
Hello. I'm Monster.
And this is my show.
I am a scholar.
I document unusual events.
Welcome to my Monster Show.

~Who am I?~
I suppose it is only appropriate to start my work with the most present unusual being at hand.
My name is of no greater importance, but since I come from a long-since extinct species, you may call me "Monster". I assure you I will not take offence.
I am fascinated by all things hidden, all things dangerous. And so, I have made it my life's work to document these things. This shall be my index.
Why do I document these things?
Maybe it is to warn the harmless and vulnerable, or maybe it is my own grim fascination of that which I have only barely escaped.
I take pictures of the things I see with a very helpful device created by the humans called a camera. I operate this using my mind and dexterity. Best not to ask further about this.
I have only recently appeared in these woods, though my work dates back centuries. Most of it has been lost to time and ignorance. Living beings tend to fear that which is different and so, I have wandered the earth for a long time, searching for a safe haven. This forest seems like such a place.
But darkness lurks behind every tree.
It is my mission to document this darkness.

Oh, and as a last note, if you should have any suggestions on anything unusual I could study, I will be happy to hear about it!

Entry nr. 1:
A strange creature observed among the trees.
A childish giggle accompanied it eerily.

Entry nr. 2
Managed a snapshot of the illusive Rockhound.
Very fast little critter to capture...

Entry nr. 3
Met a very fascinating individual at the ruins while searching for the creature from entry nr. 1.
Further research seems absolutely necessary. Subject is "armed" and dangerous, though recovering from, as he said, "an acid-bath".
How I ever managed to become this dangerous megalomaniac's private doctor is beyond me at this point. Luckily he is kept placid and mellow through flattery, but I can only disguise my nervousness for so long. Thanks to his violent behaviour I have acquired a limp on yet another leg. It will likely heal, but the scars and boils will last, I fear. A small price to pay for science.
I managed a look into his inner workings some time ago... It is truly fascinating! The power of his claw seems to originate from a large organ next to his heart filled with a mix of blood and some unknown pathogenic liquid, I gather. Incidentally, this little looks was also the reason for my current disability. I only praise my lucky stars I am still alive.

Entry nr. 4
-part 1-
A rather stressful week has passed by. This entry will be slightly longer than the rest.
6 days ago, I contacted the malevolent entity inhabiting the blue bowl, as locals call it. I communicated with it and persuaded it to let its current victims be, if I could manage a proper burial for its remains. I managed to recover said remains under the "watchful" eyes of a dear, old friend of mine and their... acquaintance. However, I sustained slight injury to one of my limbs by doing so. Must make future entry on the lake-dwelling beasts. They are, luckily, non-venomous, as I found out. Will bury the bones of the malevolent ghost at the ruins as soon as possible. They seem as good a place as any to do so.

-part 2-
Success! I managed to bury the bones in a quiet, sunny spot at the graveyard, close to a small field of poppies. I do hope my meagre contribution to the grave will be sufficient and will appease the restless spirit. Now all there's left to do is hope for it to work...

An artist's representation of me. How pleasantly surprising!

Another artist's representation of me! A request on my behalf ♥
Kodiana's picture



Greetings indeed! And what a

Greetings indeed! And what a charming avatar~
Kodiana's picture

Hello once again!! Whether it

Hello once again!!
Whether it is possible to have with you acquaintance?

It is very possible indeed~

It is very possible indeed~ Have you got anything particular in mind?
Kodiana's picture

It is glad that probably. No.

It is glad that probably.

Do I understand correctly,

Do I understand correctly, that you want to RP?
Kodiana's picture

To what RP?

To what RP?

Rp'ing is Role Playing.

Rp'ing is Role Playing. Otherwise known as interaction.




GuardianGhost's picture

Made something tiny for this

Made something tiny for this guy.
siggy by Pegasicorn

Omg, it's adorable! Thank you

Omg, it's adorable! Thank you so much! ♥