The Elding
- The Present -
Remained home after noticing a change in Corbin. Stayed in bed for most of the morning, holding her crow close to her heart and singing softly to him. As the day dragged on, and he wouldn't eat nor move about much on his own, took him outside. Carried him in her arms down to the fjord cliffs and settled on a large rock they had often sat on together. Watched the sky burn as the sun set and sang him one last song as they both watched the world slowly grow dark. Left in total darkness as her companion left her. Would no longer be able to see the sky burn or the stars shine. Set him ahead of her to Valhalla, burning his small form on a pyre there in their favored place.
- Identity -
Name: Lýsa Vé Vargsdóttir
Titles: Raven eyes, The Elding
Gender: Female - Doe - She-wolf
Age: Young Adult - Old Soul
D.O.B: 14th of Feb, 870 A.D (2016)
Species: Wolf x Red deer hybrid
Scent: Chamomile and Ash
Size: Around 10
Voice: Speech - Porunn
Referance: Here - face claim
- Ins & Outs -
Affectionate - Curious - Hardened - Hurt - Loyal - Lonely - Protective - Quiet - Stoic - Vindictive - Wild - Withdrawn
• Knows many songs, but no longer sings
• Life has made her distant and withdrawn
• Very attached to those she considers close
• Accepts that she's more Norse than French
• Doesn't like to be around water as she can't swim
• Adores crows, will blindly follow them anywhere
• Has a major thing for birds of prey as well
• Carnage is a normal occurrence in her life
• Speaks fluent French, Old Norse, and English
• Has a warm affectionate side that very few can see
• Can easily be hurt by the right words, though would never show it
A wise woman, healer, and/or seeress. Communes with the old Norse gods, receiving visions of past, present, and future. Visions are not always clear, and require a certain amount of interpretation, but has become accustomed to reading them. Can tell tomorrows weather, or someone's impending doom, really it's all up to what the gods choose to tell her. Besides communing with the gods, is able to see and speak with the mythical creatures often spoken of in fairy tales. Enjoys spying on them from a distance.
Also incredibly well versed in medicine and natural remedies. And has an affinity with crows and ravens,
as she often has them gathered around her or her home.
Real deer mask - Dotd pelt - Magpie antlers
A thin frame covered in soft black fur. Pelt markings look akin to a speckling of stars over her back, sides, and tail. Also marked with both tattoos, and scars. Has a long tail that drags in the dirt as she walks, the bone much like a canines but unable to wag. Overly long legs end in canine-esk paws in the front and cervine-esk hooves in the back. Front claws are black while the paw pads are white just as the hind hooves are white. Able to curl her lips like a canine would; possessing teeth more like a canines'. Has beautiful blind sunset-esk eyes, however is able to see using the crow that is almost always perched on her back.
- Children -
Eldgrímr and Grímhildr --
Son and Daughter by Grímnir. Loves Dearly and treasures them, though is unsure on how to be their mother. Has moments where she may smother them, and other times she might let them be a little too free. Sings them lullabies when she is around them.
- Parents -
Lucille Le Blanc --
Mother. A french beauty, or so she was told. Never had the chance to know her mother, as she died shortly after child birth.
Varg --
Father. King of Riki. Had a love affair with Lucille which resulted in the Elding, though he was not around to know of her birth. Didn't meet him until she was an older child, arriving in his kingdom with some of his men. Does care about him, since he is her father, but has spent little time with him or in his home due to being another one of his bastard children. Rather stiff around her king father and at times might avoid him due to the uncertainty of how to act in his presence. Will never deny him if he calls for her company however. Cares for, in her own way.
Hlif Bjornhjarta --
Adopted Mother. The Shieldmaiden. The one who took her in after coming to Riki. A very important and treasured figure in her life. Saw her as a teacher, idol, and mother. Was always obedient when it came to Hlif. Lived with the shieldmaiden in her cabin in Riki, apart from her blood family. Never knew what a mother was like, until Hlif. Witnessed her death via a vision and was powerless to stop it. A source of overflowing love, guilt, and bitter longing. Will love and miss forever.
- Siblings -
Tarfastr --
Younger Adopted Brother. More...
Rúna --
Younger Paternal Half-Sister. Much More...
Hraustr --
Younger Paternal Half-Brother. More...
Kolgrímr --
Younger Paternal Half-Brother. More...
Rauðr† --
Younger Paternal Half-Brother. More...
Boodvildr and Bree --
Younger Adopted Sisters. More...
Ylva and Grímr† --
Older Paternal Half-Sister and Half-Brother. Aware of and has no opinion on.
Freyja† and Ísleif --
Older Paternal Half-Sisters. More...
Hrafn --
Older Paternal Half-Brother. Unmet and Unaware of.
Hreiðarr --
Older Paternal Half-Brother. Unmet and Unaware of.
Jódís, Jǫrð, and Jǫkull --
Younger Younger Paternal Half-sisters and Half-Brother. More...
Æthelwulf --
Younger Younger Paternal Half-Brother. More...
Þórunnr and Fell --
Younger Younger Younger Paternal Half-sister and Half-brother. More...
??? Paternal Half-sister. More...
- Extended -
Þórví and Ragnarr --
Neice and Nephew via Freyja. Much More...
Sága --
Neice via Ylva. More...
Huginn Þórr, Ilías Adonai Týr, Sohan ?lvaldi, Valère Váli, and Rǫskva Vár--
Nephews and Neice via Kolgrímr. More...
Ingólfr --
Nephew Via
Eydís --
Neice via Vígdís. More...
Aldís --
Neice via Vígdís. More...
Iórunnr --
Neice via Hreiðarr. More...
Gautam Melrakki --
Nephew via Hreiðarr. More...
- Close -
Blight --
>u> birb bae
Lorne --
Friend. More...
- Acquainted -
Grímnir Grimsson --
Father of her twins and a companion of sorts, though feels no romantic feelings for.
- Hoards -
-- Corbin --
An enchanted white billed crow received from Lothaire, a friend of her father. The beautiful crow was her key too and from the forest for the longest time. After loosing her sight, the forest magic bound her sight to Corbin, allowing her to see whatever the bird saw. Adored the bird and took him everywhere, keeping him within touching distance. Whenever she was, he was surely never far. Loved dearly, and wounded deeply by his passing. Will always carry him in her heart and looks forward to seeing him again in Valhalla.
-- Hillevi --
A female norwegian elkhound fathered by Varg's dog, Hundr. After getting a tip from Grimnir that Lysa had been trying to hunt Nisser, without luck, Varg decided to give her a pup from Hundr. Trained the dog to be her hunting companion, as well as guard dog, and often has the canine at her side in Riki. As protective of her as she is with Corbin and Soini.
-- Soini --
A full-grown stallion, fathered by Varg's horse Balder, which is a mix between Norwegian Fjord and a Clydesdale'ish breed from Nyr. A foal given as a Christmas gift from Varg that has since grown into a marvelous stallion. Trained him all by herself, forming a strong bond with the horse. As protective of him as she is with Corbin and Hillevi.
Received from Hlif --
- A hand-carved wooden figure of a raven
- A leather bag with corvid illistrations on it
- A comb with raven illustrations carved into it
- A norse dress with small ravens embroidered onto it
- A leather-bound notebook, scrolls, and a raven-feather quill used to document herbs and their uses as well as herbal remedies
- More scrolls with recipes for potions and a wooden spoon carved by Hlif with a raven's head on the shaft
Received from Varg --
- A Nyrian royal cloak, not often worn, if at all.
- A round, black and grey soft felt ball made out of wool fibers
- An Austr raven mask and raven-feathered cloak, not worn often, if at all
- Parcels with potion-recipes from Austr
- An enchanted fairy bluebird familiar, with an utmost beautiful singing voice that mimics melodies and songs with ease.
- A baby crib engraved with deer and wolves on it
- A dagger from Nyr with peacocks engraved into the blade.
- A dress made out of silk with illustrations of birds on it.
From Grimnir --
- A bag with snacks for Corbin, which was emptied rather quickly.
From Torfastr --
- A crib lined with fox fur.
- A doll
- A black deer figurine to her liking, blackened from being carefully scorched in fire.
- a custom tailored cloak for her feral form.
- a big fat leather bound herbarium
©CSS "Evergreen" © Unplugged.
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
Tabs © AlisonRobin.
a chiiiild
mmm ♥
whoops, double post
-rolls around on-
More cuties, woo
I wanna hit this lvl of css.
we beg of you.
By Leuvr ♥
(No subject)