Woden {Bio} The Forest Spirit

Sighthoundlady's picture

the endless forest

Name: Woden
Species: Fay/Fairy
Gender: Stag
Primary Set:
Skull mask, Zombie Antlers, Monarch Butterfly Pelt
Transitions at will to the raven form.

Woden’s Diary
June 4th, 2012
Having spent many months now as a raven, the Fay doesn’t quite remember he is anything but a corvid at this point, just a few faint whispers of what he really is lurking in the back of his mind. Prefers it that way, life is simpler without the press of years bearing down. Found Mato, nervous as ever trying to steal skull masks from sleeping deer. Oh, Woden loved this game! Helped Mato steel a mask then followed him to the crying idol, where there were a few deer laying there, went and squawked at them and distracted them so Mato could do his thing washing the skull. Met an Ephire Raven. He was a bit bigger then Woden Raven, didn’t like this so did some forest magic to make himself bigger, backfired. Became a gigantic raptor raven. Scared poor Riptail. Felt bad about it. Ah well, went on the prowl for some more skull masks. Flew around in the birch. Found a little baby mini fawn (Lane), thought to take her skull, but she thought he was there to cuddle her. Contemplated just picking her up and carrying her off. Thought better of it, went in search of more skulls. Found Mato at the ruins again, saw Ephire raven, showed off how big he was now. Went back to being a normal sized Raven. Spied Illrose sitting on the ruins, flew over and boldly ripped her skull mask off and tried to fly off with it. This made the doe mad for some reason and she chased him, trying to stomp on him! In a rare show of bravery, Mato tried to protect him. It was short lived though as he ran off again pretty quickly, but Woden did okay squawking at Illrose and “scaring” her off again. Spotted Cutlass, not wanting to wait for him to fall asleep, ran up and ripped his skull mask off too. Success! Two skulls! Tried to take Umay’s too but she thought he was playing with her and the raven was unable to get a grip on her mask with her running all about so gave up. Dragged his two skulls, back to Mato , so proud of his victories. Mato buried them. What a fun game!

September 22nd, 2011
Met a Ravely crow, pleased to have found another corvid friend to play with, the two birds flew off to find mischief. They came upon Mato, Woden gleefully introducing his new crow friend to the odd fellow who was sure to be a source of amusement. Not to be disappointed, the creature led them on another search for sleeping deer with skull masks to steal. Helped him steal the mask from a brown deer by the pond, then watched him wash it at the crying idol and bury it in a grave at the ruins. Made an attempt at stealing Leviathann’s skull while she slept, but Henna awoke, scaring Mato right off. Woden, not so easily perturbed, continued to try and snatch the skull, until Henna’s disapproving scowl, made him slink off at last. Moved onto the next victim, and helped Mato steal Faye’s skull mask, burying it also. Mato appeared exuberant and joyful after this, making Woden very pleased for the odd creature. He thought it was great fun too.

September 21st, 2011
Visiting the forest in Raven form, Woden met up with the little jackdaw, Migisi, remembering her from the fun they’d had pestering the big icy stag. Always up for mischief, the Fay found her following around a very bizarre creature with arm like appendages named Mato. Greeted the little crow, blissfully unaware that she was anything but happy to see him. Mato turned out to be a very skittish fellow, perplexing Woden when he ran away in fear from the little birds. Eventually he seemed to accept their company but the silly lout still bumped into him a few times in his frantic attempts to flee from any deer that approached. Followed the strange creature around with Migisi. Watched him unsuccessfully try and steal the skull masks from sleeping deer. What fun! Woden liked this game so helped Mato in the task, then followed the creature as he ran off with a skull to the crying idol and proceeded to wash it. Followed Mato to the ruins where Woden and Migisi helped him bury the skull in a grave. Even better! Indeed a fun game. Woden was pleased with the accomplishment. After Mato left Woden tried to follow Migs but quickly lost sight of her. Forgetting what he had been doing in the first place, the Fay went to sit in a sunbeam. Rested there a while when a large skull faced kirin pelted deer ran up and started trying to stomp on him. Aggravated the Fay, leapt out of the way and threw a pelt spell at the deer, causing it to run off again.

September 11th, 2011
Very pleased to see Cybelle in forest again, jumped and played with the little doe, finding himself being drawn more often in forest to seek out her company. Transformed into a Raven and played with a small murder of 3, getting himself drawn into crow behavior, going off with them to taunt at and tease a great cold stag that aloofly tried to ignore them. Thinking it all in good fun until the great white antlered doe that was with the icy stag, gave raven Woden a good stomping. Injured, he flapped away back to Cybelle, finally gaining enough wits about him to transform back his stag form, thus healing his injuries. Stayed resting with the little doe the rest of the evening.

September 8th, 2011
Played in the forest, met Cybelle, sat with the tiny doe as a raven. Revealed his large deer form, transitioning quickly between the two forms in good spirits. Met Ebolah, a tiny mini fawn and become distressed when it was afraid of his deer form. Tried to win it over and eventually succeeded. Played with it and Cybelle.

August 12, 2011
Returned to the forest from Fairy when he sensed the dark magic from his young acolyte. Found the little black doe passed out in the birch, knowing full well the current misery she must be in from her elicit dabbling. Awoke her. Didn’t need to remind her of the dangers of black magic or any heavy magic use, even white. “You are ill prepared for such things. And it could destroy you.” Torn now whether to educate her further as guidance would be better than letting her flail with blind attempts that could hurt herself or others. “What to do with you Herla?”

May 18, 2011
Just returned from an extended stay in Fairy. Don’t know how long I was gone…time passes differently there. ((Running around the forest as a mini, wearing the candles in celebration of the rain.))

May 7, 2010
Defeated a pack of Rock Hounds defending Nekumbra, now gravely injured. Forgotten how to heal and too weak to remember.
Later that evening...
With the help of Natheniel, the poison was pushed back so I could transform...thus healing my wounds. I took the form of The Raven. ((and not just any raven, a @#$%ing GIANT Raven.))

May 01, 2011
Having strange dreams that leave me tired in the morning like I haven’t slept at all.

Met a little Bluebird today. He played in a hyacinth patch with Liam and I.

April 30, 2011
I have promised my protection to the spider-doe Nekumbra if the dragon should attack her for keeping her faith and refusing to attack fawns. If she should succumb to her baser instincts again however and destroy a fawn, then I shall help her find peace. I will not allow to her suffer an existence where she is forced to cannibalize one’s own kind, it is no life that would be welcomed, and a kindness it would be to end it for her.
April 28, 2011
Very aggrieved that Nekumbra killed 3 fawns today. I should have done more to help keep her from this awful travesty. How can one change someone’s very nature though? Leviathann has been teaching Nekumbra to hunt the small creatures of the forest as an alternative to eating fawns. This grieves me but it grieves me less then death of the fawnlings, and maybe if I’d brought this up sooner, the death of the fawns could have been avoided.

I’ve been remembering more things. Plant lore, and forest magic that I did not know, I knew. Trying so hard to remember more so I can help. But it hurts. The knowledge has its price and my head aches. Some things I remember make me feel panicked and afraid and I want to hide away…and forget again.

I have put aside the mini spell for now to be big. Big voice and big antlers. I feel I will need them…

April 26, 2011
Spending time with the unfortunate spider doe, Nekumbra. Her plight saddens me. I helped her find grubs by breaking open rotting bark on fallen trees. I hope it can be enough for her. I shall keep a watchful eye though so that she won’t be tempted to eat any of the forest’s fawns. I have a vague memory…I am to protect the forest? But I forget such things so quickly. Best not to dwell on things I can’t recall. It just makes my head ache.

In other news I am quite pleased with being mini. Easier to squeeze into tight spots. And I love my tiny voice! I shall run all over the forest calling out so all can hear it! I think everybody else thinks it’s pretty clever too. Why just yesterday I chased a mini peacock antlered deer all through the forest calling and calling. What fun.

Liam is a fun new friend. He gets sad a scared sometimes and I don’t know why. I shall stand buy him and make sure he knows I am there. I may be mini but I can be large if I need to be. And my antlers can protect all of the forest. Which I am supposed to do. Protect it. I think. I can’t remember.

Woden is undoubtedly very old as he is Fay, but his memories from previous incarnations are poor. He is a strange juxtaposition of extreme age and boisterous youth, owing mainly to his poor memory. He is immortal. A forest spirit. His lack of memory retention is partly his own fault and is a self defense mechanism against the machinations of age. Remembering hurts. Too many years, too many changes. So he ignores them. He is happy in his endless, virtually unchanging forest. It suits him. The trees are his old friends, the rocks venerated ancestors, the earth great mother of all. He will play and romp with fawns and other deer, and gets great joy from their company and liveliness, but he also has a strange sense of detachment to all things around him. He knows these things are ephemeral, they will change, move on, and he…he will forget. He just can’t take anything too seriously.
Though almost always upbeat and happy, Woden has brief interludes of full memory. These are hard times for him. As he is forced too mourn all that has gone and all that has changed. He will hide himself away and force it all away again. So he can walk his forest in happiness again.

Feel free to interact with Woden here.
I am new to roleplaying overall but I would love more chances to develop my character and spend time with yours. There are many deer that I meet in the forest but cannot find them here or a bio, but if I can find them, I'll say hi on their bio pages. If you find Woden in the forest and would like to say hi here as well it is greatly welcomed. I love learning about new deer.

the endless forest

I think my doe Waarhijd sat

I think my doe Waarhijd sat with Woden some minutes ago near the Pond. <3 c:

Sighthoundlady's picture

Oh, so that's your deer,

Oh, so that's your deer, Nopje. I was wondering. Sorry I just sort of said hi then sat down. I've been multi tasking and doing work around the house. I come in go in spurts, leave poor Woden laying around sleeping most of the time. He's the sleepiest deer in the endless forest sometimes. "Oh, hi!" *Greet, greet. Snooze* Smiling

LOL! It's fine. c: Waarhijd

LOL! It's fine. c: Waarhijd liked to sit with him so no worries. <3

Burnshy's picture



-Flails.- You HAVE to teach me CSS darling.
Lovely bio<3333
MickKreiger's picture

Nathaniel thought he'd come

Nathaniel thought he'd come sit next to you since you were all alone.

ninja track
Sighthoundlady's picture

UPDATE: Defeated a pack of

UPDATE: Defeated a pack of Rock Hounds defending Nekumbra, now gravely injured. Forgotten how to heal and too weak to remember.

((Thanks Burnshy, I just used the pre-fab journal CSS that Unplugged has posted in her journal and played with it until I got it the way I wanted too. I’m glad it looks decent! ))

((MickKreiger, thanks for keeping me company! Once again Woden is left to fend for himself most the time as I’m multitasking Eye ))
MickKreiger's picture

[[Hahaha. Well the defenders

[[Hahaha. Well the defenders of Nek have to stick together]]
Sighthoundlady's picture

Woden awoke in a haze. Pain

Woden awoke in a haze. Pain lanced through him. Pain and worst of all weakness. His lids felt heavy as boulders. Breathing was a strain, it took much of his concentration to drag in each ragged breath. He heard the voices of deer off in the distance. He would call out to them but could not muster the strength or catch his breath. Trying to get to his feet, he lurched up and propped his side against a tree but his legs turned to jelly and he collapsed again. The deep wounds to his neck and abdomen broke open again and life blood drained out onto the forest floor. He could not remember how to heal. He could not remember how to transform. If he could transform, shift forms, the wounds would be healed…but he was too weak even for this. A poison was in him, it stole his strength and kept him from changing. He tried again, and only received more pain and lost more blood in the trying. He needed help. Again he tried to call out but only mustered a low whimpering groan. So much blood…

Perhaps he would die. He didn’t know how to die. Hadn’t done that before…

The sound of a voice, this time close to him, dragged him up again. Who was it? Was it the Forest Spirit talking to him again? Was he back in Fairy now? No, he hurt too much to be in Fairy. He realized it was Liam. Young, stolid Liam was beside him, nuzzled close, crying into his fur. Oh, why was Liam so sad? Surely there was nothing to be so sad about. “Don’t cry Liam,” he croaked. Did the words even leave his lips? He was so weak. He wanted to rise again, put flowers in his antlers and dance in the sun kissed meadow. He wanted to dance with Liam. That would make Liam stop crying.

“I’m sorry Liam, I cannot get up,” he managed to say, “There is a poison.”

Something…shifted. Woden realized something had changed. The poison…it seemed to be receding. He concentrated on fighting it. Sharp stabs of pain lanced through him but as he concentrated the poison was loosing its hold. He tried to transform and new levels of pain arched through him. But he was making headway.

Ah, but his wounds were on fire, some magic was effecting him, he realized now. Something that was helping him to fight the poison. Despite the pain, he kept up a steady pressure, urging the transformation upon himself. He felt wings, he felt his hooves become talons. Suddenly the breaking point was reached and he shot up and into the air, his spread wings catching the air. He was Raven and he was free of the pain. He had transformed at last.

He called out in exaltation.
Sighthoundlady's picture

((And not just any raven, you

((And not just any raven, you guys.

A @&*^ing GIANT raven.))

"My Daddy was a velociraptor."

Couldn't help myself Smiling
Uruushou's picture

Hooray for giant-Woden-raven!

Hooray for giant-Woden-raven! 8DD Lol, I saw him walking up the rock and went, "What the...?!" I had never seen a crow so big! XD Liam was scared at first, but then he recognized the picto and was all, "OMGYAY!" I am so happy that Woden is better now! Gawd, I felt so bad when he got hurt... Liam is certainly relieved! <3

Also, I will reply to the rock hound event ASAP; I am lacking inspiration and it's killing me ajsdhfgsyuesgey ;_;
Uruushou's picture

Also, sorry if Liam seemed

Also, sorry if Liam seemed like he wasn't really himself today. One of his friends was being harassed, and he got uncharacteristically ticked off. XD Needless to say, all of his gestures were warnings; he doesn't have it in him to hurt anyone, really. c:
Sighthoundlady's picture

I wondered if Liam would be

I wondered if Liam would be able to recognize Woden as the Giant Raven. Woden cawed a lot so his picto would become more visible. It was super fun running/flying around as a giant corvide.

Woden does not typically fear injury as he merely has to shift forms and his all injuries will be healed, but the poison stopped him from transforming. He greatly appreciated Liam’s care and concern.

Spent the rest of the evening transforming…just because he could.

Giant @#$%ing Bunny!

Giant @#$%ing Dove.

((And no worries about not having inspiration/writers block. That was me ALL week. Guh. So I get it Eye And I know you've got multiple RPs going on. It's all I can do usually to focus on one!))
Uruushou's picture

Ohh, that's a neat trick with

Ohh, that's a neat trick with the cawing! I had a feeling it was Woden, but wasn't sure, and that picto was so darn tiny for a while! XD Aw...I'm glad he appreciated it! Liam was very worried, but is back to his happy, derpy self now that Woden's having fun transforming~ c:

SAHDGSFGYFGRJ GIANT BUNNEH~! Nothing's cuter than that omg~ ;-; *Liam glomps da bunneh ♥*

The giant dove was hilarious; it looks like a big ol' napkin when it's just sitting on the ground, lol! Out of curiosity, how does the giant-critter glitch work? I gotta try it and confuse everyone XD

((Lol, I'm glad you can relate! I'm sorry it's been affecting you too, however; man, it sucks. 8( Haha, believe me, there's no way I could have more than two RPs going on at once; that would be wayyy too much for me and my short attention span! =P))
Sighthoundlady's picture

How to transform into @#$%ing

How to transform into @#$%ing Giant Animals. HERE

I used version 3.31 but it has a description of how to do the trick using 3.4 too.

I like the Raven the best, has the best animation and the most actions. The bunny is super cute and I love how it runs. The dove is nifty because it can hover and the wing animation is pretty (does look pretty lame when it's sitting though!)

Have yet to try squirrel, frog, bat!
Uruushou's picture

Woo, thanks for the link;

Woo, thanks for the link; I've never seen this article before, d'oh! XD

Hm...is it possible to have both versions downloaded, or do you only use the old version? And agreed, the raven is definitely the best! There is a lot of love put into it, like the subtle bob in its neck when it walks. The rabbit is great, too! It runs so fast and looks so cute...I just wish it could jump~ ;_;

Omg, a giant bat would be awesome! There have been giant squirrels running around apparently, and omg...they look hilarious XD
Sighthoundlady's picture

I know there is supposed to

I know there is supposed to be a way to have multiple versions of TEF on your computer. I think sluggs had an explanation somewhere. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work. But I'm pretty computer inept. LOL!

Edit: Found it!
Uruushou's picture

Haha, thank you so much,

Haha, thank you so much, Lady! You're the article-master here, lol~ I shall give it a shot! I would love to play as one of those old default deer with the broken antlers, ahghsgfa~ ;_; <3
Sighthoundlady's picture

I'll have to get some screen

I'll have to get some screen shots of the old broken antlered deer if you manage it Uruushou. I mistakenly downloaded and installed version 3.13 (instead for 3.31) before...and most of the deer I ran into were "white" and textureless because the newer pelts won't work with older versions of the game. Oh, and there were lots of disembodied antlers laying around too. Sort of creepy! I wish now I would have taken some screen shots.
Melusine's picture

I don't know if I'm already

I don't know if I'm already tracking this but I'm tracking it. |D
I love the art and the descriptions are so nicely written. ;D
Sighthoundlady's picture

Thanks so much Melusine!

Thanks so much Melusine! Smiling
Sighthoundlady's picture

Just returned from an

Just returned from an extended stay in Fairy. Don’t know how long I was gone…time passes differently there. ((Running around the forest as a mini, wearing the candles in celebration of the rain.))
Uruushou's picture

Liam is so happy to see Woden

Liam is so happy to see Woden again! He missed that silly little stag~ 8D
Sighthoundlady's picture

“Liam! I remember you! I

“Liam! I remember you! I remember good things about you. I am back, I think I was gone…for a while? I’m sorry. I do forget.” said the little fey stag, candles inexplicably ablaze despite the downpour.

((Woden’s memory can get a little swiss cheese, especially with repeated stays in Fairy. It’s fun to be romping around the forest with him again. Smiling ))
Uruushou's picture

Liam laughed joyously and

Liam laughed joyously and pranced around Woden, rearing playfully and giving him an affectionate. "Oh my dear friend, I am so happy that you remember me! Gods, it has certainly been a while, but it's so wonderful to see you again!" he replied with a huge smile, and then gave a deep bow. This was proving to be a most joyous day, indeed! "Where have you been this whole time, my friend? Traveling, perhaps? I have always wanted to see what is beyond the Forest!" Liam added with a little rear, his energy akin to that of a fawn's as usual!

(Haha, that is so cute; poor guy! XD Gahh I love Woden, it's great to see him back! 8D)
Sighthoundlady's picture

Woden danced and frolicked

Woden danced and frolicked with his friend. How he loved his endless forest with it’s endless frolicking. When Liam asked him where he’d been though, he paused and frowned. “I was in Fairy? I think.” he frowned further, slumping slightly as a feeling of sadness and heaviness came over him. “With the Queen of Fairy…she needed me for something. But I did a good job. She sent me back here. he nodded carefully, a gleeful smile suddenly erupting on his face, “She sent me back!” With that he continued dancing again. As he danced, he remembered more about Liam, “Liam, how has my friend been?” he asked cheerfully.

Uruushou's picture

Hm...Fairy? What an

Hm...Fairy? What an interesting name for a place. Liam thought for a moment, tilting his head. "I am afraid I have never heard of such a place, but it sounds lovely!" he wondered aloud, and then frowned when Woden slumped. Liam gave him another nuzzle, this time comforting, and smiled when the fay did. "A Queen...how exciting! It's wonderful that you did a good job, and I am not surprised; you are very dedicated indeed," the golden buck replied with a chuckle, and joined Woden in his joyous dancing. He was relieved that Woden was happy again; it was so strange and heart-breaking to see him upset.

When Woden asked how he had been, Liam gave a gentle laugh and reared up excitedly. "Oh, Woden...these past few days have been so very amazing! I...Well, it would take quite a while to explain, but I have finally found a mate! He is exactly what I have been looking for my whole life, and oh, I could not be happier!" Liam exclaimed with another laugh, galloping around the hill they stood upon and leaping out of ecstasy. He may have looked like an overexcited fawn, but he was just too overjoyed to notice or care!
Sighthoundlady's picture

Woden beamed at his friend’s

Woden beamed at his friend’s praise. “Fairy is beautiful. So very, very beautiful. But…I am always so…sad there. It is hard to do as the Queen asks.” he frowned again. Uncertain.

“I am very happy you have found a mate, said Woden, shifting thoughts suddenly. He remembered that finding mates was very important to most deer. He didn’t quite understand it fully. He smiled for his friend, happy that he was happy.
Uruushou's picture

"Thank you so much," Liam

"Thank you so much," Liam gushed, panting a little from his sporatic sprinting. He then saw that Woden seemed upset and confused again, and Liam frowned softly as he nosed the fay's forehead. "It sounds so very wonderful...but I am sorry that it makes you sad. I...I wish you wouldn't be sad," the golden buck said softly, biting his lip. "But, it is good to have you back and happy here in the Forest," he continued, offering a warm smile and giving another bow.
Sighthoundlady's picture

“But Liam, I am not sad. I

“But Liam, I am not sad. I am here in the forest! said Woden, happy to forget and surrendering his mind to the fog once more. “Tell me of your love, my sweet young friend.” he said, nuzzling the golden buck.

Track &hearts;

Track ♥
Uruushou's picture

Liam's smile grew wider at

Liam's smile grew wider at Woden's words, and he galloped in a small circle around the fay before facing him again. "Oh, I am so glad!" he said with relief, and then blushed when Woden asked about his mate. "Caine...he is certainly different, but then again I suppose I am too. It's odd...I was sort of afraid of him at first, because of his appearance, but I was strangely attached to him. Once I got to know him better, I realized that he was very sweet and understanding...something that I had longed for my whole life. He is...everything I had ever dreamed of. I never thought I'd be this happy..." His voice trailed off, and he bit his lip as he kept the tears at bay. Laughing softly, he shook his head and smiled up at Woden. "Bah, I am sorry...I'm blubbering like a fawn!"
Toya's picture

Ahhh. Track back. I was

Ahhh. Track back.

I was wondering if that might be you, but I had not known you were a mini, though I thought that picto looked terribly familiar.


I will be writing a small bit about the rain in a few moments, do check back in. Wodens candles have kept Hototo warm.

you be well.

Sighthoundlady's picture

Sorry to have left everyone

Sorry to have left everyone hanging last night. I stumbled off too bed and forgot to switch Woden to ‘”offline” my bad. I’m not very good at keeping my status current! I’m off to work, check in later to catch up! Thanks for keeping me company! It was a sweet evening Smiling
Dampir's picture

Where is Woden? I havent seen

Where is Woden? I havent seen him long time.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Woden has been very neglected

Woden has been very neglected hasn’t he? I’ve been wrapped up in playing Herla a lot. My other characters haven’t been getting much love!
Dampir's picture

Yea, he has been xD I saw you

Yea, he has been xD I saw you many times as Herla, I was even near her as Levis(this mini with zombie antlers), but I hope I'll see Woden soon in the forest ^^

This bio is gorgeous,

This bio is gorgeous, tracking ^-^
moonsoverwater's picture

A fawn-that-wasn't trotted

A fawn-that-wasn't trotted through the forest, spring itself in his step. His ears folded on his neck like a rabbit's, bright eyes smiling as his face did. It was then that he smelled another deer. Grinning, he crept to the nearest mushroom tree and nipped a bit of the magic from it. He would take delight in this.

The fae snuck behind a bush to the rear of the larger stag, silent until he got in spell-range. Then, he sighed. A butterfly fluttered from his lips. On it rested the little spell the tree had given him. Floating toward Woden, it landed on his nose. A pair of butterflies appeared over his eyes: the Monarch Mask.

Tien giggled, racing off behind a large tree to watch the other Fae.

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!

Track! Possible interaction

Possible interaction ahead!
trigger_mortis's picture

For you: I hope I got his

For you:

I hope I got his design ok!
Sighthoundlady's picture

Oh, wow, trigger_mortis, that

Oh, wow, trigger_mortis, that is the most adorable thing, ever! I love it to pieces! So unexpected, thank you so much! The markings are perfect. Really, really love it. ^__^
pattik1's picture

Wow! The coding is superb on

Wow! The coding is superb on this one. Did you design these? I try to make visuals but it's not so easy sometimes. Smiling Tracking.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Thanks pattik1! The coding

Thanks pattik1! The coding came from unplugged, she has alot of useful code available. I just modified it to suit my needs, I really know little about coding otherwise.

The art though....that's all mine and something I've worked on all my life.
KookyKiwi's picture

what program do you use for

what program do you use for those designs and art pieces?