BluedeerLegend18's picture
Do any of you play I, PREDATOR by Kuma and Animal Planet? There are three maps, and either you are predator or prey. In the first map you can be either a shark or a seal, in the second gazelle or cheetah, and in the third lion or buffalo. Your mission: Survive. You will be with people online, and you can hunt each other. You can talk in the chat box or talk to each other with voice. It's a really fun game. I'd rate the second and third map Everyone 10 plus for mild violence, and I would rate Shark and seal Teen for blood.

If any of you go there I might go as Bluewolf, or maybe emperor whatever I am (like if I'm a shark, I would be Emperor Shark).

I am certainly giving this a

I am certainly giving this a try, looks like fun!
I'll look for you. c:
BluedeerLegend18's picture

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It's somewhere in there Smiling
I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.
BluedeerLegend18's picture


I have a Master's degree in Wumbology.