I'm sorry.

DEERTH's picture
I'm really sorry I'm going to live my feelings over to this blog entry, but I just have to say:
Is Facebook a place where you create enemies, not friends?

Well, as I talked things we were on agreement and liked (they were friends) on Facebook, I suddenly got to this argument with two individuals...
Well, apparently, two geniuses who think they're better than me make me almost cry or hate or scream. I don't even know what. The only thing is, I don't do those things I listed above. I stay positive.

Well, and we had an argument over such things as: Forums and games, fantasy and realism, am I retarded or not and are we trying to still be friends.

The last two were about me. Well, just, about the forums and games, the head-genius said when I'm on TEFc, Warrior Cats RPG or something like that, it's a (I'm sorry, but that's how he said) F****** online roleplay. Well, and I explained, these are linked to games, but he said that these are forums, not games. I tried to explain these are not excactly forums, but only that he jabbered on forums and games are not related at all. Then, I tried (again) to explain, that TEFc is related to the forums, but only you talk about games there. Well, and he hitted again: "How the heck is a stupid fantasy game related to and online RPG or such?!"
And I said, a place like TEFc is a place where you can RP or develop your characters, but he said: "Oooh, look how original I am, I am developing a character in a f***** (I'm sorry) RPG."
And he also commented on my every single word and grammar. It leaded to that that the other one started to hate me too and they started to think I'm retarded (sorry) or something like that. I became angrier and shouted at them (virtually, pfft), while they thinking I'm crazy.
They're people I know in real life, too, so it's not virtual. It's about who they think I am. But they could never understand TEFc or roleplay, forums linked to games such as TEF.

Once again, I'm sorry I had to confess, but I am overreacted. I just had the place to live myself out on. I made myself look stupid, and now I am embarrased. But only because of two 'geniuses' who comment on my every move...
Chickenwhite's picture

People can be some real jerks

People can be some real jerks like that... And adding a virtual space to people you know more often than not creates a barrier, a distance that changes how people act.
You may know them in real life, but if they act like this online, they've shown their true colours and aren't worth spending time on.

They're just petty, little people with narrow minds and if they can't even see how a forum and a game can be connected, I seriously doubt that they're "geniuses".

My suggestion is, don't talk to them online until you meet them again, and then confront them with how horribly they've been acting and tell them how they made you feel. Do it nice and quietly, don't try to start a fight and if they still act like a bunch of jerks, they were never the right people to associate with in the first place.

*hug* Don't let the little people tear you down to their level... Be bigger than them.
GuardianGhost's picture

I was going to write exactly

I was going to write exactly the same as Chicken. You don't have to feel embarrassed at all.
If they just refuse to listen to you, exclude them from your life: you don't need them.
siggy by Pegasicorn
quadraptor's picture

You are a beautiful

You are a beautiful individual and you have every right to enjoy your own interests, just like this "friend" has every right to enjoy theirs. Just because they don't like what you do does not mean that they're right in any way. It's only their opinion and quite frankly, why does their opinion matter?

People are going to judge you for what you do. They're going to criticize and laugh at things they don't understand. But it takes a real genuine person to stand up for what they love and to not let these petty insults hurt them. I have faith that you can be someone like that. It just takes the courage and understanding that you are unique.

There's a reason why we have free will, because if we were all the same then life would be pretty boring.

*nuzzles* People tend to change when they realize they can write something from behind a computer screen and not have any consequences, when they don't realize how hurtful their words can be. But please remember who you are and what you stand for, and don't ever let someone's ignorant opinion ever change you. You are a beautiful person and you have every right to love what you love.

Gustiro's picture

It sounds to me they are not

It sounds to me they are not very good friends at all. Whether in person or online.
I have friends that I know in person and connect with online and I have friends I met online and now know in person. They do not change or they show better sides of themselves one way or the other.
These "friends" are cutting you down. Calling you stupid and being nasty. They are not true hearted friends. Perhaps if they come to you on their own and apologize then they would be worth keeping in your life. Otherwise I say it is time you got out and found someone who will hold you up rather then hold you down.

Also, using the "F" word to make a point suggests they are not very intelligent to begin with. Granted I curse but I normally use curses when I'm excited and joking with friends. I do not use those words to directly attack someone I call a friend or loved one.

Another thing. There are many forms of games.
- Sports, physical games.
- Boardgames and card games.
- RPG table top Games such as D&D and WoD.
- There are story games such as telling a "scary story" together that is often played during Halloween or when out camping.

Video Games are not the only "games" and anyone who thinks it is are very sheltered and never got outside in the real world.

And if you really think about it "RPG Forum games" are much older then "Video games" in comparison. We just didn't have computers to connect with more gamers. After all Online RPG is just another form of D&D and Ghost or other Story type games. Each group of RPGers even have their own set of rules or the common unspoken rules such as no "Godmoding". It really shows what these "friends" of yours know.

Go ahead and ask what type of games your parents or grandparents use to play. What types of games did you play when you were little? Cops and Robers is another form of a "game" and another form of "storytelling" and "pretending". RPG is more like a mix of a game and theater.

But now I am just rambling. XD
DEERTH's picture

Thank you! I've realised my

Thank you!

I've realised my own mistakes and it comes out every person can't be necessarily friends. Well, a lesson to myself (and maybe later to them, too) and it helps quite a lot! *hugs all*

I even tried to fix up problems on that case, that why shouldn't we get back along, like friends, but it seems they are apparently such jerks they really like when they're trying to flare me back up.

Fortunately, there are many other people, who are true friends, like you, it turns out. Thanks for reading and giving advice. <3

I won't let them ruin my mind and attitude.

Edit: Gustiro, I did roleplay in real life when I was smaller. I played animals with my other friends, like I was a cat or deer or something. <)
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin