{ Land of Confusion

Paavo's picture

Birds chirped happily high in the trees. Their songs carrying out across the Forest like cries of joy, thanking the gods for the first taste of sweet Spring. The rain clouds had rolled away over night, surprising many of the inhabitants with the bright, warm sun's smile. The Forest glowed as new life sprouted. Flower buds began to open; their pedals adding dashes of color to the green canvas of the hillsides. The trees' leaves began to appear, clothing the bear branches yet again. The frogs dug themselves out of their winter dens, cleaning off the mud with their first swim of the season. Their loud croaks adding bass to the silent strum of the water as it splashed gently onto the banks.

The water was still cool to the touch, causing a chill to spread over Paavo's body. Shivering, he leaped out of the creak. His damp golden pelt sparkled in the afternoon sunlight once again. He spread his legs and shook his whole body sending hundreds of small water droplets flying off his fur. While a heavy feeling continued to sit within him, a refreshing comforting feeling rushed over him as the mud had washed away.

A gentle breeze blew past him. His fur and goatee swaying as the gusts brushed again him. Another shiver shot down him; he needed to dry himself or the chill would never leave. Typically he would have darted through the Forest, allowing the warm air to dry him as he ran just as he had done months ago but the free feeling he once had had vanished almost completely. As he watched other deer run and dance in the distant, Paavo gave a low sigh as he turned towards the bridge.

Clip! Clop! Clip! Clop! Paavo's steps were heavy as he stepped onto the stones under him. Stretching, his tense, sore muscles relaxed a bit before he collapsed. The warmth of the sun-heated stone rose through his body as he slowly began to feel his fur dry. He sleepily rested his head on the edge and stared out before him.

The pond's water glistened in the sunlight. Below the surface, he watched the koi fish swim in circles. Their golden and red scales shining like jewels. A small, faint smile came cross him as he watched. The fish themselves were not too amusing, it was the memories he had. Somewhere from deep within the back of his mind, he could hear fawns laughing and the sound of splashing water.

"Paavo, c-c-c-atch me!" a playful young doe called out as she dashed through the shallow water.

"I'm coming!" replied a budding stag. He hurried as quickly as he could after her but as he emerged from behind the cattails, the doe wasn't there. Standing tall, he sniffed the air. Her scent was faint but near. He smiled as he began to look around, "I'm gonna find you!" Around him, he could hear silent snickers coming from within a near by tree. The snickering grew louder as he approached.

"Found you!" The stag called out as he leaped at her.

"You f-f-found me!" the doe said in between laughs. The two smiled as they tumbled in the grass before their second chase began again. Disappearing in the distance as Paavo's memories drew far and brought him back to reality.

Sadness lingered in his misty gray eyes as he shifted his weight. Blood flow returned to his numb legs beneath him when from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of [i]her. Her swirled pelt looking as beautiful as he had always remembered. He spent some time watching briefly as she galloped and leaped with an unknown, but kind hearted stag. Paavo did not know him but even this stranger seemed to be eager to call Paavo to the doe's side just as Wyrven, and even Masque, had.

A lump developed in his throat as visions form earlier in the day flashed before him. The images of the two of them were fresh in his mind. He was pleased to see that her conditioned had improved compared to the other day but his heart still hung on a weak thread as he remained away. How he wished to join them in their leaping but he dared not interfere. The mistake had already been made once; he had tried to approach her just as the yellow-stripped stag requested earlier. But much like the days before, the doe refused to let him near. Tortured and sore, Paavo had backed away. He could see in the other stag's eyes a longing feeling to play with her and he did not want to destroy their play.

He shook the image out of his head just like his fawnhood memories and closed his eyes. "Don't they understand?" he spoke to himself. "I'm a stranger to her...I thank them for trying to help but this is something that I need to work on. This is up to her to decide if I am worth to be near, though I always knew from the beginning I wasn't." He tucked his head close to his body as he slowly began to drift to sleep.

"My wish had come true; at least one of us is happy and I'm glad it is her. Perhaps one day, I can be apart of it..."
Fledermaus's picture

Well written, but

Well written, but depressing. :C
I quite liked the descriptive intro.

dindra's picture

i like it!

i like it! Smiling
Shiori's picture

Agreed! Well written but

Agreed! Well written but depressing! That about sums up everyone's writing I think XDDD
Not sure what to say here otherwise :3 I'm glad he hasn't given up like I thought he was...and tht other deer keep making a big deal out of it...

Darcy, Shyla, and Kailani's Updates/Bios
Kumiko's picture

I wasn't expecting so many

I wasn't expecting so many nice comments. I kind of rushed through it late last night before bed, but thanks. XD


By: Rowan