9-23-19 "-"
Challenged Brent and had a short spar before he invited her to join the herd? Okay, whatever, not interested in the herding aspect anyway. Later found Culzean, and met Sub Rosa and Nathaniel. Challenged Cul to a spar which didn't last long and ended up just jumping around and dancing with him instead. Then later met Maeve (I think, wasn't on the map). More playtime before leaving. Previous WOW it's been too long! Met a large elk (Gustiro--Aileana is European so to her moose are called elk) and immediately wanted to fight him just because he's so much bigger than her. Had fun sparring and hopping around. Climbed on Gustiro while they were resting. He seems to really like her? A bit uneasy about the nuzzling but otherwise he seems cool. ------ | /![]() |
/ | Body in-game set: mini spell, gray pelt, orca mask, orca antlers [reference] size: #14 is closest scent: "forest"/vegetation, blood, "goat smell" diet: vampiric + herbivorous* feeds only on humans, needs blood for survival; otherwise eats mainly grass and leaves, but can/will eat just about anything except meat Aileana's goat form is similar in size to smaller goat breeds such as the pygmy and Nigerian dwarf. In this form, she resembles a generic gray domestic goat, rather than any specific breed. However, Aileana is not actually a goat. She lacks an udder in both forms, and her teeth resemble an omnivore's with fangs that fold back and are rarely visible. Additionally, Aileana lacks any sort of reproductive organs in her goat form, as it's merely meant as a disguise, so she's unable to breed in this form. In fact, her appearance in this form is almost completely androgynous, her smaller horns being the only part of her that might be seen as "feminine" (as opposed to her true form, which is very clearly feminine). Aileana's "true" form resembles a satyr or faun. She will not appear in this form in the forest. •Face claim and singing voice: Lisa Lambe (not perfect, but works well enough) / Personality Favorite places: fairy rings (mushroom circles), the playground and anywhere with large rocks, the ruins Behavior: • Gives nicknames to those without names. Sometimes gives nicknames to those with names. Nicknames are usually Scottish Gaelic words. • Acts very goat-like (despite her insistence that she isn't a goat). • Usually doesn't bow in greeting unless someone bows to her first (mostly she just forgets). • Favors and protective of farm animals, feral deer, and babies/fawns/children. • Also favors fae-kin and similar, but less protective, unless they seem like they need protecting. • Technically a predator, but sees nothing in the forest as prey (only preys on humans). • Grazes, eats leaves and flowers, will eat almost anything. • Likes high places. Known to climb rocks and trees (she's supposed to be really good at climbing, like any goat, even if I tend to miss a lot when trying to "air-sit"). • Likes to play pranks such as "run-by spelling". • Mischievous. Likes to tease. Might pretend to chase or attack someone if they seem skittish (won't do this to fawns, nameless deer, or favored species as listed above), but won't actually hurt them. • Likes to watch others fighting, finds it amusing. Likely to laugh and encourage the fighters. • If a fight seems unfair or it appears someone is being bullied or harassed, she will defend the one that appears to be the victim. • Rearing and headbutting are usually playful behaviors. • Usually goes to fairy rings/mushroom circles to log off (exits the forest this way). Actions: *playful headbutting shown by: -lower antlers + nod/headtilt/tap hoof/taunt/bow *rear alone or rear + headtilt/tap hoof/taunt: playful; can also show excitement; sometimes actual taunting; may be "cheering" or encouraging a fight *taunt alone or with any other action/s: May be playful teasing, actual taunting, or expressing frustration. / / Details The glaistig is a ghost from Scottish mythology, a type of fuath. It is also known as maighdean uaine (Green Maiden)... -Wikipedia (this name is evidently due to the glaistig's tendency to dress in green) Aileana is a glaistig, a creature from Scottish mythology which resembles a woman with goat legs, gray skin, and blonde hair. Some are helpful to humans, while others lure them in to feed on their blood. Aileana is the latter type. Aside from her main form, which is similar to a satyr, she also has a full goat form, which is how she appears in the forest. Aileana has spent most of her life alone, rarely encountering anyone other than the wildlife that live in her forest, so she is somewhat lacking in knowledge of social customs, and sometimes comes off as rude by accident. As a creature of the fairy world, Aileana is capable of entering and exiting the forest through the use of fairy rings (mushroom circles). Since she feeds specifically on human blood, she must leave the forest periodically to "hunt". Notes: • Ordinarily Aileana doesn't like dogs (based on some lore I read somewhere), but I've decided not to worry about what characters are canines or have canine features, because going through bios via the map to see what characters are canines or canine-like is a pain. However, if I know a character is a dog or canid, Aileana may still be a bit cold to them. • Although Aileana's main diet consists of human blood, she is otherwise an herbivore and may be found grazing or eating leaves or flowers. She will also eat just about anything, even things not typically considered edible. • Aileana is supposed to have a Scottish accent. I just find writing it to be a pain, so I tone it down a great deal. • In her home forest, Aileana has a herd of Scottish red deer (based on a story about a glaistig and her deer herd). She doesn't actually own them, but acts more like a guardian of sorts. Because of this, Aileana feels a particular kinship with deer, especially red deer. / / Relationships Bijoux: The first creature Aileana met when she first came upon the forest. Enjoys her company and likely to seek her out. Mild respect. Duncan: "Cnèibeag" (little ball of wool). "Farm" animal. Curiosity. Likely to seek out, wants the lamb to see her as a friend. wyvern: "Laghairt" (lizard), "dragon-thing". Thinks it's funny that such a large creature is afraid of her. Likes to tease and sometimes chase him. +positive;-negative; ?curious/confused; [no symbol]neutral +"Summit"* "Liath" (gray), +Artemis, Rooh* "Isean" (term for a baby animal), pup (Jacklo's)* "Cuilean" (puppy), +Nila, ?Darcia, ?Hades, Tig, +Papyrus* "Cnàmhan" (bones) , +Dorian, +sambar doe* "Meileabhaid" (velvet) , +Windiga, +Kerosene, +Cassiopeia, Alika, Geneva, +Jacinth, +Cavallo, Jude, Steini, Rasui, Vrasa, +Fletcher, ?Liathe, ?Gretai, +Gustiro / / Other | Tumblr (non-TEF roleplay, NSFW) | Toyhouse | • Glamour: Like most fae, Aileana can use Glamour to influence humans. However, she can't use this in goat form and it doesn't affect non-human species, so it has no real use in the Forest. • Plant-based abilities: Aileana can influence plants to move and do a variety of things, such as being used as weapons or to hold something. This ability is mainly limited to smaller plants and vines. • Shapeshifting: Limited to two forms. Her main form appears similar to a satyr/faun, but she only appears in the Forest in her goat form, / |
Goat.By Draak ♥
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thanks all! @raskaya: I
@raskaya: I didn't go anywhere, just moved to a new account but thanks for the sentiment X3
Discord: Gulonine#4267
a-a...and h-h...here........