Diary entry

missingmemory's picture

"wanna drink?"

Memory's Diary entry 2

Things have gotten extremely better for me. Now that I'm older and bigger, I feel so more confident. There are still odd thoughts in the back of my mind... but I get distracted from them now, witch is good! (As long as I have a distraction, I'll be fine...)

Take today for example, I made a friend and we had fun. This fawn was so friendly and happy, something I really needed. I managed to turn the poor thing purple though... Ha but its all good!
Though I'm a little sad now that the fawn is gone... maybe I'll meet it again someday.

It seem I'm growing out of my quiet and self consciousness. Its scary, I say stuff that really surprises myself now.

Now to find something to drown my thoughts.... hmm chancing squirrels might be fun? Or maybe I'll hang by the pond and look at the fish, yeah that sounds good. Maybe I'll even find another friend! (wow look at what I'm saying? Whats happening to me? Oh well Its a good thing right?)

Yeah I know boring haha
Embyr's picture

I thought that it was really

I thought that it was really sweet actually ^_^ good job.