Is it just me, or....?

Fledermaus's picture

Does anyone else hear extra odd noises in the Forest right now? I keep hearing this squeaky door-opening type of sound around me, and there's this one little tree that makes this weird harmonica chord every time I pass through it (I'm going thought it back and forth, and it makes that noise every time). I swear I'm not making this up! xD

Is this unusual or I am just not observant enough? Or does everyone think I'm crazy? xD

-giggle- I hear them

-giggle- I hear them too...but I think they've always been around. The door screaky one is, I think, the sound of the trees swaying and creaking...and..are you sure the harmonic noise isn't coming from the big oak tree?
Ephra's picture

The squeaky noise might be

The squeaky noise might be the sound of a branch falling (at least, I think that's what that noise is) and that harmonica sound happens when you pass through any tree. Laughing out loud

Lacey's picture

You either are hearing the

You either are hearing the oak, which is a deep humming soud. Or you ran through a tree when blue mist appears; it makes a noise.

And the door thing is a tree or limb breaking in the distance.

I hope I was of help. Smiling

(Ephra beat me to it XD)
Fledermaus's picture

No, I know the oak tree has

No, I know the oak tree has this strange ambient sound when you get near it. It's these small little sapling trees that aren't very tall, and I think it happens with all of them. There's one positioned at -96 and -146, I think. I might have heard the creaky one before, but the harmonica thing is new to me. xD I guess I don't pass through enough trees. :3 I also hear a sound every once in a while that sounds like something heavy falling, like a tree, but I've heard that before too. :3

EDIT: Okay, yeah, I'm just non-observent. xD It happens with all trees. I must have my sound unusually high today or something, because I've never noticed it before. You should see me, I'm slowly passing through every tree I can find. xD
phantomhelsing's picture

the creaking noise is trees

the creaking noise is trees swaying. I remember hearing that noise all the time in the woods where I lived up north.

And the harmonica chord you hear happens whenever you go through a tree. Along with the puff of blue smoke X3

your metaphor is cutting into my cankles! >:C

I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
Emiva's picture

I love how the four people

I love how the four people who replied said the exact same thing XDD


Kanaf's picture

those arent unusual, i

those arent unusual, i noticed those noises from the very first day <3

i was never sure what the squeaky door noise was supposed to be, but what Shyla said could be it. and i love passing through trees XD they make silly noises.

the harmonica sounds are kinda quiet, so if you dont play with very high volume, you might not here it. also, it doesnt happen instantly. first you pass through the tree, then once your out itll make the noise.

hope that explains it ^^;

I don't think you're observant enough... weirdo... LOLNOIMKIDDING i love you <3

The Butterfly
The Bird
The Watcher

I noticed that to they've

I noticed that to they've always been around. the door squeak is load O.O It sounds more like a falling branch to me