missingmemory's blog

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Witch one?

Photobucket Witch pelt should I keep for my deer?

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Diary entry

"wanna drink?"

Memory's Diary entry 2

Things have gotten extremely better for me. Now that I'm older and bigger, I feel so more confident. There are still odd thoughts in the back of my mind... but I get distracted from them now, witch is good! (As long as I have a distraction, I'll be fine...)

Take today for example, I made a friend and we had fun. This fawn was so friendly and happy, something I really needed. I managed to turn the poor thing purple though... Ha but its all good!
Though I'm a little sad now that the fawn is gone... maybe I'll meet it again someday.

It seem I'm growing out of my quiet and self consciousness. Its scary, I say stuff that really surprises myself now.

Now to find something to drown my thoughts.... hmm chancing squirrels might be fun? Or maybe I'll hang by the pond and look at the fish, yeah that sounds good. Maybe I'll even find another friend! (wow look at what I'm saying? Whats happening to me? Oh well Its a good thing right?)

Yeah I know boring haha
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Random thoughts and ideas (Me just thinking out load) <3

Well seeing everyone's great art really makes me want to get some of my own work up and out. *Sigh* but I really need my scanner (was meant to get it last week and the week before that).
I would really like to do some art requests, seeing as I've never done it before I could give it a try and maybe some trades to.
Though I hope all my work I do for them is not terrible (that would be embarrassing).

Wow so bored .... maybe I'll do some more drawing? ...Or collage work, which is pretty much the same (oh yeah finish it all ...) Random drawings it is!

Lol if anyone else is bored maybe they could give me some ideas on what to draw, that way I can get some practice on drawing stuff people want. (It will get me used to requests so I can tell if i suck at it before I get my scanner).

BTW - thanks for taking time to read one of my random rants <3
missingmemory's picture

x Memory's Diary x

Memory's Diary

First entry- 13 October

Something, there's something there, in the back of my mind. Its lingering there... waiting.
How am I suppose to relax with it eating away at my thoughts? Even the butterflies hanging over my head, dancing in all their glory wont make it go away.

Everyday seems the same... I sit alone and watch the world go by, never feeling apart of it. Oh how I wish to be. Others pass me by usually without even a glance in my direction, I'm of no importance while they have their fun.

Strangers sit with me sometimes, we sit in complete silence, enjoying the fact we're not alone. Toughs are the best times, having someone to sit with, together both are lonelinesses gone. However they never stay long, maybe I'm boring? Oh how I long for a shadow, that will never wander from my side.

A trickle of wax is slipping its way down my forehead, a gift, a gift that made a smile grow on my face. The feeling was almost foreign, I couldn't remember the last time I had been happy. This was a gift of warmth and light, to keep me company. To comfort me while again I spend the night alone.


Yes, I got bored. Its a bit too short but I've got a lot of writers block at the moment. Also maybe its a bit depressing... well maybe I'll make her really happy in the future.
missingmemory's picture

X Memory X


Basic info

Love interested: None yet.
Health: 100%
Mental health: 94%
Often wanders aimlessly...

Current Mood:

Welcoming and friendly towards others.


Memory is a quiet natured creature who usually keeps to herself, however she's still young so maybe a friend will come along that she will finally open her heart too; some one who will remember the times they spend together and cherish them.
She's easy to get along with and like everyone she has her silly moments... well maybe a little more often then others. Often you'll find her daydreaming witch usually leads to her walking into things like trees or rocks. She loves to imagine things and create stories in her head to amuse herself. Though she is pretty much a small loner, she often finds herself lonely; this is the best time to try and clam her heart.

She sad that others think her appearance is frightening, she's a softy really so don't be scared!


Nerri - They played together for a bit, maybe more one day?

missingmemory's picture

err ... Help?

OK so I can post new things and stuff but it wont let me reply to anything?

it comes up with

You have to specify a valid author.14974

I don't know what that means ....

And i had no idea where to go for help.
missingmemory's picture

First entry.

Just getting used to the forest and other bits and bobs.
Meeting looks of others and enjoying myself.

Had fun with these guys.

Right now for some more fun!
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