Did you know I loved you?

Willet's picture
"Ugggghhhhhh" the small stag groaned to himself as he scrapped blue berry out of his pale gray fur. Groaning as his skin was rubbed raw he sloshed back into the water and soaked. The wind whispered songs of life and death, love and hate to him as he simply imageined he was some where else in the world as he offten did! He had only recently left his shadowy home of the forest to eat berrys with a few fawns. His ears where down so that he wouldn't hear the world around him. He watched a small doe at the edge of the forest suddenly jump and ears perk. They swiveled for a moment befor she dashed into the dark shadowy part of the forest. Confused the littel gambeler pulled his head up and hear many deer heaed in that dierection. He smelt..blood! He dashed in that dierection as fast as his thin long legs allowed. When he smelt blood he never whent towards it, the news would spred by the blue jays and crows that filled the forest befor he had a chance to wounder what it was, but for some undesireable reason he was shooting through under growth, schratched by throns, tripping and stmubeling but scrambeling forward not careing about balance. Some where inside his soul and heart his senes screamed *Faster faster faster* so he ran..faster. Others where gathered around, most he had never seen bofor, some weeping others praying, a couple just shook there heads. He couldnt break through the first few deer but as soon as they saw him they parted, as if his presents ment something to this moment. First thing he saw was the crying soul eatting Doe he had learened to avoid. She seemed normal at the moment. As he came closer he notice something that made his mind shatter. He couldnt be shure who it was...just blue fur...not music notes. "Master Chopin" The killer doe wailed. The words hit my ears but did not enter. I stumbeled forward and gentaly nuged over the body. A wailing scream of terror and hatrid broke out from some where close. It..it came from me. My eyes sent messages to my brain but it would not accept them. Cause if it did then it would be telling him That Chopin, that stag he love, his mate, his best friend, his only reason for comeing out ,of the small cool shadowy den he had made him self, every morning was dead at hit hooves. He hadn't said good bye, like some many times befor he had missed out on good bye. The compsers blue and gold fur sparkeled as the branches moved above. Litely blood splattered he really didnt look that diffrent from this stance..just sleeping. He walked over and picked up the shattered antler then began to wrap it tightly with flowers till it held. It wasn't great but he wasnt thinking he didnt even know that the whole time he had been wailing his lungs raw and his eyes had turned blood shot. He then spoke his first words senes the pound. "Ch..Ch..Chopin Luv..do you know that I love you"? Then suddenly his entire body surged and he screamed for almost a minute then gasped for breath. The doe hadn't moved the whole time "Who..who are you" she asked slowly. "Ma ma my name i i i i is Whisper I a a a AM his mate tttttttt" His sobbs and breathin mixing and straining his words, forceing his teeth to clatter as his boddy shook. "Whisper..Im sorry he.." "You killed him didnt you"? His voice was quiet and calm as he stiared at the ground, his black birds mask hideing his burning blue eyes. "Whisper I didnt me.." "DIDNT YOU" He roared and spun around mask clattering next to his loves, showing his ice cold blue eyes rimed with red. The gods had taken his tears and stained a black trail all the way around his eyes then down his face much like a cheeta. She flinched and cryed again "Yes..yes I did" she whispered. "AAHHH" He rushed forward and sliced her soft black nose open. "GO AWAY" he screamed "YOU..YOU..YOU" he had so many terriable things he wanted to call her.. almost did but right then he collapsed to his knees cureled in a ball next to the dead body and cryed. When he finaly stoped the crowed had left except for those close to Chopin, and Dehy his good friend. He pulled himself sternly yet shakely to his feet and began to arrange the body into his favorit sleeping posistion, so he wouldnt be uncomfortabel in his eternal rest. He placed the mask next his head not wanting to put it on him, that showed shame, to cover the deads face. He began slowly covering the body in every flower in slow walking distance. The other whent farther then he and slowly the entire body was covered. It was dark and the fire flys dotted the dark blue sky, like Chopins pelt, it made the pale stag smile. Others from the forest had payed there respects but composers closest friend where still here along with the comforting Dehy light. He sat next to her and mumbeled a incomprhensable thanks. They all sat still and quiet for a while most weeping others to burnt out from crying for hours, they where now just emotionless sins sourounding the body. Then Whisper began speaking "I loved him..he loved me..but long befor we met..befor he met his other love who also passed...he loved music". A minute later they all sung..for hours there voices filled the forest befor one after another they said farewell paryed and departed. When the sun broke Whisper sat there no longer singing but mouthing words to ranom made up lyrics..then he weezed through a broken voice "All songs must end but my love never will" then he stood and walked off to some small shadowy corner and didnt wake up for two days..and when he did the sun seemed cold and lifeless.

I'm sure you put a lot of

I'm sure you put a lot of effort into this blog, but would you mind if I gave you a bit of advice?
I think it would help you get some feedback and would help make it easier for others to read what you've created.
Sonata's picture

;-; You might see, if you


You might see, if you can coax Amsden to let you speak with Chopin.

the composer is driving him crazy you know, rambling on in his head.
Willet's picture

THank you i shal *runs off

THank you i shal *runs off quickly suddenly stops and comes back* who is that?
Willet's picture

*smiles sterangly* Let me

*smiles sterangly* Let me guess..Paragraphs!?

That would be my advice, yes.

That would be my advice, yes. Course it's not a requirement by any means. Smiling
Sonata's picture

his bio isn't up just yet,

his bio isn't up just yet, but you may speak with the captain; Here
Willet's picture

i will fix it my computer is

i will fix it my computer is wired and when I wright it I copy paste it from some where eles and for some reason it takes those spaces out!

Sonata; Thanks he will!