Fanart-a-thon #2 suggestion page!

Doe's picture
Alright, so I'm deffinately going to host a new fanart-a-thon sometime in the near future.
But first...
There are a few things we need to iron out, that caused hitches in the first, trial one. (:

So this post is made for people to post their idea, on how to make the fanart-a-thon work more smoothly.

The Endless forest fanart-a-thon is a giant exchange of fanart! Each person that signs up, gets assigned one week. Each week, all of the other participants, draw a fanart image, for the person who's week it is. Get it? Got it? Great! Laughing out loud

This time around things will be a bit different:

1) Only people who have been ACTIVE members of TEF for 3 months will be alowed to join. Yes... This knocks alot of people out of the running, but it's important. Last time quite a few people joined who dropped out, or ran off.

2) If you drop out or run off, without a good reason, (Example of a good reason: A shark ate your drawing hand) then you will be banned from participating in any other fanart-a-thon events. Sorry. ):

3) If you have not completed all of your art for the weeks that have passed, you will not be eligible to recieve your own week, until you have caught yourself up. The people with the best track records will be the most likely to recieve their week earlier than others.

4) I will be capping off the number of participants this time. Between 10 and 15... You guys vote and leet me know what number you think is appropriet.

If anyone has other rules to suggest, please let me know and if they're legitimately important, I'll add them to the list. (:

A few people have asked if they can enter writting instead of art for the fanart-a-thon... Personally I think that maybe the writting would be better suited for another event... But I'll let you guys descide. If you make a comment, please vot yes or no, to allow people to enter writting instead of art. I will keep a tally on this page.
Yes: 0 No: 0

Alrighty guys, let the suggestions begin! Sticking out tongue
SaritaWolf's picture



Maybe have two different "athons"? One for literature and one for art? Personally, I enjoy both, but sometimes I feel like writing isn't as meaningful as a drawing. It's a lot easier to just write something down quick rather than draw something. I know I probably sound unfair but I guess that's just my opinion. I would rather draw for someone than write for them, and I would rather receive art than literature... though I enjoy doing and reading both. -shrug-
Alecsander's picture

Am I insane or was this

Am I insane or was this already posted once before and had a ton of comments on it. -scratches head-
I swear I'm not going insane.

Because I said I wanted to see writing.
Mickkreiger mentioned that you said it would be suited to a separate event but were open to the idea if the community wished for it to be expanded to include writers.
Then Tera(correct me if I'm wrong) agreed.
Bylah posted saying that writers would like to be included since it would be pointless for writers to write for more stories since we have stories to spare. Also that we would like to exchange art for stories instead of it all just being art for art the whole time.

There was also discussion about how some users felt that (was it three months?) was too long and wanted to strike it down to maybe a month or a handful of weeks at most.

There was 3-4 other people who I cannot recall who stated 'Oh I'm so excited/when are sign ups?"

Oh thank god I'm not a loony. It was a separate blog filed under 'pictures' for some odd reason.
Reetno's picture

Not that I could make any

Not that I could make any good suggestions since I think what you have is good enough as far as I see it.
I for one wouldn't mind entering though I'm horrible when it comes to drawing on a deadline (=_=') so I'm certain if I did sign up I'd lose my week, lol... though I really would like to get over this chronic art block I've had for the past... 3 years... sure I can get some things out, but that ends so freaking quickly...

Anyways, I think that it would be better to have writing separate from the art Fan-a-thon.
[edit]*looks at Alecsander post* it was posted before? meh... didn't see it, lol... anyways I do get that point about the 'art to art/story to story' thing... I think it wouldn't be that bad to get a story for art and vice-versa... and that way if you know you can't get a picture drawn in time(like me most of the time) you could just do up a story if you have some inspiration for it~[/edit]

Also, I think the number of 10 wouldn't be bad, since it would mean that it would end sooner(since we have to remember that's 10 weeks(2½ months)) and so other people could get their shot at participating in it.
Alecsander's picture

Reetno, I would assume you

Reetno, I would assume you would sign up and be committed to doing one or the other.

I mean it's a bit unfair if you say "Oh yeah, i'll be doing stories featuring their characters" and then the week of flake out and go "Oops. ah well have a crappy sketch i doodled in my notebook"

Or vice versa:
"I'm doing full body drawings with digital col-OOPS TERM PAPER! Have a haiku that took me 5 minutes to think up"

I figure it is a bit of a cheap scapegoat on both sides ne? Eye
Reetno's picture

If you see how I work then

If you see how I work then you might not be saying it that way, lol... and besides I would only be doing art anyways if I did join since I write worth crap and I'm slower then a slug in a salt trail with writing, lol...(I have over 10 unfinished/barley started stories that will never be finished as it stands)
And besides I wouldn't submit a 'crappy sketch'... if I was to submit a 'sketch' as fanart then it would be an over worked monochrome sketch. I like doing those (^^) they are fun~

But as I stated... I suck when it comes to deadlines and shit like that... I always fail with the grace of my ferret trying to jump from the stool to the chair...

Though what makes you think someone won't do that? Unless there is a rule that you 'have' to do only art or only writing it would a restricting field being boxed in like that if you are both an artist and a writer. Inspiration comes not by just the mind but mostly the subject, or at least it is with me...

Anyway, just so you know I'm not taking your words as anything bad, lol... you do have a very good point with it~ it be very sad though if someone would just threw some crap in someone's face and call it fanart when they made you something good...

[edit]*sighs* I tend to word things wrong alot... yeah I see where you got that idea from... -hits self- I'm not that way myself and I didn't mean it that way... I was really meaning that if you know you couldn't get a drawing done(for some reason) but you knew you could get something 'satisfactory' written in time kinda thing~[/edit]