The Diary - Parts 7 & 8

fayne's picture
Day 64

The questioning is less frequent now, but more intense. They've combined the punishment with the interrogations by now, and it's rather horrific. They're awfully persuasive. I hate how exhausted I'm getting. I might let something slip, the way things are turning out. Thankfully, by the way they act around me, I can tell that Bale's still alive, and that he hasn't said anything. Good man. These little shifts they've got for us are disgusting too - gray and white, with a big number stamped on the back. I'm number 69. Ha ha ha.

I need to get Bale out of here. Now. And I will.

Day 79

Yes, well. I got him out. Tried to get both of us out, actually, but it didn't exactly work out. I was able to snatch some keys and kill some of the officers, and I grabbed Bale on my way out the skylight. It was a pretty starry night, and I figured out what the landscape looks like - we're on a ledge on the inside of a huge quarry. There's a little stream going down that leads to a huge lake at the bottom. Bale was in bloody horrible shape, but he was strong enough to run when I told him to. He headed off into the woods across the way. I was going to follow him, but one of the guys on our tail shot me in the stomach and I dropped like a fly, apparently. The fall wasn't great. They whipped me to teach me a lesson, then threw me back in the cell. I'm done trying - this place is an exception to my motto. There's no escape. At least, not for me.
Fledermaus's picture

Noooo. >:C Let go of Tuna

Noooo. >:C

Let go of Tuna pl0xkthanx.

fayne's picture

lol woah I just realized how

lol woah I just realized how epically I ended this bit. |D -retard-