now pretty nicely. 8'>

Schutzie, Hope they fix their siggie soon enough.

Starrie, I suggested that to Mandy but she was smarter to say that it would probably happen again if they posted. So, not really a solution.
Awwers, thank you. ♥

Corell, meh, it's okay. ♥ And noo, no breaks for me. Had to take my CSS down to see these comments. 8>
Corell's picture

Great, haha.

Great, haha. <3
I think it will be better when you get a new page, as Star said. ^^

Hope so. But first I'd like

Hope so. But first I'd like Kyoo to edit the siggie code. Just so others blogs wont get messed up.



















































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... D8<

... D8<

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