Just crossposting this from
AlisonRobin's awesome post about Pictographs because I don't know how many actually bother to read through comments.
While trying to find out the system behind Pictograms some months ago I learned some interesting stuff about them.
This is my picto. This way most people link their Pictograms.
Now when I went to look at the source code of that page it led me to following page:
It shows the pictogram the same way, but the link is different. Instead of going on the .php site which contains the .swf file from the picto, I went directly to the .swf file.
The interesting thing is the
?word=LXsv. It defines the picto.
See what happens if we change a letter of this word:
?word=LXsv to
One of the glyphs changes, and now we got
ArrowDoe's picto!
Let's take this one step further. I'll be borrowing Verycrazygirl's picto.
Check the source code and we get this:
?word=FXlt is the "name" of VCG's picto. Even though it looks similar to Arrow's and my Picto, it only shares one part, the X as second letter.
Through this we can find out that every Pictogram is made of
4 different glyphs.
I also went further and noted that each of those four "spots" can have
1 of 15 different glyphs:
second letter: PQRSTUVWXYZabcd
third letter: efghijklmnopqrs
fourth letter: tuvwxyz01234567
These are not case sensitive, so if you put "e" instead of "E" as first letter you will still get the same result, but if you put a "P" (or "p") there, the pictogram will "move".
There are only small differences when looking at a Gen2 Pictogram.
Let's take my picto Coordinate.
If we take a look at its source code, we'll get following:
We can see that it's not called "symbol.swf" anymore, but "
Also we have
?word=1Jan0, which seems to have a fifth glyph added, but it doesn't. You got an extra "1" at the beginning. ((I don't know exactly what it does because if you change it nothing happens, but removing it makes the picto move))
Changing the word to "1Jan1" will give us
this, so the glyphs and their spots work the same way as Gen1 Pictos.
Now go forth and find your deer's true identity!
Oh my! *runs off to try
Edit: aw, I can't view the source :\
oh well
This is still brilliant
I am OZpu! This is a
This is a fantastic find! Kudos to you and Alison for figuring all this out!
This is interesting! And if
And if I've done it right, Illrose's real name is CWlu.
And "Calf"s name is HQf1. : D
Walter is called "HSs5" He's
He's a bloody snake!
Ha found it ^-^ Sokonei's
Sokonei's true name is...1LWq6
Ace's name is...1Iyqw
o.o 5 symbols o.o
Kittyo8, just in case: You
Kittyo8, just in case: You need to right click in the white border around the green bg.Also LMAO @ Walter's real name. 8D
Haha, this is a great find!
In other words, Gootwo, Be-yoy, Lexro, Jacko, and Fixhis.
Mine aren't very fun. Oh well.
OHGOD, well done on finding
Holy carp, you figured it
.... 8D
I'm glad to see someone made
It's really interesting stuff.
Gbsw. (:
1IRl5 is Celeste... 1Eap4 is
1Eap4 is Lumaria. xD
This is really cool. Jalx is
Jalx is mine, I think.
Oh, the magic of Source Codes
My nameless deer's (I guess mine?) is: KSn6
I like that the first letter is a 'K'.
Kasinsix sounds pretty spiffy~
This is so cool! Mine is
Sounds like Heinz.
Heinz baked beans ._.
Dag is a baked bean.
*noms Dag with a bit of Heinz
You can view the page source by going to view at the top by file and edit or hitting ctrl+u :3
Ourania's is 1NQmu (I NOM U. almost >_>)
January's is 1JVh2
Ardak's is 1IXov
Caynn's is 1MTq6
Whynd's is 1MZn6
Enchantra's is 1JXe1
Qual's is 1Dah5
Well done. Honestly. This is
I have to reiterate that you
Amazing. And look at this
Amazing. And look at this picto, it's name is 2luky, which I read as 'Too Lucky.'
Click here.
That amuses me. xD.
oh this is cool 1st gen
1st gen pictos
(Well I don't know about the J, but I love that it has "Toy" in it! XD )
(ee-ook? Yuke? ee-yuk?)
(Duke 1? X3)
(Kapak 7?)
(Husky X3
or H-Sky?)
2nd gen pictos
(Taio? Is that similar to Tao? Or is it Tai O? )
with Amary's picto, changing the first letter
Isn't that Seele's picto? O.o; (yes, it is)
Is that Sithrim's? Or is the bottom part different? I have to check...Changing the first letter seems to change the top part usually. Changing the second letter seems to change the bottom part usually.
changing the third letter seems to change the top/right part?
changing the fourth letter seems to change the bottom/left part?
Oisin, changing the third letter
It's Seth's picto!
last character
I think that's the one belonging to Custard?
almost identical o-o;
Melinoe's, first letter
Ooh, that one's really neat
I wonder if each letter corresponds to certain elements?
You are fascinatingly
my best?
I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
fff now I can't edit my
Rhianna's is 1Iai0
not 1Tai0
Talla's name is... ITq1 Poor
Poor girl O_O XD
Ammy's is... FTg2
These are awesome. Great job~!
I can't be bothered for the others. |D
Hehe Kiraki's is 1DZfy?
One does fly?
These are so silly ^^
Woah o: Ashdrau is Ecj7 The
Ashdrau is Ecj7
The Grey is Fas2
Solitude is 1HZl5
Nergal is 1DZj2
Ace is 1OSnu
This is super spiffy! My Nai
!!! ...You're a genius.
...You're a genius. Seriously this is brilliant, no one would have thought of this 8D...
...But the 2nd gen picto you gave me appears by symbol2.swf like a 1st gen D: Is there any possibility that there's a 1st gen picto really alike to a 2nd and that you have mistaken it? And its name is 1Jah7, once again denying your generations theory D:
That's pretty much what I
Or are you talking about something else? I'm confused. xD
Yorii is Jam3, that is so
http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/symbol.swf?word=Jim3 ...!
...oh wait glaarh I was
EDIT:...LOL on that picto, Custard
Haha alright. I tend to
Another fun thing to do is converting your Gen2 pictos back into Gen1 pictos and see what they would have looked like!
Gen2: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/symbol2.swf?word=1Jan0
Gen1: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/symbol.swf?word=Jan0
Aww, sure would have looked awesome. I love Gen1s.
Gen1: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/symbol.swf?word=Idj2
I love them too. That's such a shame... I'm going to check all my gen2 picto's.
Oh my this is awesome! You're
Flyra's real name is Jcp1. Jacepie? |D
Mariella's is Otp4. Otpa? ó_ò
Frida's is (1)CXsw. Cexsew? Don't read that one wrong. ò_ó
Frida's picto converted:
Gen 2
Gen 1
That's so cool. 8D
...but another converted Gen 2 picto of mine looks like this as a Gen 1 one.
wtf ó_ò
^ You didn't delete the 2 in
sex cue lolSeed's is OUr6 Krym's is
Krym's is FZe5
Hycinth's could be an actual name: IZnu
Witch's is Aajt
...This is interesting.
Cust - Oh right, I coulda'
I SAID DON'T |D*gigglesnort* This is
This is awesome!
My OOC is IQe3, my currently
Mine is BXst. As a gen2 picto
into this: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/symbol2.swf?word=1BXst
Mine is Gdoy : P
OSkx! That's really cool!
That's really cool! xD
Oss kicks.
Well. > >'
What's funny is I'm eating kix right now.
Rain, I read EWk5 as Ewok5
My oldest picto is Jar6...
Reytew's = CXf6
Juuvon's = Jbky
Isaita's = 1IXh1
My only fun name is the picto I won't be using anymore :c
lol Jar-deer
Cool! I noticed these codes
Rire's picto is "OWly." Sounds like Three
Teffy's picto is IUk0.
Yorres is DTo1. Neat.
Her - Jap4 LOL that's
LOL that's uncanny. God know I love Japan, so having 'Jap' next to 4 (which is my favorite number added with itself, 2 + 2) is WEIRD. OnO ♥
Code - 1Hdsu
lolIhavenoidea but <3
His 2nd gen picto is just... "eh". :x
Aiden - IRp1
"I role-play one." Also uncanny, considering she only has "one hand", in a sense. I supposed I'd get that feeling role-playing her. THESE ARE AWESOME FINDS~
Sort - 1HUj2
J is my favorite letter, 2 my favorite number. *-* <3 I don't find meaning in this one but it looks neat xD idk. Same with Code's.
His picto was 2nd gen, so I looked at what it would be as the 1st gen. It's still sexy.
OOOO Raffles is CQew, just
*tracked so i can mess in the furute :)*
Am I the only one who doesnt
....How do you get to the source page?
-Tracks... For future thingys.-
right click on the page and
If not then go to the top of your web browser and should be under "page"
Whatever that means.
Solaya is ADN3.
In french, ADN = DNA. xD
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer