The Diary Parts 9 & 10

fayne's picture
Day 91

It's been a long time since we came in here. I'm pretty sure it's my birthday soon, but I can't really tell. This stupid diary is the only thing keeping me going. If I didn't have something to do I'd be biting the walls by now. As is, I don't really have the strength to do anything but write. My thoughts are getting really scattered, and I'm pretty much giving up on having any more energy to do this anymore. I can't sleep. The screams of the others are pretty loud, but I think it's just because of the treatment. It's a twisted way to be, I'll say that much.

Ugh, my hand's shaking too much to write. More later.

Day 107

I'm going to die. They told me today, in essence, that they've given up and I'm gonna get my brains blown out. I read in a book once that when someone shoots you from close range, your clothes catch on fire. Not the most pleasant thought. I guess all there is to do is wait. I'm not afraid, just tired. Really, what is there to be scared of? The Gods actually showed up yesterday, and I told 'em that immunity was a little much. I guess it was the hurt speaking for me. I told 'em that I wouldn't mind dying here, for good. And, being who they are, they obliged.

Her. I don't even know where to begin. I know she hasn't come. Why? It is probably the smartest thing to do, but I can't help but wonder if she cares, or if I'm just another partner she's cycled through. I wish she would at least try. It'd be kind of poetic - we could die together.


This is getting so weaboish I'm glad it's almost over. |D Unfortunately I can't comment without issues, nor can I find the notebook with Nox's thing in it, so I dunno what I'll do next.
Fledermaus's picture

Ahhhdhghgh MOAR. But I'm

Ahhhdhghgh MOAR.
But I'm worried for widdle Tunafish. :<

fayne's picture

She's bloody insane by now.

She's bloody insane by now. XD Don't worry, she's cool for now, trust me! Smiling
Lyeekha's picture

Aaaaaa Tuna! The Gods came?

Aaaaaa Tuna! The Gods came? And got turned down. oooh tension. o_@

*shuffles to edge of seat*