Take a moment, think about what is making you so upset. Is there anything you can do to fix it? Is there anybody there with you who you can talk to, who could give you advice?
Relax, it'll be ok.
Aw I see, well Sentry, if you can, go take a moment and relax (do something relaxing like take a bath or a shower, read a book) and then go to bed. Frustration always seems darker and worse when it's late and your tired.
"I never found you, because I can't find the graveyard. No matter where I looked."
Are you able to see the black border 'map' in-game? It really helps to find locations and specific deer. If you can't see it, you may need to adjust your game's resolution size; I had a friend with a similar issue the other day.
In any case, hope you feel better soon.
You can see all of the landmark icons and what they correspond to on the TEF main page. http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/home.html -- on the right side, top list. "The Forest" and "The Fawn" obviously aren't landmarks, though, so ignore those.
Aw, there's a group of deer
Thank you. ^^
No worries! (I'm the raven
Oh. I never found you,
God, I hate this. I am FED up. I am crying and I want to hit something.
whoawhoa, Take a moment,
Take a moment, think about what is making you so upset. Is there anything you can do to fix it? Is there anybody there with you who you can talk to, who could give you advice?
Relax, it'll be ok.
no. I'm just tired, and
What are you sick of, if I
Aw I see, well Sentry, if you
"I never found you, because I
Are you able to see the black border 'map' in-game? It really helps to find locations and specific deer. If you can't see it, you may need to adjust your game's resolution size; I had a friend with a similar issue the other day.
In any case, hope you feel better soon.
If you can see the black
Which is? I really can't find
God, i rteally want to hit something. AGHHHHHHHHHGFSDGSDMNFKE!
It's the little gray
Thank you.
Glad I could help! Hope you
You can see all of the
http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/home.html -- on the right side, top list. "The Forest" and "The Fawn" obviously aren't landmarks, though, so ignore those.