My deer

Ok, I now have an account, but my deer is missing the pictogram above it's head. I find that really wierd. Is this normal?

You have to log in. c: Press

You have to log in. c: Press 'esc', click 'Network', and then type in your username and password. You'll be a fawn for 30 days from the exact moment you registered. Welcome to the forest! ♥
MissButterflyCaught's picture

Here are a couple links to

Here are a couple links to help you. If you read through them and explore them, you will learn pretty much everything you need to know about the game and how it works, as well as the Community and how it works.

Welcome to the forest!

Thank you, I am now a fawn.

Thank you, I am now a fawn.

Thank you

Amber you're here!

Amber you're here! *glomptackle*'re gonna love it here c:

ouch >.< glad to see you too

ouch >.< glad to see you too

Of course...I told ya this is

Of course...I told ya this is one of my top hangout posts c:
Yeah you'll love it you can see this community is really welcoming.

i had the same problem but

i had the same problem but dont worry it shows up eventually just wait for it and if it doesnt then it weired :3

the problem was solved.

the problem was solved.