Newbie Introduction + Agora's Basic Information

Mavis28's picture
Hi, I joined a few days ago and I've been kind of stalking around the place. I was thinking about making a character I'd use in the game, as I already kind of have a personality established that I use in the forest, but all these cool CSS biographies are kinda scary so I haven't really worked on one yet. I've looked around a ton and think It's pretty cool here. I kind of enjoy just looking around for now, so you might not see much of me around here, but I'll still be peeking at biographies and role play threads. I've met a few deer in the forest, made some friends, and looked through guides and stuff on here, but any additional information or help is appreciated. However basic information about my deer will be found here until I make an official bio. (well, if I make one... I'll probably make one once she ages and can keep unique coat colors)
Name: Agora
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has the average fawn's appearance, but is subject to change as her light brown coat is occasionally shed to unique colors that last a terribly short while. Her face is very plain, but changing as she gets older. She is often found with pink forest flora adorning her small antlers.
Personality: Being very cheerful, she is the type that loves running and playing. She is very curious, but can be shy after a bit. She likes getting the attention of other deer and entertaining others in her company before feeling sheepish and running off. She stands her ground if she feels threatened, only doubting herself if the threat continues to last a while. Her differing traits manage to all exist harmoniously, luckily.
Misc: She often rears when she is excited, and it is more often than not a happy or playful gesture. It is, however, occasionally defensive if she is feeling threatened or crowded. She dislikes her human face.
Pictogram: Here

Since I'm new I apologize in advance if I happen to do anything frowned upon or not encouraged. I assure you it is most likely a mistake on my part that I will respond to if kindly reminded so. Smiling

Hello and welcome to you

Hello and welcome to you both! Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself so far C:
CSS is a nice thing to have a basic knowledge of, but its not a vital component for a biography to be found interesting! Getting familiar with everything here is a learning experience in itself, hehe.

Agora sounds like a lot of fun! She's more than welcome to hang around any of my deer (I have quite a few... hehe)
Mavis28's picture

Thank you for the CSS

Thank you for the CSS reassurance! I'm terrible at coding, but I'll learn eventually. I'll make sure to keep an eye out in the forest, Agora won't hesitate to say hello Smiling
Agora's temporary mini-bio here

No problem! You're welcome c:

No problem! You're welcome c:
Eq's picture

Hey there - welcome to both

Hey there - welcome to both of you c:
She sounds sweet - feel free to come play with my Ansel if you see him waddling around. ^-^

As for CSS, please check out Unplugged's link collection. If you're already familiar skip "Basic CSS" (which I would otherwise recommend) and try to check out some of the other links, perhaps "The Structure of a Blog Entry". Personally found reading the comments useful, but there's quite a few, so... yeah. Do what you feel like. :3

Other vital link collection by Jahla.
tigerart27's picture

Hello hello hello! Nice to

Hello hello hello! Nice to see a new face, I hope you enjoy your stay! Seconding what Fish said, you needn't worry about fancy CSS. It's strange if you've never seen it before but you might find its quite fun! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to someone here. Even me!
And hello Agora! You sound like such a fun individual! If you see my little guy in the forest, you can come by and say hello!
Aivilo's picture

Welcome! There are also a ton

There are also a ton of player-made templates available for use if you'd like to go that route :3 Some members also do custom coding for others.
In addition to Jala's directory (mentioned in a comment above), you may find this useful.

Hi!! I'm pretty new too, I

Hi!! I'm pretty new too, I look forward to possibly seeing you in the forest! Awesome to know you're enjoying it so far. The biographies scare me too, they look so professional geez. I haven't even made a description of my deer, Jutin, yet. Really hoping to meet you! >v>
Mavis28's picture

Thank you guys for the

Thank you guys for the information and support! I'll try and check out everyone's bios and such sometime soon ^-^
Agora's temporary mini-bio here

She's so cuuuute ;w; ♥

She's so cuuuute ;w; ♥ My Allison was with her today! She appreciated the company <3