
Elkwarden's picture


Rested in a mushroom circle for a bit before heading over to the drinkplaats. Played around by changing into different animals for a while until Amaroq showed up. Was delighted to see the wolf pup again and played with him. A nameless deer joined the fun before all three settled down. The nameless deer decided to leave after some time, but Array and pup stayed. Pup eventually fell asleep, but Array took a while longer. (drinkplaats why u so noisy) Fell into sleep at some point too.
(in game, AFK)


Played with a fawn at the drinkplaats while in the body or a raven. Had fun seeing strange things like statues appear out of nowhere and disappear without warning. After the fawn decided to go play somewhere else, he decided to lie down in a mushroom circle. Array noticed after a few minutes that there was a dove with him, though he could not identify it. Got up after feeling he had gotten the magic he wanted and started to walk away. He paused as he heard magic being cast, next thing he knew, he was a tiny bunny! Ran around the forest as a bunny for a while. Stopped at the ruins and slept a bit at the pond.
Went to the playground, and was surprised as a wolf pup named Amaroq came and lied down next to him. Spent the next half hour or so playing and chasing each other around the playground.
Was amazed when Dazenth stopped by, had never seen a dragon before. Thankfully amazement is easy to hide when you're a rabbit. Wolf and dragon seemed to greet each other, but Array could not tell how much they knew each other. Watched as the dragon flew away.
Was led by Amaroq to a sleeping Thais and soon, two other arrived, Kerosene and Cassiopeia apparently. Did not know how to react, did not know if he was wanted, but stayed anyways. Hopes they don't hate him.
Lied down with them until he fell asleep and woke up at the playground as a deer again. (Game crashed -shakes fist-)


Was sleeping peacefully in a mushroom circle when a group of deer and deer-like creatures woke him up. Watched them for a while and pretended to still be asleep. Identified them as Cu, Eliah, Rakil and SylvanRah when they got closer. Failed to identify the fifth deer in the group. (Do you have any idea how hard it was to identify you guys on the map xD) Array got up after Cu began jumping over him and sniffing him. Was originally awkward and nervous, but eventually jumped around a bit with the smaller ones of the five. Didn't last long as all of them, except Cu, sat down near a tree. Watched Cu head over towards the crying idol. Array then decided to go over to the pond and lay down for a nap.


Woke up in the shallow waters of the pond, Array stayed a few minutes before deciding to finally get up. Looked around to see a group of deer resting by the pond, but payed them no mind. Drank a bit of water before trotting into the woods. Did not get far as he became aware someone was following him. Turned around to see the little fawn Viola. Array was a bit shy at first, but quickly started playing with the fawn. Found that flying over the pond was quite fun. Eventually calmed down as Viola had found a dancing partner. Being not quite a good dancer and figuring that the fawn would have fun with this deer, Array chose to leave the two be and made his way to the nearest mushroom circle. Was pleasantly surprised when Viola came back and settled down next to him. Accidentally dozed off for a few seconds and then got back up. Playfully turned the fawn into a bat and watched her fly around and hide in a tree. Array stood by for a few minutes as Viola curled up to sleep, then decided that he needed sleep too.
Art stuff

Original Concept by me

Incredible art from Flora-Tea
Name: Array
Title: The Scarred Stag
Nicknames: none yet
Gender: Male
Sexuality: heckifiknow
Age: Adult
Set: Great Argus Pelt / Golden Butterfly Mask / Long antlers (are those even the right names?)
Size: Around #10 and #17
Scent: Fresh rain
Voice: Not right now
Haunts: The pond, Mushroom circles

Click for Warnings and Disclaimers

I love this guy, already XD

I love this guy, already XD

Yay, a bio!

Yay, a bio!
Thais's picture

Oh so he was the bunny with

Oh so he was the bunny with pup and Thais today c:
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥

Oooh pretty new picture of

Oooh pretty new picture of this handsome bab!
Elkwarden's picture

@Thais Yes that was him c: I

@Thais Yes that was him c: I hope he didn't bother her too much.
Pup was nice enough not to eat him haha

@Flora-Tea i messed up his mask shhhhhhh
Chizzu's picture

pfff he is a generous pup

pfff he is a generous pup Laughing out loud
even when he was slightly surprised that Array is no rabbit today

Lemme track this