Picto: The Schemer
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult (26-year-old Humandeer)
Orientation: Bi
Antlers: Doe
Pelt: Space Baluga
Mask: None normally. Experiments. Will wear the Whistling if she's upset.
Voice: Her words are colored in #3A66A7.
She was executed for the murder of her husband and the woman he was having an affair with.
Having come to grips with the animalistic existence she now lives, she has started off quickly -
searching for powerful stags she can entice into protecting her.
Modus Operandi
She is not a kind person, but she is social. She will quite happily jump into merry-making, but
with only one thing in mind - finding a stag who will blindly protect her. She has always had
issues with insecurity and deeply desires someone she can hide behind. She can be this way
about does, too - if she finds one bigger and butcher than she is, she'll do all she can to get that
doe on her side. However, she has a soft spot for fawns - she will take time to entertain a
lonely or sad fawn, and secretly delights in great crowds of the yammering children surrounding her.
She will not, however, put herself in danger for a fawn. She really isn't a decent person.
She has a full, rounded figure, quite a one for attracting the stags. Her face is attractive by most
standards, with the look of a heavily made-up actress. She has a smooth way of walking that causes
her hips to sway a bit more than necessary, and if feeling coy she will sometimes wear the Venetian
mask. She has a sly, conniving look to her when she isn't putting on an innocent little girl face to
lure stags.
-flails- stalk
Track. >>
Oh, I am so stalking this~
Definitely trackin! My Joro
Wow, I didn't think she'd be
I see a lot of stags that are controlling fiends but not many does. I guess I needed to be taught. 8D
Bintaroung is that a sadface? D:
lol, no I couldn't think of
lolkay c: Just checking.
Just checking.
My interest is definitely
Aw, Tails was going to come
Next time he sees her in though, he'll stop by to say hi.
Aww, okay! She was briefly
Hehe, It was just this darn
stalk Tracking~ 8D She sounds
stalkTracking~ 8DShe sounds like an interesting character, I think she and my Umay could get along well, lawl. 8'D I do love that picto, too. xDDDDD
lolthanks! And yeah, Mal is
And I totally loved that picto the moment I saw it xD