Smily's blog

Cata's picture

Failed at writing Pi'yu's diary entry! Deleted everything by accident! CRAP!

I wanted to write Pi'yu's diary entry of his experiences today... And I wrote pretty much so far.
But I clicked the green "Back" arrow which is at every internet page by accident when I actually wanted to go to another tab on Firefox.
So... I deleted everything.
*curses* ;-;
Okay. This blog entry is just here to remind me to do it again tomorrow or so. ;D I just don't have the patience now to write this again... And it's bedtime anyway.
Goodnight. *hops off*
Cata's picture

Cata's Endless Diary #5, 20th February 2009

Hehe. Cata in the dust again. This time, he can feel the confidence. Everything will be okay, even when the wolves howl.

Everything was white today. White and foggy.
The fog was here again. It was more than ever before. And the bats where around, too.
I quivered. I didn't wonder when I heard the wolves cry again. Closer than the last time they appeared.
But this time, I didn't run in panic. I felt that the wolves weren't in the Forest. And they wouldn't come today.
The Twin Gods promised.
But I hardly saw even my own hooves in front of me. It was too foggy.
The bats flew over my head and laughed.
I just laughed back. They wanted to have fun? Okay, they would get it.

When I went on, I saw a lonely fawn standing in the fog. I stopped when my eyes crossed its; I just saw its silhouette.
How scary.

At first, I went to my favourite place, the Crying Idol. Its red flowers didn't glow as usual. Its tears went down into the little river faster than usual.
Nothing was logical this time. I quivered again.
Suddenly, I noticed a skull-masked stag with a skeleton pelt and big, red antlers.
He tried to chase a little fawn away. In disbelief, I stood still next to them. I wanted to help, but probably the fawn would have gotten more scared because there was another big stag.
But the fawn even didn't seem to be scared. It sticked the tongue to the angry skull-stag and went happily to me to greet me.
I had too laugh. Cute little thing. How good that the stag hadn't hurt it. He just went off. I even saw him laughing a little.

[i]After that, I decided to leave my new company behind - they didn't really stick to me, and I felt nervous in the fog so I couldn't stay at one place.
I went to Twin Gods Hill and bowed. I felt their silent promise that they would keep the Forest safe.
Cata's picture

Cata's Endless Diary #4, 16th February 2009

This time no drama! x'D Noo, it's full of love because he met his beautiful mate Sunfyra! =D <33
But... he also feels sad about Polt... well, read yourself! ^^

Let's start with the good thing. The best thing that ever happened.
I looked into her eyes. She looked into my eyes.
And we knew we belonged together.

We were so happy to meet each other. We were so happy that we felt the same for each other.
But of course, there was still the nightblue doe which had a big place in my heart, too. When I had woken up, I saw her run away from me. I understood her perfectly. She had to clear herself, I guess I hurt her with my decision, even if it was clear that...
There she stood, why Sun and I were nuzzling. She just stood a few trees away from us. I was careful to approach. So Sunfyra did for me. At first, Polt seemed to hesitate, but then she went to Sunfyra and they nuzzled.

That was a good sign. Slowly I approached for myself. Polt didn't run away. I felt something like hope. And really, I could nuzzle her. She even nuzzled back!

I was so happy. I told her my apologies for deciding for the other one.
You know, I'd love to stay your friend, my dear.
Her head sank in sadness. She told me that she would need time.
Of course. I understand. Go your ways.
And so she did. Sunfyra seemed to be very sad about that. I was close to tears, too, but there was just too much emotion around me... I told Sun not to worry... Polt was a nice doe who would come over it.
Well, I hope so actually...

[i]Sun and I were alone now... And I couldn't help to feel impossibly happy, and I knew she did, too.
Cata's picture

Yeehaa! Sunfyra + Cata = <33 =D

YAY! Cata finally asked the thing to Sunfyra and --- they're mates now! 8D
ISN'T THAT CUTE? Awww. Sunny, that made my day! They're so cuuute. Laughing out loud
I hope Sunfyra will accept it to have an adopted child now, Paya.

Cata: I can't tell how much I love you all! Especially you, my love Sunfyra!

Paya: NYAW hi there mummy Laughing out loud

I'll come to the Forest now! I have to celebrate it with Sunfyra! Yippie xD
Cata's picture

My deer's thoughts at Valentine's Day

CATA (talking to his long dead mate & himself): [=#8C0000]Here I am, my dear Peshewa, in The Endless Forest. My herd is smaller, there is just my daughter Paya and the Aura-Seer Pi'yu. That is okay, I am sick of being a leader now actually. Here are no leaders and herds, here is peace and friendship and love.
Oh, the love. The love to you is still inside of me, my deary, I just can't forget you and I never will. But the last time there came more love in my heart. I found a few new friends in this new world, and this makes me happy. I never thought I could be happy again when I lost you. But there are so cute does in this Forest. Don't be offended now, Pesh. I already promised you I'll always love you.
I... I'm just loving so many deer at the same time...
Today is Valentine's Day. It seems like everyone gives gifts to his/her mate now, has fun, has love. There are a few lonely people, too.
I don't really fit in any category. I don't really have a new mate yet. But there are lovers around me...
Sunfyra. She really seems to like me. So I do. She's such a cute little doe, so innocent and nice. I like spending time with her. But maybe she is too young. Would it be okay for her having a daughter? She and Paya could rather be sisters. But I love Sun, I really do. Age doesn't matter...
Poltergeist. But she promised herself never to fall in love. And she won't change it so fast. But when I came to her while Sunfyra was around, she ran away from me. And cried. Why can't we just be friends? Why is she so addicted to think, when you are around with a stag he would break your heart? Even if there is not the big love between you?
She explained me everything, but I still don't really understand how she acts. Everything I know is that my heart is with her. And it would cling to her for a long time if she wouldn't totally break it down.
Cata's picture

Paya's Endless Happenings #2 - 9th February 2009

Another of Paya's more-picture-than-text-diaries! =) The second actually. xD This time ONLY pictures! Okay, she tells a little more about it under the picture. She had a great time with Polt and some others! <33 (But Polt was the only one I knew ^^)
It's pretty long again...
but most of them are funny screenshots! <3
If you're one of the deer in these pictures, please tell me who you are! Thanks! :>
Now: ENJOY! =D

I seemed to be the only one to like this series! Oh, and the Twin Gods of course! But it was sooo funny! x'D

Aw, poor Polt & poor me! xD She suddenly were DOUBLE! D:

I was really wondering... O.O ^^

...but it was comfortable!

Baw, that was sooo cute! 8D

Someone casted the grey mask on Polt and so we just looked the same, apart from the mask! So I tried to give her the mask, but then she had to go... ;-;

See my pose! YAAY! xD

We're acting like there is a treasure map on the ground, and I'm the captain and show her how to find the treasure! x'D

...anybody know this song? ^^

...and I'm alone again...

Poor guest x'D

Cata's picture

All Shawnee Deer

Here I will list the links to my deer's Bios so you can find them quickly and with one page. ;D I'm sorry for spamming the diary page so much! D:
Click the pictures to go to their bios!

Catahecassa "Cata", The Shawnee Deer

PICTOGRAM: >> Click <<
SET: Dark brown pelt. Big white stag antlers. No mask

Payakootha "Paya", The Daughter Of The Shawnee Deer

PICTOGRAM: >> Click <<
SET: Orange (Noh) pelt OR grey (Long Mask) pelt. Magpie antlers. Secretary Bird mask

P-U "Pi'yu", The Shawnee Seer

PICTOGRAM: >> Click <<
SET: Normal deer pelt. Venetian/Indian antlers. No mask.

Cata's picture

[BIO] Pi'yu - The Shawnee Seer [BIO]

My other deer bios
Cata's bio: >> Click <<
Paya's bio: >> Click <<

Name: P-U, but his name Pi'yu is used more often.
Meaning: The name P-U describes his pictogram and Pi'yu is kinda the pronounciation of it.
Title: The Shawnee Seer
Gender: male
Age: 20 in human ages
Family: He has no idea. The Shawnee Herd found him lonely in their territory when he was a little fawn.
Mate: None
Pictogram: >> Click <<
How to remember it: It looks like his name P-U.
Set: Normal deer pelt. Venezian or indian (don't know its name D:) antlers. No mask.
Favourite place: A peaceful, most of the time very lonely place with many red flowers near The Ruin.
Character: He tries his best with being friendly and nice to everyone. But since he's blind and has the aura mystic talent, it's difficult for him to act like a normal deer who can be a friend of someone. So he's really shy, and loves to be alone and watch the auras of the trees to find out their meaning.
If you came closer to him and he suddenly lefts you, don't take it personally. He's just sometimes too confused to stay with somebody for too long.
He also never runs. It's too risky for him; he might run into a stone or something. He flees from spells because the noise they make when they're casted is far too much for him.
Body: Small. Thin. Long legs.
Eye Color: His eyes don't have an iris, but when you look twice, his eyes seem to glow somehow...
Cata's picture

Introduction of Pi'yu, The Shawnee Seer

My new stag P-U aka Pi'yu is grown up! YAY! I decided to introduce him with a little text he wrote. It's how he came into The Endless Forest (already grown-up). But I won't tell anything else, so you have to read! ^^
Just sorry for my badbadbad english. -.-

I woke up in an empty world. I could feel the emptiness around me. It was endless.
I was terrified. Had he really gone here? No, he had a daughter. The little girl wouldn't be able to live here.
I listened but heard nothing. But... was this the call of a bird? Was this place not so empty as it seemed?

[i]I finally decided to walk a few steps, and ... suddenly I found myself in a completely new world.
My eyes are blind. They were always blind, since my birth. I even knew the reason: I don't need eyes. I can see colors without them. Not like you all would see colors. Have you ever heard the word "aura"? It's a spiritual light that surrounds every living body. Everyone. Even you. But nobody can see it except people like me. But your eyes would never work if you had this power.
Well, let me explain more about the auras. They are like colored, moving lights, surrounding your body. Everyone has got its own color. For example, a deer has a midnight blue aura. Blue is a quiet and calm color. Deer with blue auras are like that, but they're daydreaming very often and are living in their one worlds. When they're angry, their aura is in action and it becomes darker. When they're happy, their aura is calm and glows. These are just examples. In a long life of living with aura-seeing I learned exactly how to see and discern every single aura color.
This is my life. It's very different from every others deer's life.
Cata's picture

Cata's Endless Diary #3, 7th February 2009

Sorry for baaad english. Yup. And Misako, I don't know if you'd enjoy this one, because of Cata being so sad about Polt. But... I hope y'all like it anyway. (:
Oh and, many screenshots this time. x'D And long, lol...)

I woke up in The Ruins today. The dust was gone, just like I had known. The wolves were away, too. And they hadn't hurt anybody.
I was feeling good and strong. Especially, when a blue doe with the whistling mask jumped to me. It was Joy, I knew her from Sunfyra! She seemed to be happy to see me, and so I were, too. I listened and saw Poltergeist's pictogram! It couldn't have been better for my next appearing after the horrible dust.
I ran over to Polt, but...
She ran away. I followed her, shouting for her, but she stood on hind legs to dismiss me.

First, I just froze. I really didn't know if I were just dreaming or if this was the truth. Why should she run away from me? Did I do anything wrong? Were she just in a bad mood?
I and Joy listened for her, but she was already far away. I... felt all confused. At least, I had the other doe with me. I don't know what I would have done if I would have been alone. Probably I'd have rammed a tree and got my antlers stuck, which would have been very painful...

So, Joy and I just nuzzled each other, since a few other people joined us. I recognized Lere and Mystress, but I didn't know the deer with the long mask.

We all danced and jumped around a little (I am sometimes really addicted to hopping around. I really enjoy it.), but my thoughts always went to Polt and what could be wrong with her... I listened and heard her being somewhere at The Ruin, with another stag: Corvus.

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