My opinions on....everything? (LONG)

Shiori's picture
Bleh…not sure if I need to apologize but I’m gonna. I have been away the last 3 days thanks to non-consented late-night family outings/ power going out/ internet staying out >< The saddest thing is I’ve was so worried I was missing something and all my other sites were exactly as I left them >< Seriously depressing. There were a few pages here…and a few posts I most certainly need to and will address, but that’s all…This place isn’t the only place that’s dead, you guys. It really isn’t. I play at a lot of RP sites and creative games and they’re all pretty vacant. But anyways…AS for those posts…I hope you guys don’t mind if I try and reply to them all here? >< I just cant organize my thoughts and it’s easier for me, plus they might not get read if I post a couple pages back. I’m sure I’ll miss some things but I’ll adress the things I remember most anyways.

School HAS started for most people…and seeing as EF is kept busy by mostly young people, that is going to play a factor. A big one. That seems to be the reason most the other sites I visit are dead.
Before my three day disappearance I was on quite a bit…Id just leave the forest on and let my deer sleep, checking every few minutes for friends. If I was really bored I’d get up and look for deer in general and try to initiate friendship…which worked for a while but then they’d run off without asking me to follow or disappear from the game…and I was left to sleeping again ><

“This site has gone downhill!”
Erm…clueless Shi again v__v I admit, I came to this site late, when the ‘RP’ thing seemed to be getting on its feet, and I DID embrace it. Some people have their art, some have their story telling…I have Rping. It’s my absolute passion, I’ve been doing it for years, and I can’t escape it. For me it’s just like I have many sides to my personality, and every one has a face and a name and a will, and it’s really hard for me to ‘be myself’, because I’m really just several entities. They all come out as characters. Now, when I first got into this site…I couldn’t relate to anyone else’s deer >< I admit I was a fawn and probably ignored just for being one XD But before I found the community site I was just “Bleh, this is ok, I just wish I knew who everyone was and could relate to them somehow. Enter community. Again, when I first got here I didn’t have high hopes. I’m not really a well liked person so I cause trouble on forums sometimes, and everyone seemed pretty ‘established’ in themselves…so I was nervous and sorta just lurked around. Then I saw people making bios for their characters, the new bandwagon. YES! People here Rped! I felt so much more at ease, and I saw the bandwagon bios as a perfect opportunity to enter into the site. I did, I met great, talented people, and I felt like I was part of something…

Only now to find that, once again, I became part of some great ‘problem’ the older members detest ><

But even NOW…I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why everyone has to be ‘one way’, or why everyone has to care what everyone else is doing SO much. It sort of saddens me… I certainly don’t care if some players role play and others just play their deer as themselves. I don’t treat them any differently in game, and isn’t that where it matters, guys? I mean, I’ve HEARD of all this ‘in game’ drama but I’ve never really seen it, at least not to the point where it affects anyone outside of who seems to WANT to participate in it. And again, that creates the ‘some deer are favoring others and it’s not fair!” argument. …Boo…hoo? I dunno…I guess I don’t understand this obsession for some people to have to be friends with EVERYONE. I don’t take the word ‘friends’ lightly at all. Everyone preaches that this community is a FAMILY and we should all be BEST FRIENDS and NOT FIGHT and have NO DRAMA, blah blah blaaaah….do you LIVE in the real world? XD Sorry but if you can accomplish those things you’re either 1. Not human, or 2. Not being honest with other people, and in that case, that’s just the illusion of a conflict-free nature, not the real thing.

As for the favoritism in the comment/fan art department…eh. I admit freely I’m bad at comments. I get discouraged when I have nothing creative or new to add and sometimes I just don’t bother, especially if I have commented on that person’s art a few times before and I assume they already know I think it’s “awesome’ and I ‘love their style’ and…other…cliché comments >< Kumiko, I LOVE your story…I honestly think it’s one of the better ones written, and I’m really disappointed no body else is giving it that recognition…however, I can give a few guessed as to why >< One…some people have a lot of stories to read already. I know I get confused about which story is which and all the plot lines and bleeeh they get so hard to follow, especially when they aren’t the most creative or well put together. OR, the second and most likely….your story doesn’t involve anyone =/ It’s just Kumiko and other made up characters nobody knows. You didn’t make a list and ask people to be a part of it…and so nobody cares. That’s why I kind of hate lists >< I don’t offer my characters up anymore because I can’t bear to see them meshed into a story they wouldn’t normally be a part of or misused somehow XD And at the same time I do feel a little left out… I guess I sort of expect that if one of my deer’s friends were to write a storey including others from the forest that my deer would automatically be in it because our deers are buddies! Why not? The same thing goes for Fan art. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I ‘expect it’, but it certainly makes more sense that I’d get some from them (Not including those of you who aren’t drawers :3 -snugs Kumiko-) That’s why I felt sort of bad for doing that picture request list a while ago and stopped to focus on friends….it wasn’t MY fault my artistic muse decided to take a vacation at that time >< I know some of my friends still haven’t gotten anything from me, BUT nobody else has either, so rest assured you aren’t being skipped, I’m just incapable ><

Also….for ANYONE who has been a total champ and has managed to read to this point, I want to ask a favor. I think there’s a lot of dishonesty floating around, and that above all things makes me uncomfortable. Blackhoof’s post especially about being bothered by some people but refusing to name names…what is that? Are you TRYING to make us all paranoid? XD if you’re gonna make a statement like that, go all the way…otherwise it’s empty and confusing and doesn’t solve anything >< Anyways, I want to ask that ANYONE who has something to say to me, PLEASE say it. The dishonesty and unknowing in this game alone is enough to make me uncomfortable being here anymore, and I would feel much better about IT and myself knowing how people feel…EVEN if most of them are negative messages of some kind. I need to know honesty. You don’t have to tell me in reply to this message…PLEASE if it makes you comfortable, send me and email. I will make this promise as well. If you don’t want me to reply to the message, I wont. You are free to say whatever you want without any consequences ^^ I am that desperate XD

Anyways…final note. I love this game. I love being with my friends on it. I love role playing. I’m sorry if my passion and my flaws make some people unhappy…I guess you can’t please everyone, and I’m certainly not going to aim to try. I’m sick of people leaving this game on excuses like “Well, I’ll take a break until activity speeds up again” (sorta a paradox don’t you think? @_@) or “I can’t handle the drama that doesn’t concern me whatsoever so BYE”. Why can’t people just get along and accept what other people like? Why can’t you avoid the community site without losing passion for the game or trying to attack the people on it / the site itself? There are plenty of things people do on here I’m not personally in agreement to or understand, but it doesn’t ruin the game for me. I just don’t get it. I really want to, but at the same time, I don’t…I don’ want to feel this misery everyone else seems to be feeling ><
I have a feeling my friends on here will go…or give up on things I adore them for. Maybe when they’ve all gone, or have lost interest, which seems like a big black cloud looming just ahead, I will give up, too. Until then…GET YOUR ARSES IN THE FOREST!

-scuttles off-

Don’t forget to send me those messages!
Anzel's picture

*shall send you a message in

*shall send you a message in a sec, has it all typed out and is scared of the response*

I...agree with everything you said. And yes, I read all of it.



p.s. no one likes rping anymore anywhere X.x *is sad*
Shiori's picture

Thank you Anzel ^^ And I

Thank you Anzel ^^ And I don't have to respond if you don't want me to.

Ugh, and I know Axie >< I role play on Board2go places, and it seems everyone that is 'left' rping are totally clueless XD And unwilling to learn -sigh- It's been very disheartening.

Anzel's picture

It's alright, you can

It's alright, you can respond Sticking out tongue

I'm too afraid to post a 'what do you think of me and my deer' board, because I'm scared to death of being ganged up on and yelled at. Ugh. I wonder what people call a phobia of being yelled at, because I have one. *ugh* And I know how I got it, a long, long time ago.
Kumiko's picture

First off I want to

First off I want to say...You've made my day. I'm not sure how far back you browsed through the diaries when you returned, but the other day I was just discussing about how I've been losing my motivation to write because of lack of interest. But now hearing that at least one person finds it to be good makes me want to finish it. ^_^

Anyway, I pretty much agree with the things you've said. I do feel that a lot of people overreacted with the supposed drama. Yes, it is true that you could see the drama developing in the Forest. I'm sure those who witnessed Kumiko looking sad whenever Reetno would run off or sadness between Darcy and Fulu could figure that something was going on. Though most of the time, those event occurred away from other players or late at night when hardly anyone was on. Maybe it's just when I get on (since it is normally late at night) but I've never see drama so heavy by another player that it effected me playing.

Then when things said on the Community Site...I guess it's just too hard for people to not click a link to something drama related if they don't want to deal with it. The drama could have stayed underground and between those involved because it was a choice to read the entry or not. Then those who claim that these drama cases shouldn't exist because it doesn't include everyone need to grow up, especially if the people not included in a situation are people who never wanted to be in a role play to begin with. Seriously, you're not going to die if your deer isn't included in every story, in every picture, in every poem...I'm sorry if you feel left out but if that's the case, then you might as well apologize to me, too, and to everyone else because chances are, they and I were not included in everything you did.

Yes, being apart of something is nice but there's people out there who haven't gotten shit from anyone...Who have never been included in a story or received fan art or were specifically talked about on the site...Unfortunately, that's just the way things are sometimes. Some people get really liked and popular; others find their ways into small groups; others just kinda sit on the sidelines. Yet even with some people being left out, I have never really seen anyone not include someone or offer to let them join like what people claim. Even with little drama circles and love triangles and whatever else squares....People were always welcomed to join in if they wanted. If they choice not to, then well, what am I suppose to do?


Avy by Hermeleentjen.

* Twilight's Child
* "Perfect" Prince
Shiori's picture

Bleh, yeah...I don't get

Bleh, yeah...I don't get posting that up XD People are either going to gush dishonestly about how much they like you and your characters or just not reply XD Or say something mean...though I haven't seen that yet.
I don't 'yell' at people unless they're yelling back =/ Unless you consider someone being in honest disagreement with you as yelling. In which case....-squeak- I guess I yell a lot? XDD

Anzel's picture

*hopes she doesn't cut off

*hopes she doesn't cut off an edit*

It's more dad yells at me. Not loudly...not swearing, not screaming at the top of his lungs...just...gah. There is a seriousness in his tone of voice. He looks at me so rudely. He will lecture me, very strictly and severely. He will not let me say a word. He will likely come back after the lecture to say more. Worse, if I tear up, he will get ticked. Because apparently, I shouldn't cry. That has NOT helped me to control my crying. Being yelled at for's basically a double whammy. He doesn't understand my emotions or my moods. :/ After a time, I've grown afraid of...lectures/speeches said bluntly towards me, and things as such. Because of him. And he got his speech/lecture way from his parents, as cruel as they were. Meh. C'est la vie...
Shiori's picture

Kumiko: Yay! I made someone

Kumiko: Yay! I made someone happy! XD

I’m definitely the kind of person who does better in small groups >< Actually, I’m kinda both B and C…I’m usually friends with the people who are the outcasts XD Not sure where I am here…doesn’t matter, but I definitely prefer a small group, and I’d much rather have a couple great friends then a ton of ‘loose’ ones. It’s impossible to include everyone, but I do realize some get a lot more recognition than others. I’m not even sure why…maybe they’re just better at being overly friendly XD I’m not beyond being a little jealous, but, once again, not getting fan art doesn’t ruin the game or the community site for me >< I AM more inclined to want to get to know someone who shows enough interest in my deer to include them in art or a story, sure, but I don’t hate on the people who don’t. I think this is the first community site I’ve been on where I don’t specifically despise anyone XD I mean sure, there’s plenty of people out there that I don’t agree with and that bug me sometimes but not enough to start anything.

Which leads me to you, Anzel. Maybe I’ll just save it for a response, though after reading that I’m thinking it might be better not to answer. I will be honest with you if I do…though never am I purposefully mean or overly critical of anyone. I want to say more but I do think it’s best left to a private discussion, which I’ll hopefully get to later on. I’m so scatter brained right now @__@

Anzel's picture

Alright...well, I'll leave

Alright...well, I'll leave your topic for now, I apologise if I disturbed. Just tell me...what can I do to not bother you any further?

You're right,'s likely best I don't know. I'll hush now.
Pegasicorn's picture

I applaud your post. =] You

I applaud your post. =] You said so many things I agree with but could never word right.
I'd add on more to this, but I'm not usually great with words. Tend to confuse people by accident, or say something that can be taken wrong. XD;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography


Roleplayers unite.


Ohsnapplecakes in a basket.
Obligatory crazy blog guy.
Naryae's picture

You have just said

You have just said everything I've been thinking, only you actually got around to putting it into words. The players of TEF are very diverse with differing opinions, which is awesome, but then there are times where people become very close minded and demand that the other side see things their way. I can understand the different "debates" around TEF; things about mates, roleplaying, ect. But when people let it alter the way they play and the way they perceive the forest and other players, it just seems like... to much. I think part of it is a dislike of change, part of it is just a human's natural desire to have things done the way they see is best.

Oh, and I have the exact same feeling about comments. I feel really insincere if I just comment because I'm supposed to. If I have nothing new to add, why comment? The artists has heard it before, especially if I've commented before. And besides, some people are just very shy about putting their ideas and thoughts out there where they can be criticized. People like me >>

I think it is absurd to expect a perfect community, too. Sure, we're mostly a friendly bunch on the forums and such, but to expect a place where everyone agrees, where there is no "drama," and there are no fights or people feeling left out is... is a fantasy, really. Man sins, man makes mistakes, and that means that everything man does is going to include those mistakes, the TEF community included.

-sighs- a lot of people talk about how the Forest has changed, and I can see that, and I can see how it's gotten worse, but then on the other side, I can see how change is inevitable. Sometimes I just feel stuck Sticking out tongue

But, alright, I'm sorry for rambling on >> I don't really post much, especially on more sensitive issues, so when I do I just kind of let the ideas explode onto the screen and hope it makes some kind of sense to the reader.
Sqish <3 Echo