-THE PRESENT- June 5 Feeling better after a long absence, though still a bit melancholy. Went to sit with the dragonflies, surprisingly joined by someone unknown (Miro). Appreciates the company, though not feeling like talking or anything. -THE PAST- |
OisínBASICSName: Oisín Mac Daimhin (oh-sheen mack dev-in) * I'm really just guessing on the last name's pronunciation Title: Draoi na Darach *"Wizard of the Oak" Nickname: Sheen ![]() Species: TEF deer Age: adult* around mid-20s in human years; ages slowly Sex: male Scent: typical stag scent, oak leaves and acorns Diet: omnivore, mostly eats plants Orientation: heterosexual/romantic Romance: none | Appearance • Personality • Details • Relationships • Otherin-game set: antelope pelt, barn owl antlers, no mask Size: close to #6 reference Oisín is a typical TEF deer with a human face, while his size and build resemble those of a fallow deer, as well as his antlers--which are smaller than a typical stag's--and markings, though there are some clear differences. He has a reddish mane that starts at his head and runs along his entire spine, to the tip of his tail. His face is slightly long and somewhat rectangular, with a somewhat long nose, and small, rectangular eyes which are colored a deep forest green, and he has "freckles" which are really markings. He also has slightly longer fur on the sides of his face that are the same color as his mane and resemble sideburns. He has a patch of white fur on his neck and chest. His fur is short and smooth. He has a dark brown stripe on his tail, and the tips of his ears are the same color. Oisín wears magically preserved oak leaves and acorns tucked into his antlers. These are symbolic of both his connection with the forest and nature, and with having been reborn. The oak is also an important symbol in Celtic mythology. Human appearance As a human, Oisín is/was of average height and build with pale skin that is usually tanned. His face is the same as his TEF form, but without fur or other cervine features. His eyes are the same deep green, and his hair is the same color as his mane. His hair is long and usually kept in a braid that reaches the middle of his back. He has freckles on his face, neck, back, and shoulders. The only facial hair he has is closely trimmed sideburns. He is usually dressed in browns and greens, often with a tartan pattern. Favorite places: the crying idol, with the dragonflies in the pond, the twin gods statue Likes: magic, poetry, music, dragonflies, flowers, fawns Dislikes: fighting/violence, the ruins/graves Behavior • NEVER aggressive (any aggressive-seeming behavior is either playing around or accidental). • Often quiet, serious, but will play while in the right mood, more likely to open up and be silly around family/friends • Has trouble keeping up with others due to a slight limp in his back leg • Sometimes bows to the dragonflies and may even "talk" to them, even though he can't understand them. He does this because of his adoptive family's connection to the dragonflies. • Used to be afraid of the gravestones. Still feels uncomfortable around the ruins and prefers to avoid the area when possible. • Fighting scares him, will likely run away or at least keep his distance. • He's also nervous about any seemingly aggressive actions, even if they're not meant to be actually aggressive. Antler-lowering, rearing, and taunting are all seen as aggressive. These actions directed at Oisín will cause him to back up or move. If repeated, he may run away. • Cautious when approaching/approached by strangers. • Drawn to solitary deer. Will sometimes seek them out and sit with them, as long as they seem to be okay with it. • Nervous around anyone that resembles a predator, anyone with a skull mask or large antlers, and larger creatures, based mainly on instinct and old fears. This doesn't mean he's not open to meeting or even befriending them, but it will take more time than for others. • Mentality is around 95% human. Doesn't really understand feral behaviors. Does have some mild feral instincts which he doesn't really understand and doesn't show often. • A hopeless romantic. Crushes easily, but they usually don't go very deep or last very long. • When it's nighttime in the forest, he's likely to be found watching the stars. There's one in particular that he always looks for. ![]() Actions *running and skidding/stopping often/alternating between walk and trot: meant to simulate his slight limp *rear interrupted or rear + paw ground: Just a way of showing a "partial" rear, since he has trouble rearing to full height. Also, rearing is usually playful. *sad (sometimes with cower): This can sometimes mean he's tired or his leg is hurting, especially if he's been moving around a lot. He woke up as a fawn with no memory of anything but his name. He was taken in and adopted by Scape and Zergarikiaka, to whom he is grateful and still considers his best friends. Oisín eventually began to remember having been human before, but still doesn't remember details about his past life. There was a time when Oisín went missing from the forest for a few years, but he has no memory of what happened during that time or where he was. ![]() Notes: • Because of an old injury in his previous life, Oisín's right rear leg is stiff, causing him to limp, and will start hurting with too much use. He may have to frequently rest when dancing (or just use his front legs) and playing, especially over long periods. Some days are worse than others. Sometimes his leg doesn't bother him much. Wearing the devout pelt seems to 'heal' it temporarily. • Oisín is meant to have an Irish accent, but I don't bother writing it since I find it difficult, and I often forget. (not in-forest) ✝Daimhin Mac Raith: father ✝Aoibheann Ó Meadhra: mother ✝Damhán Mac Deoráin: A wizard who made Oisín his apprentice. ![]() [Family] (Oisín does not have a biological family in the forest, and all family relations are adopted) Scape: adoptive father Zergarikiaka: adoptive mother Midnight: sister Mar Sart: uncle (Zerg's brother) Seed: sort of "uncle" (considered a brother to Scape) The Dragonfly Deer: adoptive family These are members of Scape's family. Magnet (uncle), Radeon (grandfather), Kinsha (cousin), Spade (cousin), Richter (cousin) ![]() [Noteworthy] Llyr: A friend he enjoys hanging out with, even if they don't do much. Róta: Considered a friend, despite feeling slightly intimidated by her. Corvus: A very close friend of Poltergeist. Shared grief. Kaoori: Old acquaintance. Remembered as kind, fun, and friendly. Toukan: An old friend with a connection to Oisín's adoptive family. ![]() [Remembered] ✝♥Poltergeist First love (unrequited). Gone, but never forgotten. ♥Celeste [celestelune] Second love, mate. Vanished. Otis and Sterre Children of Poltergeist, charges (self-appointed). Vanished. ✝The Red: An old acquaintance. Respected. ![]() [Met] +positive; -negative; ?curious/confused; [no symbol]neutral +Kerosene, +Cassiopeia, +Aries, +Jasper, +Tammikku, Sky Sight, Morikiah, +Leotie, -?Gustiro, ?Gambit, Sethunya, +Hüsnüye, ?Brille [Art and Stories Collection] [Character Directory] [Interact and Roleplay] [Toyhouse] Possessions Two flowers. Gifts from Celeste and Sterre. Magic Although Oisín studied magic in his previous life, he never got to finish his studies. Anything he learned has been forgotten in his new life in the forest. However, he still has a connection to magic, and can sense it as well as being able to sense others that can use it--though sometimes it's difficult for him to distinguish an individual's magic from the magic that is found all over the forest. Oisín is more likely to be drawn to magic users, due to his connection with it. Over time, he has begun to relearn some of what he has forgotten. The most powerful spell Oisín has practiced is shapeshifting, but he never had a chance to master this, and is unlikely to ever try it again due to his past experience. His magic covers a range of different types of spells, mostly nature-related. Currently, he can only perform very basic magic. This includes magically manipulating objects (similar to telekinesis), and physically altering objects to a very limited degree (similar to mask, pelt, and antler spells, although he can't alter a deer's appearance without the use of forest magic). He can also magically preserve certain things, such as the leaves worn in his antlers. Oisín's magic keeps him from aging at a normal rate, but this is outside of his control. Inspiration Oisín is roughly inspired by The Pendragon Cycle series by Stephen R. Lawhead, particularly Lawhead's versions of Merlin and Taliesin. He takes some very loose inspiration from the legendary bard Taliesin, Merlin, Arthurian legend, and Celtic mythology. Although Oisín is from ancient Ireland, it's more of an alternate history version and he's not meant to accurately represent ancient Irish civilization. |
yay ♥
oops, wasn't sure if this was
Retracking this boy!
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