{POXXI} Exploring Is Living Adventures

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Personal Blog

~June 6th 2016~
Dear Diary,
My first day of Exploring has been quite a success so far.
I met several new faces after I visited this world a little. It looks like a Forest. I have no idea where I am actually. I first came across a place with huge rocks, it looks like a playground of some sort. There was a huge oak too. It was hollow, like a place to shelter creatures, it was nice-looking and fascinating.
Then, I followed the trees to a bunch of ruins that looks like a cemetary. I examined them with curiosity, it seems like it is a pretty dark place.
Nearby, there were some creatures (most noteably Ben, Lupen and Edana). Most of them were deers, some even with a human face? Now I am really curious about where I am. Am I in some sort of post-humanised world? A fawn greeted me before joining them and another deer said me hello but disappeared right after. I discovered the magic of this world and met some other deers at a pond after I investigated the statues on a hill nearby. One of them was leading the group while we were all following, walking. Another of them left and we went on without them.
We went to the place with rocks, then to the statues where a newcomer joined us, then we kept going straight ahead and I realized that we were back on our tracks. How was that possible? What is this place? Is it looping forever?
We reached a hollow place with blue plants, it was beautiful! But we did not go in there, we just passed by and walked near the playground but we eventually walked in round. I was starting to be bored. I have to admit, it was very slow. I visited some places again but it was worth it, so I can remember easierly these parts of the world.

I visited the rest of the forest alone and found a huge mushroom circle with an odd human-made water source. I drank it and turned into an animal! I did this several times actually, as I found out that I would be back to my normal form after leaving the circle. I got turned into a dove, then into a crow, then into a dove, then into a squirrel, and then back into a crow. Wow, that was incredible! This is so magical.
I drank at the pond before resting on the other side. I kind of say, I played in the water for a bit.

Poxxi Polkka*"Po-ks-ksi" but can be pronounced "Poh-ksi". || JoyGiver || Female*Originally hermaphrodite but keeps it secret. || 32 years old / 16 human years || Pulka || Endless-Forestian*Has Maritic origins.
Joy & music || Heterosexual *A bit bisexual; has some homosexual tendencies. || Hibiscus, burnt cinnamon || #22 || #FDB102

Real Deer mask || Koi pelt || Owl antlers

Poxxi is orange with pink dots on her back, pink fur on her tail, pink haircut and light pink eyelids.
Her haircut is a big bun with a strand of hair on each side of her head and one coming out of the bun.
Her physical particularity is that her neck is very fluffy.

Like other pulkaz, Poxxi is very energetic and optimistic and believes in the future and in all creatures. She is very joyful and is never tired of moving but will more likely tire the others. She may be shy at times, mostly around males, but prefers a bit more their company than the company of other females. She is very courageous and never underestimates someone. She is a little possessive and jealous, however, but only on the level of friendship and other form of affection. If someone gets very close to her, she might claim them as hers only and will feel neglected if left for someone else.
Like all the ones from her species, she cannot only hate someone, but will always love them as well. Stronger is the hatred, stronger will be the affection. Therefore, she basically loves all her enemies but that does not mean she might not avoid them.
Open-minded, she listens to every suggestion and always thinks there may be possibilities that impossible things can be possible. She does not reject anyone for their opinion differences or different ways of life, even if it includes negative or dark things.

Name: Sorufukin
Nicknames: Soru, Soft-kin*By Poxxi...
Gender: male
Age: 10 months
Species: Weasel*Stoat
Subspecies: British stoat
Powers: Telekinesis, pyrokinesis.
Blossom: Poxxi Polkka
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Scent: burnt cinnamon.
Diet: Carnivorous*Eats rabbit and other rodents, hares and birds. Can also eat insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Can eat dead animal carcasses if food is scarce.
Voice: None, communicate through body language and by scent.
Reference: Here

Sorufukin is rather grumpy and very territorial. He can be greedy too, loves eating. He can also be lazy sometimes yet he is very obedient, mostly towards Poxxi. Distrustful but sometimes wise, he is very smart and nimble but really stubborn and insensible. He does not feel anything or at least hides his emotions and feelings.

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