Dullahan BIOGRAPHY update

SilverRacoon's picture

'Magpie pelt', 'Space beluga' antlers and Magpie mask.


None yet.



Dullahan is, well... a quiet creature.
If approached he will seem a little bit reclusive, but still very polite.

He wanders the forest without a head, no one knows how he lost his head or who he was before he lost it.
Some believe he was a warrior from a time and place long gone.

* The red 'smoke' seeping out of his neck can turn into a 'shadow head' but its mostly used to strike fear in rivals/enemies, and be used as more.
But he doesn't use it often.
* He doesn't need to eat or drink, his inner organs doesn't work... i guess its connected to his head somehow.
*It seems like the 'smoke' helps him to see things around him and sense smell and so on.


( Here Is Hallfir's BIO too:
http://endlessforest.org/community/biography-hallfir )



Woah! That story is amazing!

Woah! That story is amazing! Great job!!!
I thought that smoke (at first) was blood pouring up into the sky, till you said it's just a red smoke.
Goodness that was really nice story and love your pictures too!
Keep it up!!! (; Smiling
Don't be scared to do new things... It's okay to be scared, alot of people will support you along the way. Smiling
SilverRacoon's picture

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! <33
Tuo's picture

This is marvellous! Simply

This is marvellous! Simply brilliant! Love love love the creativity and the time you've obviously spent with that comic. ♥

.: I remember this guy! It's

.: I remember this guy! It's been a while since I have seen him. Epic comic and have always been a fan of this unique and amazing character.
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Flyleaf's picture

I really like your story and

I really like your story and these Drawings you did !
I hope there will be more Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

Wow, this guy looks awesome,

Wow, this guy looks awesome, tracking! And welcome back!
Jennie is so amazed by him as well. xD
SilverRacoon's picture

@jennie Thank you so

Thank you so much!!
It makes me really happy to be back!

Wait you were the one that helped me with the new antlers, right?
Thanks! Laughing out loud
SilverRacoon's picture

@ Fainalotea Omg thank you so

@ Fainalotea
Omg thank you so much!!
I get so happy that someone still remembers him!
Laughing out loud

@SilverRacoon I could never


I could never forget this dude XD He's actually the base reason why I began playing TEF! One of the first deer related to the game that I discovered long ago X3

Yay deer hugs! *huggles*
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SilverRacoon's picture

@Fainalotea OMG!


Shocked Really?!
That makes me so happy and honored to hear!
And Im very happy as well that you till enjoy TEF! Smiling

I hope we meet in the forest someday then!
AlisonRobin's picture

/reading the comic and eating

/reading the comic and eating popcorn
kikinkacze's picture

Dullahan is done

kikinkacze's picture

Track 030

Track 030
gif by Hautakumpu