Frida Kahol's Deer

Blackhoof's picture

I run forever free
I run forever pinned to a page
By arrows of this sorrowing
World. I never shall be
Truly great. I'm caged
Within a box of pain
And shutters of a
Women's life. However
I furrow my brow in thought
I lack the antlers, thrust
And gait of Diego de
Rivera's work. Never mind.
I put my colors
On the page and there
Create a second life.
I run forever pinned to a page
I run forever free.

A lovely poem, and picture I'm sure some are
familiar with. I don't know who wrote this
poem, but its beautiful.
Fledermaus's picture

She was so interesting- I

She was so interesting- I forgot she had a painting of human-headed deer. That poem is wonderful as well <3

Geethelove's picture

i love her work. and that

i love her work.
and that poems from Robert Brewer. He does a poem a day or so i believe. Something like that.

