The Diary - Parts 5 & 6

fayne's picture
Day 47

Bale's here. And it has come to me that we might not get out. They're hanging me from the cieling by my ankles now, and beating me. And they showed him to me once - that's how I know. He looked absolutely horrible, bruised and bloody. I cried that night. It's been a while since I've done that. I don't mind dying - I wouldn't have taken this job if I did - but he can't handle this. I'm really worried about him.

Oh, shit. They're coming. I'll write later.

Day 56

I'm hurting most in the leg. It seems to be their favorite spot - they keep burning me, cutting me, dumping ACID there. I guess they know about that accident a while back. Maybe if I'm lucky it'll numb up entirely.

My hands are shaking and it's making me nervous. They really ought to feed us more often. I've been shaking a lot lately - it makes me scared and furious at the same time. Why can't I be strong enough to get through this? No word from the Gods either - I figured as much, they don't like to influence the human world. This is one situation I wouldn't mind a hand in.
Fledermaus's picture

:'( ----------


Her's picture

Well if you would just let

Well if you would just let Her help |D dude do you have your own plan about how Tuna and Bale are gonna get free LOL BECAUSE
fayne's picture

lol shut up Her. :B Yes, I

lol shut up Her. :B Yes, I do have a plan, I typed all of these at once. XD Besides, how would she help? They don't even know where they are. :U
squeegie's picture

D; this is sad, but still

D; this is sad, but still epic at the same time. I really like these.
fayne's picture

Very glad. c: It does

Very glad. c: It does concern you after all, I'd change it if you didn't. XD